resons to work through college

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《resons to work through college》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《resons to work through college(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Reasons to work through collegeIn this article, the author indicates that working ones way through college is not better than studying through it. The two misconceptionsthe popular idea that the great objective is “to get through college”; the men who work their way through college are the men who a

2、re subsequently successfullead many students to work their way through college. In fact, there are many values for students to study their way through college. The first great value is to exercise unused and flabby 70 percent of their mental “muscles”, and the second great value of the college is so

3、cial, in the higher meaning of the term. However, in my opinion, there are more values to work their way through college.To begin with the grades that many students concerned most, part-time job seems to improve academic performance. A research which after interviewing and examining data on hundreds

4、 of undergraduates from 1996 through 2004 shows that the average GPA of freshmen at four-year universities who worked between 1 and 20 hours a week was 3.13; those who didnt work at all had GPAs averaging just 3.04. And Charlene Marie Kalenkoski of Ohio University and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia of the

5、U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics did find that while a little work is good, too much is bad for students. Freshmen who worked more than 20 hours a week had GPAs of just 2.95. It confirms that students who work no more than 20 hours a week have higher grades than both those who dont work at all and th

6、ose who put in too many hours. Part-time jobs not only help students grade-point average but also raise their cash. Because work plays different roles in the finances of independent and dependent students, its useful to discuss them separately. As the author claims that the students who had to earn

7、their way have to work their way through college. For these independent students, family income is, to some extent, a result of their employment. So it appears that most independent students work about as much as they can so that they can share the familys finance burden. For dependent students, the

8、re is no clear connection between family income and working. The working experience would help them to learn budget. Those who take a part-time job and entertain their own money learn budgeting and are less likely to overspend than those who dont work at all and charge to parental credit card.Workin

9、g through college forces students to learn time-management skills theyll need the rest of their life. The college time can be divided into three parts: learning time, sleeping time and the rest. In order to not to affect their grades, theyd better work no more than 20 hours a week. It forces these s

10、tudents to manage their time properly and without interfering with the education. Students are not likely to find that balancing their time between studying and working an easy thing. The time-management tends to be necessary and important. For students who have been employed part-time do need sched

11、ules to arrange the class schedules, choice of classes, or number of classes taken. During the process, they learn the time-management and would be a good habit in their further employment.Beyond the time-management, part-time jobs give students chances to learn what kind of work they like and, perh

12、aps more important, dont like. There are many companies that required some interns. The role of these internship experience is at least part of influence of the further career choices. For some of these students, it can help them avoid costly mistakes such as majoring in something they later learn t

13、hey hate. For others, they may find their goal to achieve and do interested in the field they search for many years and as a result, successful. Work through college may be an extension of lives in college for some students before graduate and the values they got are great. It would be a very specia

14、l experience and memory for college students when they enter into the real world, the preparation (part-time jobs) would be very helpful.适应角色转变,扎实开展团的工作共青团铁东区委书记的述职报告2011 年是适应角色转变、思想进一步成熟的一年。这一年,自己能够坚持正确的政治方向,紧紧围绕党的中心,立足本职岗位,较好地完成本线的工作任务。自己政治觉悟、理论水平、思想素质、工作作风等各方面有了明显的进步和提高。总的来说,收获很大,感触颇深。一、以德为先,进一步提


16、效。三是政治思想素质不断提高。一年来,我继续加强学习,积极参加理论中心组学习,经常自发利用休息时间学习,积极参加团省委组织赴井冈山革命传统与理想信念教育专题培训班、区委区政府组织赴清华大学县域经济培训班,通过“看、听、学、思 ”,进一步加深了对马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、 “三个代表”重要思想的理解,进一步系统掌握了党在农村的路线、方针、政策以及对共青团工作的要求。特别是党的十七届六中全会以来,我通过学习原文、听专家讲课等,开拓了思想新境界,政治思想素质有了新的飞跃。二、以能为先,进一步加强组织工作能力在上级领导的信任和支持下,我本人也自加压力,抓住一切机会学习,注重与同事、与兄弟单位团委书记的交流,虚心请教,不耻下问,使各项工作都有序地开展。一是工作的统筹安排能力不断加强。我尽量做到工作提前一步,有计划、有安排、有预见性,保持思路清晰和决策的科学,力求操作有序,顺利开展。二是工作的协调能力不断加强。在工作中,我注重与上级的及时衔接、汇报,同时也注重与基层的交流沟通,听取多方意见和建议,从大局出发,对


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