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1、单位代码:单位代码:1035910359 学学 号:号:201111170920 201111170920 密密 级:级: 公开公开 分类号:分类号: P627P627 Hefei University of Technology 硕硕士学位论文士学位论文 MASTERS DISSERTATION 论文题目:论文题目: 淮南矿区采煤沉陷多源遥感动态 监测方法研究-以顾桥顾北矿为例 学位类别:学位类别: 学历硕士 专业名称:专业名称: 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 作者姓名:作者姓名: 黄家政 导师姓名:导师姓名: 赵萍 副教授 完成时间:完成时间: 2014 年 4 月 合 肥 工 业 大 学 学历

2、硕士学历硕士学位论文学位论文 淮南矿区采煤沉陷多源遥感动态淮南矿区采煤沉陷多源遥感动态 监测方法研究监测方法研究以顾桥顾北矿为例以顾桥顾北矿为例 作者姓名: 黄家政 指导教师: 赵萍 副教授 学科专业: 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 研究方向: 资源地理信息系统 2014 年 4 月 A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Multi-source remote sensing dynamic monitoring method of Mining subsidence in Huainan coal mine - Taking Guqia

3、o and Gubei mines as a Case Study By Huang Jiazheng Hefei University of Technology Hefei, Anhui, P.R.China April,2014 I 致致 谢谢 岁月如梭。转眼间,三年的研究生求学生活即将结束,站在毕业的门槛上,回首往昔,奋斗和辛劳成为丝丝的记忆,甜美与欢笑也都尘埃落定。合肥工业大学以其优良的学习风气、严谨的科研氛围教我求学,以其博大包容的情怀胸襟、浪漫充实的校园生活育我成人。我谨向所有关心、爱护、帮助我的人们表示最诚挚的感谢与最美好的祝愿。 在研究生学习即将结束之际,我怀着非常感激的心情

4、对老师、同学、朋友和亲人致以深深的谢意!三年的研究生学习,转眼过去。这几年我收获颇多,学习各种知识,认识许多朋友。 首先要感谢赵萍老师的悉心指导,在研究生学习的这几年,在各个方面都给与我莫大的关心和帮助。赵老师渊博的专业知识,严谨的治学态度,精益求精的工作作风,诲人不倦的高尚师德,朴实无华、平易近人的人格魅力对我影响深远。导师不仅授我以文,而且教我做人,虽历时三载,却赋予我终生受益无穷之道。学位论文从立题之初,到最后完成,倾注了赵老师大量的心血。回想整个论文的写作过程,虽有不易,却让我除却浮躁,经历了思考和启示,也更加深切地体会了法学的精髓和意义,因此倍感珍惜。 还要感谢我师妹肖瑶同学的帮忙,

5、以及办公室其他同学支持,在此一并再次表示衷心的感谢。 最后感谢亲人为我创造了一个良好的生活环境, 对我一如既往的支持和鼓励。 作者:黄家政 2014 年 04 月 01 日 II 摘摘 要要 煤炭的开采和利用,为全社会带来了巨大的经济效益,但同时,也给矿区生态环境造成了地表沉陷等一系列危害,直接威胁到人民群众生活和生产的发展。淮南矿区是我国主要煤炭生产基地,长期受煤炭开采的影响,形成大面积采煤沉陷区,诱发了一系列地质灾害和地质环境问题。因此,对其进行实时有效监测研究具有重要意义。 本文以淮南顾桥顾北矿区为研究区, 对 IKONOS 和 GeoEye-1 两景高分辨率遥感数据进行分析,分别采用人

6、机交互式目视解译和面向对象影像信息提取方法获取沉陷范围及其变化;利用 D-InSAR 技术,对矿区 SAR 影像进行差分干涉处理,得到矿区地表形变信息,进而分析矿区沉陷规律,完成采煤沉陷区的监测。主要研究内容和成果如下: (1)通过对沉陷区影像特征的分析以及野外实地考察,建立沉陷区提取的主要特征标志,通过目视解译的方式获得了沉陷区信息,并结合所收集资料完成对提取结果的修正。 (2)采用面向对象影像信息提取技术,借助 eCognition 软件,选择合适的分割尺度获取分割对象,借助模糊规则分类器,建立沉陷区提取规则,完成沉陷区信息的提取。并与目视解译结果对比,完成对提取结果的验证。 (3)采用

7、D-InSAR 技术,对研究区两组 ALOS PALSAR 影像,采用二轨法经过配准、去平、滤波、相位解缠、轨道精炼、地理编码等步骤提取了淮南矿区两个时间段的地面沉陷值。 从沉陷区提取结果可以看出,2008-2012 年间,沉陷区的面积从 0.53km2增加到 8.76km2,有了很明显的扩大;顾桥顾北矿区在两个时期的地面沉陷值达到了14-15cm,两个时期沉陷区的最大沉陷速度分别为 0.1088cm/d 和 0.3261cm/d。研究表明,基于高分影像的光学遥感与 D-InSAR 技术的结合可以实现大范围、全天候的监测,而且降低了成本和劳动强度,更好地实现了对采煤沉陷区的变化监测,具有常规监

8、测方法难以比拟的优势。 关键词:关键词:采煤沉陷区;目视解译;面向对象信息提取;合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量;多源遥感 III ABSTRACT Coal mining and its utilization has brought huge economic benefits to society on the whole, while at the same time, also brought a series of damages to the ecological environment of mining area, which threatened peoples life and

9、production directly. Huainan mining area is a major coal production base,affected by coal mining, the ground of Huainan coal mine caused subsidence on a large scale, as well as a series of geological disasters and geological environmental problems. Therefore, for effective monitoring of the study is

10、 of great significance. In this thesis,through the analysis of two high resolution remote sensing data of IKONOS and GeoEye-1 in Guqiao and Gubei mining area, coal mining subsidence information has been achived with help of the man-machine interactive visual interpretation, and object-oriented image

11、 information extraction method; Using D-InSAR technology, the mining area surface deformation information was gained by differential interference on SAR images and then coal mining subsidence regularity was analyzed. The main research contents and results are as follows: (1)Through the analysis of t

12、he image feature of subsidence area and the actual field survey, the main characteristic of subsidence region extraction was built. Then got the subsidence area information by means of visual interpretation, and, combined with the collected data, completed the correction of extraction results. (2)Us

13、ing object oriented image information extraction technology, choosing the right segmentation scale for object segmentation, with the aid of fuzzy rules classifier of software eCognition, we built subsidence area extraction rules, and completed the extraction of subsidence area information. And compa

14、red with visual interpretation results, the extraction results were completed. (3)With D-InSAR technique, we extracted the ground subsidence value of Huainan mining area in the two periods using SRTM-3 DEM as auxiliary DEM, with the two-pass method to explore the two groups ALOSPALSAR images of the

15、studied area stepped by rectification, go flat, filtering, phase unwrapping , orbital refining, geocoding. As can be seen from the subsidence area extraction result, the subsidence area increased from 0.53 km2 to 8.76 km2, the enlargement in subsidence area was obvious from 2008 to 2012; the maximum subsidence value of Guqiao and Gubei mining area was 14 to 15cm in the two periods, the maximum subsidence velocity of two periods subsidence area were 0.1088cm/d and 0.3261cm/d, and showed an up trend from 2007 IV to 2010.This



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