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1、(section A ,2a ,2b and 2c)Revision:First peel three bananas.Then cut up the bananas.Next put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.Then pour the milk into the blender.Next turn on the blender.Finally drink the smoothie.Leading:1、How many + 可数名词复数形式 + -?eg. How many students are there in our class?

2、There are sixty one./ sixty one.2、How much + 不可数名词 + -?eg. How much water do you drink every day?I drink five glasses./Five glasses.(注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定要有容器量词)eg. a cup of teatwo glasses of waterthree pieces of paper four teaspoons of cinnamonA: How many bananas are there in the pictuie?B: There are

3、 three ./Three.A: How much milk are there in the picture?B: There are two cups./Two cups.A: How many watermelons do you eat every day?B: I eat four./Four.A: How much honey do you drink every day?B: I drink four teaspoons./Four teaspoons.Practice:1、How many + 可数名词复数形式 + do we need ?eg.How many banana

4、s do we need ?We need three (bananas)./Three (bananas).2、How much + 不可数名词 + do we need ?eg.How much cinnamon do we need ?We need one teaspoon (of cinnamon)./One teaspoon (of cinnamon).Target language:Practice:A: How many oranges do we need ?B: We need two ./ Two .A: How much watermelon do we need ?B

5、: We need three pieces . / Three pieces .A: How many apples do we need ?B: We need (only) one . / (Only) one .A: How much honey do we need ?B: We need four teaspoons . / Four teaspoons .Listening:AmountIngredientone cupyogurttwo onetwo teaspoons one teaspoon threeIngredientsHow much How manycinnamon

6、 bananas2a:2b:yogurthoneywatermelonsapplesorangesappleswatermelon and orange honeycinnamonbananasPay attention to the sentences in the listening:1: That sounds about right .2: What else ?3: Two should be enough .4: This is going to taste great !Please use many or much to fill in the blanks :1、A: How

7、 _ watermelon do we need ?B: We need four pieces of watermelon .2、A: How _ watermelons do we need ?B: We need four . 3、A: How _ oranges do you need ?B: Two .4、A: How _ orange do you need ?(小心 )B: Two cups .5、A: How _ are the shoes ?B: Ten yuan .muchmuchmuchmanymanyHomework:1、Complete the dialogue in 2c2、Do the exercise on your workbook.(Part 3 and Part 4)



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