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1、读题要仔细,做题要认真。 (博睿园)感谢选择博睿园 1博睿园五年级英语知识点专项训练博睿园五年级英语知识点专项训练 姓名 班级 成绩 一 英汉互译 (25 分)1. 做家务 2.扫 地 3. 在 家 4.帮助我学英语 5. 擦窗户 6.不用谢 7. 洗衣服 8.做飞机模型 9. 做家庭作业 10.做蛋糕 11. 看电视 12.那是错的 13. 有空 14.拉小提琴 15. 踢足球 16.做游戏 17. 电视剧 18.爬山 19. 打乒乓球 20.下课 21. 放学 22.像猴子跳 23. 听老师讲 24.听音乐 25. 跟我读 26.第一层(楼梯) 27. 打扑克 28.来帮我 29. 唱一首

2、英文歌曲 30.电话里的那个人 31.have breakfast 32.read books 33.in the zoo 34.tiger masks 35.the flowers in the vase 36.go to the theater 37.have a good time 38.look for my white cat 39.help mum do some cooking 40.draw a picture 41.fly a kite 42.a telephone call 43.play computer games 44.in the library 45.jioin

3、us 46.play yo-yo 47.play Chinese chess 48.a box of chocolates 49.two baskets of fruit 50.a tin of fish 二用所给词的适当形式填空(15 分) 1.How many (watch) do you have ? Only one! 2.Wang Bing and his sister often do some (run) in the morning .3.His grandmother often (wash) clothes in the morning.4.We live on the (

4、four) floor of ZhengYangStreet near the hospital .5.There are (three) days in a month .6.Look!Some children ( play) basketball on the playground !7.I often help my mother (do) some shopping in the supermarket .8.Do you like (take) photo ? 9.Would you like (have) some bananas ?读题要仔细,做题要认真。 (博睿园)感谢选择博

5、睿园 210.They want (buy) some fpuit this afternoon .11.Id like (go) swimming with you !12.Let me (teach )you English .13.Please dont (climb) trees .14.Can you (skate) ?15.Is GaoShan (make) cakes ?三根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词 (40 分) 1.他姐姐不在洗衣服,在扫地 。 His sister isnt ,but she is 2.王明在书房看书吗?不,不在 。 WangMing the ? N

6、o, he . 3.女孩们在哪? 在楼上做游戏呢 !The girls? They the . 4.你在拉小提琴吗?是的 。 you the ? Yes, . 5.我家附近有个公园 。 a park my house . 6 他爷爷每天早晨都在公园里跑步 . His grandfather often every morning . 7.学生们在教室里读书吗?the students in the classroom ? 8.李明在书房里扫地。Li Ming in his study . 9.你能来教我做飞机模型吗? Can you and me my ? 10.我现在不能去超市,我在做家庭作

7、业。 I cant .Im my . 11.妈妈在卫生间洗衣服呢! Mother the now . 12.看!那只小鸟在树上唱歌呢! Look ! The bird the tree ! 13.你经常去看外婆吗?是的 。 you often your ? 14.你每天早晨几点上学?六点四十五分 。you ?6;45 .读题要仔细,做题要认真。 (博睿园)感谢选择博睿园 315.可以请找王冰接电话?我是高珊 。I WangBing ?GaoShan . 四选择题 (20 分) ( )1. You are making a model ship .Sorry, you are .Im makin

8、g a model car . A. right B. not C.wrong ( )2.I cant , but I can . A.sing , swim B.singing , swim C. sing , swimming( )3.Whos in the playground ? A. run B. running C. running( )4. What you ,Mum ? I m cooking . A. are ,doing B.are ,do C. is, doing ( )5.Mike is music . A.listen to B.listening to C. lis

9、tening ( )6.-What is your father ? -Hes . A.do ,read B.doing ,read C. doing ,reading ( )7-What you doing?-I drawing a picture . A.can ,can B. do ,do C.are, am( )8.-I like very much .-I dont like it . A. maths B.mathes C.Maths ( )9.-What is Jack doing in the study ?- A.Yes, he is B.No,he isnt C.Hes listening to music . ( )10.-What are John


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