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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料智课名师马富丽亲传雅思作文高分技巧写作对于雅思写作以及国内外各种考试都是考察的一个重要方面。 同学们在备考的时候都很头疼,到底我该怎么备考,到底我该写成怎样 的文章就能取得满意的分数呢?那下边马老师就来为大家讲解分析一下 到底什么样的雅思作文就是好作文,什么样的作文可能得到高分。 写作对于雅思写作以及国内外各种考试都是考察的一个重要方面。 而对于中国学生而言,写作,口语这种输出性的能力是有很大欠缺的。 同学们在备考的时候都很头疼,到底我该怎么备考,到底我该写成怎样 的文章就能取得满意的分数呢?那下边马老师就来为大家讲解分析一下 到底什么样的雅思作文就是好作文,

2、什么样的作文可能得到高分。 一、考官青睐有逻辑的风格 写作其实很注重逻辑分析,条理清楚的文章更为考官青睐。 作文是写作解说文性质的书面产出,不同于一般的记述,除了要把 其中的数据表达出来,更重要的是要进行分析。有部分同学将小作文写 成纯粹的数据罗列,也就是我们常说的一锅粥,是不可能得高分的。 写作的时候除了要把题目给出的信息写全之外,还要注意用词的准 确和用句的得当,要用好的语言把整篇作文组织成有条理、有逻辑的文 章,如果单单只是把题目给出的东西写下来,没有逻辑的文章是不能打 动人心的。二、精彩的作文开头 俗话说:好的开始是成功的一般。好的作文开头也是雅思写作中很 重要的一个环节,一般在评分的

3、时候,考官看到的是你的作文开头,如 果你的开头能另考官眼前一亮的话,你拿高分的几率就上升了。 很多考生拿到作文考题都不知道如何动笔去写开头段,有的会把题 目原封不动抄下来,但如果这样做,在统计作文字数时,第一段就不被 统计在内了。 作文的第一段是情景铺垫,建议考生在这一段要点明这篇文章要讨 论/解决什么问题及问题的背景。作文的首段通常包含以下几个方面: 1. 场景或背景信息,即题目中出现的phenomenon。 2. 一些人的观点(some peoples opinion),这部分在改写文章 首段时可要可不要,考生可按照自己的情况来安排。3. 个人观点,这一部分在有些文章的开首段中也可以不要。

4、 在写作中考虑到字数的合理安排,第一段最好写3-5句话,大约40 字左右,并且切忌在第一段就掏心掏肺把什么话都说完。 三、雅思写作的套路和辞藻 并不是词汇量少就一定写不出高分文章。考试时不要刻意的去追求 词汇多样化,熟练准确的运用单词比生拼硬凑好单词更重要。 雅思作文的评分标准里有一项是关于词汇要求的。这一点不仅包括 词汇多样性,更包括词汇的准确使用。所以对于平时花了大把时间去背 单词的同学来说,不但要能认识,而且关于它的用法,词性和拼写也需 要熟练掌握,这是雅思写作中必备的条件之一。 雅思作文更重要的是你有没有切题的观点,有没有清晰的文章结构( 这反映了你的思路是否清晰),在保证这两点的基础

5、上再去思考词汇的出 色应用才是正确的选择。没有这两点词汇再好也白搭.这就象建房子, 如 果你压根不知道要建一座什么样的房子(观点是什么),不知道房子的结构 应该怎么搭建(结构怎么安排), 你手中有再多的砖块(词汇)也没用。 四、不要盲目背范文 大家一定主要参考国外正宗的老外版本作文,不用用国内那些老师 出的材料。那些材料里有太多的中文习惯和中文式英语。看正宗老外写 的文章条理又清晰,又容易懂。又没有多少生僻字,那是上品。大家不要背范文,主要是练习写作的逻辑结构。逻辑合理,内容顺 畅,而不是堆砌华丽的辞藻。说实话,我都很难读懂那些下载的范文, 看半天没明白他们具体的观点,尽是废话,这是大忌。作文

6、一定要观点 鲜明,逻辑严紧,结构流畅,词汇简单(不要过于简单也不要过于华丽) ,文章中体现出简单和复合句,这就可以了。看范文的主要作用是了解 观点。 或许雅思作文写作技巧还有很多很多,但是以上的观点对雅思考生 的帮助都非常大,雅思写作是有技巧的,但也不只是技巧,只要你是有 实力的,再加上技巧和知道一些注意事项,你的雅思写作拿高分那是没 有问题的。 现在就为大家呈现一篇较好的雅思范文供大家欣赏。 新道通衢,通达新纪= Write about the following topic:Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect th

7、e power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Nowadays, it is common to see advertisements o

8、n television or on billboards in the streets. Some people think that advertising boosts the sales of goods and encourages people to buy things they do not necessarily need. This argument contains some truth. In my country, advertising companies often produce advertisements featuring popular actors o

9、r singers to induce people, especially youngsters, to acquire goods which their favourite actor or singer seems to endorse, whether they need the products or not.On the one hand, on the television screen a product is always made to look attractive and of good quality. As a result, people often purch

10、ase such goods upon impulse. Furthermore, as the number of consumers of a particular product increases under the impact of a persistent advertising campaign, others may be drawn into the trend, creating a large market for products which do not satisfy the real needs of society. On the other hand, th

11、ere are various counterarguments to these objections: The decision to make a purchase is a matter of personal choice. Advertising may not be the main cause of consumption habits. Individuals have their own preferences, and if they have enough disposable income it is entirely up to them how they use

12、it. Also, it is doubtful if anyone can have the authority to judge whether goods for sale are really needed by society or not. Finally, as there is always only a limited amount of disposable income for anyone, people try to manage theirbudgets as best as they can. Advertising can seldom persuade peo

13、ple to spend money that they need for more urgent things, or to spend money that they do not have (for instance, by buying in installments). In conclusion, as buyers have their own strong opinions and views on what constitutes good quality and on what they need and do not need, it is better to leave

14、 them to make their own decisions. It is difficult to claim that everyone is swayed by advertising and always makes purchases impulsively. However, it is a good idea to put restraints on advertising aimed at children and inexperienced youngsters. Otherwise, they might be persuaded to buy goods that they do not need, or to spend money that they do not have! 如想获取更多英语法语考试资料您可以 微私信:北京智课学校(新浪)



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