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1、内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文 - I - 摘 摘 要要 水平井是我国二十世纪末迅速发展起来的提高油井产量和开发效益的技术通 常一口水平井为同样井深直井成本的 2.53.5 倍但其产油量可增加 35 倍因此水 平井技术得到了石油界的普遍重视水平井钻井技术已日趋完善但受测井仪器输 送困难流型复杂等因素的影响水平井生产测井技术发展缓慢国内许多油田均 已经成功应用了水平井取得了较好的经济效益但长期的开发使生产状态不稳 定部分井见水后含水上升较快产油量明显下降要解决这些问题就要使地质 工作者了解井下生产状况以便其确定更好施工方案这就对水平井生产测试提出 了更为急迫的要求目前国内已大力开展了水平井测试技术的

2、研究工作 本课题受到了国家 863 项目(2007AA06Z231)的资助面向于国内低产液水平 井提出了一种新型的可用于测量水平井产液剖面含水率的电容传感器该传感器 采用筒状结构不阻碍流体流动不破坏流场分布可靠性高针对性强适用于 低产液水平井流体分层流动时含水率的测量具有很好的应用前景 文中给出了筒状电容传感器的结构分析了其测量原理建立了其数学模型并 用 ANSYS 软件对其数学模型进行了二维电场仿真设计了实验用传感器的机械加工 图在室内开展了静态实验并对实验结果进行分析找出了影响传感器响应的因 素高度法原理实验结果表明用该方法测量低流量下水平井含水率具有很好的 重复性和一致性验证了理论分析的

3、正确性通过实验的方法确定了沾污温度 矿化度等对传感器响应的影响程度并指出了其影响机理设计电路并组装了样 机在大庆多相流模拟实验装置上进行了动态机理性实验标定了图版流量范围 530m3/day含水 0100%为现场应用提供了参考依据同时对水平井内流体的流 动规律进行了初步的分析最后对整个课题进行了总结提出了建议和展望 关键词关键词水平井水平井电容传感器电容传感器持水率持水率含水率含水率油水两相流油水两相流 内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文 - II - Abstract Horizontal well, which rapidly developed at the end of the 20th ce

4、ntury in China, can improve oil well production and the efficiency of the development. Usually a horizontal well cost as 2.5 to 3.5 times as a vertical well with the same depth, but oil production of the former can increase 1.4 to 9.2 times, therefore the horizontal well technology has been treated

5、seriously by oil industry generally. Drilling technology of horizontal well has become increasingly perfect mature, but due to difficulties of the logging equipment transportation, and the complicated flow patterns, production logging technology of horizontal wells developed slowly. Many oil fields

6、have already successfully developed horizontal wells, which have achieved good economic benefits, but long- term development leads to instability of well production, and water- cut of some horizontal wells rise rapidly as soon as the well starting to produce water, which consequently make oil produc

7、tion decreased significantly. To solve these problems, geological researchers must understand the underground condition to determine its better reform plan, which made even more urgent requirements to production logging. At present in China, more and more researches on horizontal well technology hav

8、e been carried out. This subject is funded by the state 863 projects(2007AA06Z231), against domestic low- yield horizontal wells, proposed a novel capacitance sensor which can be used in measuring the production frofile water- cut. The sensor with cylindrical structure does not impede fluid flow and

9、 does not destroy flow field distribution. It has high reliability and strongly targeted performance which is applicable to the water- cut measurement of stratified flow, and therefore it has good application prospects. In this paper, the principle structure of cylindrical capacitance sensor has bee

10、n discribed, the measurement principle of the sensor was analyzed, and the mathematical model of the sensor was established. Electric field of two- dimensional has been simulated through ANSYS software, and mechanical drawings of the sensor have been designed for experiment. Indoor static experiment

11、s have been carried out, and through analyzing the experimental results, the factors which can impact the sensor response were found out. “Hight“ method principle experiment results show that using this method logging water- cut of low- flow horizontal well has good repeatability and consistency, ve

12、rified the theory. The purpose of stain, salinity and temperature response experiments is to determine the impact of stain, salinity and temperature to the sensor response, and to point the mechanism of the impacts; the circuits were designed and the prototypes were assemblied, on Daqing multiphase

13、dynamic simulation wells mechanical experiments are conducted and the charts are calibrated, the range of the flowrate 5 30 m3/day, water- cut 0 - 100%. This paper has provided references for the spot application, at the same time it makes a preliminary analysis for the level of wells on the flow of

14、 fluid conducted; finally, this paper concluse the whole subject, made suggestions and prospects. Key Wordshorizontal well;capacitance sensor;water holdup;water-cut;oil/water two-phase flow独 创 性 说 明独 创 性 说 明 本人郑重声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得研究成果尽我所知除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方 外论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果也不包含为获得 内蒙古科

15、技大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料与我一 同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并 表示了谢意 签名_ 日期_ 关于论文使用授权的说明关于论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解内蒙古科技大学有关保留使用学位论文的规定 即学校有权保留送交论文的复印件允许论文被查阅和借阅学校可 以公布论文的全部或部分内容可以采用影印缩印或其他复制手段保 存论文 保密的论文在解密后应遵循此规定保密的论文在解密后应遵循此规定 签名_ 导师签名_ 日期_ 内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文 1 1 1 绪论绪论 1.1 课题背景1.1 课题背景 20 世纪 20 年代提出水平井技术40 年代进行矿场

16、实验80 年代在美国加拿大等国家得到广泛工业化应用现在水平井技术的应用已遍及几乎所有的油气产区成为油气开发的重要技术中国石油在八五和九五期间开展了对水平井技术的研究和应用工作并在不同的油藏中开展了先导试验和推广应用至 2004 年 6 月中国石油累计完成水平井近 400 口其中塔里木油田 165 口2003 年水平井年产油 241104吨占总量的 46%其它如冀东新疆辽河等油田水平井的应用已达到一定规模随着水平井技术的日益完善和我国经济发展对石油资源的需求剧增水平井数量及水平井产量的比重都呈上升趋势 由于水平井的特点其出水方式与直井不同主要有两种底水脊进和裂缝突进根据出水区域在水平段上的分布底水脊进又细分为点状线状和曲面状但不论是底水脊进或是裂缝突进水平井见水后如不采取堵水1措施含水率将一直上升因为水层的能量大于油层的能量底水水藏的体积大于油藏的体积且在同样的地层中水的渗流能力



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