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1、新东方新东方 政英数政英数+255 门专业课门专业课 一站式辅导一站式辅导 新东方新东方 高分直达名校高分直达名校 0 / 18 报名咨询电话:报名咨询电话:0537-4456166 4456177 2005-2010 年考研英语完形填空真题解析年考研英语完形填空真题解析 目目 录录 2005-2010 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .0 2005 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .0 2006 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .3 2007 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .6 2008 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .10 2009 年考研英语完形填空真题解析 .12 2010 年考研英语完形填空真题解析

2、 .15 2005-2010 年考研英语完形填空真题解析年考研英语完形填空真题解析 2005 年考研英语完形填空真题解析年考研英语完形填空真题解析 The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals ,we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smell

3、s which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact 5 , we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely, some people find that th

4、ey can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain. However, it ha

5、s been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary. This m

6、ay 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone elses. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of sm

7、oke, which might indicate the danger of fire. 1. Aalthough Bas Cbut Dwhile 2. Aabove Bunlike Cexcluding Dbesides 3. Alimited Bcommitted Cdedicated Dconfined 4. Acatching Bignoring Cmissing Dtracking 5. Aanyway Bthough Cinstead Dtherefore 6. Aeven if Bif only Conly if Das if 7. AdistinguishingBdiscov

8、ering CdeterminingDdetecting 8. Adiluted Bdissolved CdeterminingDdiffused 9. Awhen Bsince Cfor Dwhereas 10. Aunusual Bparticular Cunique Dtypical 11. Asigns Bstimuli Cmessages Dimpulses 12. Aat first Bat all Cat large Dat times 13. Asubjected Bleft Cdrawn Dexposed 14. Aineffective Bincompetent Cinef

9、ficientDinsufficient 15. Aintroduce Bsummon Ctrigger Dcreate 16. Astill Balso Cotherwise Dnevertheless 17. Asure Bsick Caware Dtired 18. Atolerate Brepel Cneglect Dnotice 19. Aavailabe BreliableCidentifiableDsuitable 20. Asimilar toBsuch as Calong with Daside from 全文翻译: 新东方新东方 考研考研 更快更快 更高更高 更强更强 新东

10、方新东方 255 门考研专业课门考研专业课 1 / 18 报名咨询电话:报名咨询电话:0537-4456166 4456177 人类鼻子的功能常常被低估了。人们常认为,与动物相比,人类的嗅觉是迟钝的,而这在很大程度上是因为人类是直立的,这一点与动物不同。这就意味着我 们的鼻子仅限于去感知空气中飘过的气味,而大部分的气味是附 着的各种物体表面的,就被我们错过了。然而,事实上我们的嗅觉是十分敏感的,尽管我们通常都没 有意识到 这一点。即使当这些气味被冲淡到不及原来的百万分之一,我们的鼻子也能够分辨出不同的人类气味。 奇怪的是,有些人发现他们可以闻出一种花香,却闻不出另一种,而有些人却对两种花香都很

11、敏感。这可能是因 为有些人缺少某种基因,这种基因正好用于产 生鼻子里对某种味道的感受器。这些感受器是由一些能感知气味 并把信息传递给大脑的细胞构成。然而,研究发现即使人们最开始对某种气味不敏感,但当人们经常 闻到这种气味后就能突然对它很敏感。 对气味的不敏感似乎可以这样解释, 大脑发现让所有的气味感受器一直工作效率会很低, 但可以在需要的时候触 发新的接受器。这也可以解释为什么我们通常 对自身的各种气味不敏感-只不过我们不需要这样做。我们不会觉察到我们自己房子的熟悉气味,但当我们拜访别人家时,就会注意到我们不熟悉的气味。大脑会 使气味感受 器可用于随时接受不熟悉的和紧急的信号,例如烟的气味,因

12、为它可能意味着有着火的危险。 内容提要 人类的鼻子一直被低估了。基因能在鼻子里生成针对某种气味的感受器,以及对一些气味不敏感的原因。 1正确答案C 考查重点 逻辑衔接 解题过程 Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, this is largely because, animals, we stand upright. “人们常常认为,与动物相比,人类的嗅觉不够敏锐,而这在很大程度上 是因为人类直立行走, 这一点与动物。 “although 表示让步; . as 表示时间或者原因; but 表示转折关系; while 表示时间或者对比。四个选项中,but 是表示转折的并列连词,but 后面的内容是语句重心所在。While 也可以表 示对比、转折,但作为从属连词也有让步


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