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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语task4之解题办法-智课教育旗下智课教育本次智课教育小编要和大家分享的是一则托福口语备考资料,希望 可以帮助大家在托福口语考试中取得好成绩! 第四题是学术类综合口语任务,要求考生现在45秒的时间内读一段 75次100词的科普小短文。这段阅读材料会笼统且抽象的介绍一个独 立的或者两个有关联的较为学术的概念。而后,题目会要求考生听一段 模仿美国大学课堂的录音。这段录音中的内容往往是教授用生动具体甚 至是有故事清洁的例子来解释阅读材料中出现的概念。那么托福口语该 怎样解题呢?怎样对托福口语 task4进行分析呢?现在就跟着智课教育小 编一起来看看这则托福口

2、语备考资料吧! 阅读材料: Prenatal LearningPrenatal learning is the education of the young before birth. Many observations have been made of animals in the wild which prepare their young for the difficulties that they may face once they have reached adulthood. However, there are certain instances where mothers

3、of young animals begin this education even before their young have even been born. This is called prenatal learning, and for some species of animals, it is a way for them to get a head start on their youngs survival education, in order to increase the youngs chance of survival. 听力文本: M: The murre bi

4、rd is a prime example of this concept. When a female murre bird has young, her baby chicks educations begin a few weeks after the eggs have been laid. The mom murre bird creates a unique sound over her eggs; this sound is repeated constantly until her eggs have hatched. After hatching, the small bir

5、ds are able to identify the same sound that their mother made to them when they were in the eggs. Then they repeat the sound and begin to follow the mother bird around. Since each sound is unique, the mom murre bird can recognize each baby bird asone of her own, feeding, caring for and protecting in

6、 case of a predator. All in all, this unique teaching method helps improve the baby murre birds chance of survival. 一.材料中一些重要的词汇: Prenatal:,prinetladj.产前的;胎儿期的; Our focus is equality in reproductive health, including prenatal care, birth services, postpartum and breast-feeding support. demonstratedm

7、nstret vt.证明;展示 Of course its right that people can demonstrate on a whole range of things, “ he said. hatchhtvt孵;策划 Hatch was convicted in May of conspiracy to commit aggravated battery in the state case survivalsvavl n.幸存,残存 1. That is to say that God made sex as necessary as food for survival. 二.

8、综合口语万能答题模板:the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process /some functions/some features(关键的抽象词)。 XXX is(定义的内容)In the listening passage, the professor goes on to demonstrates it by introducing some researches /analyses This first is(最后一句注意挂钩) The second is(同样挂钩) 针对这则题目的答题模板: T

9、he professor talks about The example he uses to demonstrate this point is about According to the lecture, 三.素材积累:prenatal learning是在出生之前就进行的一种教育 。听力中的主要内容是海鸦在baby chicks出生之前就会向它们发出独 特的sound.所以幼鸟在孵化之后就可以鉴别这种声音。并且虽然每个幼 鸟都离得很近,但是发出的声音都很特别,海鸦可以根据每个幼鸟的声音辨别他们。 四.答题要点解析 范文中阅读要点: Prenatal learning is the ed

10、ucation of the young before birth 范文中听力要点: When a female murre bird has young, her baby chicks educations begin a few weeks after the eggs have been laid. The mom murre bird creates a unique sound over her eggs; this sound is repeated constantly until her eggs have hatched. After hatching, the small

11、 birds are able to identify the same sound that their mother made to them when they were in the eggs. Then they repeat the sound and begin to follow the mother bird around. Since each sound is unique, the mom murre bird can recognize each baby bird as one of her own, feeding, caring for and protecting in case of a predator. All in all, this unique teaching method helps improve the baby murre birds chance of survival. 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福口语task4的一些解题 办法和技巧,希望可以帮助大家在托福口语考试中取得好成绩,考生也 可以登录智课教育论坛下载更多关于出国考试相关的资料学习。



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