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1、 1一 难点注释: 1 祖国和平统一,乃千秋功业。The peaceful reunification of our motherland is a great cause in the interest of future generations. 祖国和平统一 :The peaceful reunification of our motherland 千秋功业:A great cause to the benefit of / in the interest of future generations 2 台湾终必回归祖国,早日解决对各方有利。 As Taiwan is destined

2、to return to the motherland ,the early resolution of the issue is beneficial to both sides of the Taiwan Strait 终必: Be bound to /be destined to 回归祖国 : Return to the mother land 早日解决:转译为名词 the early resolution of the issue 各方:Both sides of the Taiwan straits /the sides of the Taiwan straits 3 台湾同胞可安居

3、乐业,两岸各族人民可解骨肉分离之痛,在台诸前辈及大陆去台人员亦可各得其所,且有利 于亚太地区局势稳定和世界和平. The Taiwan compatriots will have roles to play, all this will contentment .People on both sides will no longer suffer from being separated from their own flesh and blood. The older generation in Taiwan and those from the mainland will have pro

4、per roles to play. All this will contribute to the stability of the Asia-pacific region and world peace. 台湾同胞: Taiwan compatriots 安居乐业: live and work in peace and contentment / enjoy peaceful life and contented work 两岸各族人民: people on both sides of the Taiwan straits 由于上文已经提及,此处可以适当加以省略. 骨肉/骨肉同胞, 手足兄

5、弟: Flesh and blood /brothers and sisters 亚太地区: The Asia-pacific region 世界和平;World peace 4 当今国际风云变幻莫测,台湾上下重议纷纭. As the current international situation is changing unpredictably, opinions vary among both the authorities and the general public in Taiwan. 国际风云: 众议纷纭: Opinions vary / various opinions /di

6、fferent views 岁月不居, 来日苦短,夜长梦多,时不我于. The resolution of the issue cannot be allowed to bu postponed as time press and a long delay might lead to unfavorable results. 岁月不居/时不我于: Time will not wait. / Time and tide waits for no man. 来日苦短:There is not. ample time ahead ./ time is running out ./ time is l

7、imited. We are short of time 夜长梦多: A long delay means many hitches. 6 试为贵党计,如能依时顺势,负起历史责任,毅然和谈,达成国家统一,则两党长期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中 华之大业. To your own benefit, you should follow the trend of our times and assume historical responsibility to participate in the negotiations for the peaceful reunification of our m

8、otherland. Thus, the two parties will be able to make concerted efforts to achieve china rejuvenation though long-term co-existence and mutual supervision 依时顺势: follow the trend of our times 负起历史责任: Assume / shoulder/ take historical responsibility 和谈: 和平统一谈判的简称 the negotiations/ talks on the peacef

9、ul reunification of our motherland 国家统一: National reunification / the reunification of our motherland 长期共存: Long-term co-existence 互相监督: Mutual supervision 共图:Make joint /concerted efforts 振兴中华: China s rejuvenation /revitalization / the rejuvenation / revitalization of china 2二,知识技术创新 1 知识技术创新是人类经,

10、社会发展的重要动力源泉. Knowledge and technology innovation constitutes an important driving force behind the economic and social development of mankind. 知识技术创新: Knowledge and technology innovation 人类经济,社会发展: The economic and social development of mankind 动力: Driving force 2 中国致力与建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新,技术创新

11、的体制创新,这是中国实 现跨世纪发展的必由之路. China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system to promote knowledge, technological and institutional innovation through the creation of a favorable environment. It is the only road for china to achieve its trans-century development 致力于; Be dedicated to

12、/ be devote to / be committed to 创新体系 innovation system (不是 innovative systems) 跨世纪发展: Trans-century / the development extending into the new century 3 中国政府支持科学家在国家需求和科学前沿的结合上开展基础研究,尊重科学家独特的敏感和创新精 神,鼓励他们进行”好奇心驱动的研究”. The Chinese government supports scientists in conducting their research in basic sc

13、ience, respects their unique sensitivity and creative, and encourages them to conduct “research driven by curiosity” 国家需求; Meet national demand 科学前沿: Maintain in the scientific forefront / frontline 开展研究: Conduct research 4 在未来 50 年甚至更长的时期里, 中国的发展将在很大程度上以来于今天基础研究和高技术研究的创新 成就.以来于这些所必然孕育的优秀人才. In the

14、following 5 decades or more, chinas development will largely rely on innovation achievements in today research in basic science and high technology ,and also on the outstanding talents bound to be nurtured in the course of these research . 在未来 50 年甚至更长的时间里 in the following /coming /next 5decades or

15、more 中国的发展将依赖于 依赖于: 英语省略重复的词语,译为: Depend on.and on 基础研究和高技术研究: 英语可以省略重复的词语 孕育 : Nurture/ nourish 三 科学于艺术 1 长期以来,科学同艺术之间的关系一直是剃头挑子一头热: 科学热恋着艺术, 艺术却拒绝科学与千里之外. The relationship between science and art has long been that of one- sided enthusiasm .That is, scientists love art while artists reject science

16、. 长期以来 剃头挑子一头热 科学热恋着艺术: 存在搭配不合理的问题, “科学”怎么去 恋 ? 笔者尝试译“为科学家”, 英语的语意上比较符合逻辑. 拒千里之外: 千里不需要体现出来, keep away from” 即可 . 2 许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然正气,或得到人生最大安慰. Many renowned scientists have some knowledge of art and even have a passion for it throughout their lives, seeking nutrients to enhance their noble spirit and derive the greatest comfort from it. 注意理清各



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