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1、硕士学位论文 II摘 要 商业银行一直在中国经济发展过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色,其经营的优劣对全社会的经济稳定乃至国家的竞争力起到至关重要的作用。近年来针对商业银行不良资产过高、经营效率低下的情况,国家采取了对其不良资产进行剥离,国家注资进行股份制改造以及引进战略投资者参股等措施。如何评价这些措施的效果,如何在越来越多的外资银行多元化融入中国金融体系的环境下提高国有商业银行的经营效率,日益成为大家关注的焦点。 为了更加科学、精确的评估国内商业银行效率的高低,本文选择了四家国有商业银行及十家股份制商业银行作为评价单元,并选择 DEA 模型作为评价其相对有效性的工具。虽然 DEA 是一种经典的效率

2、评价方法,具有其他方法无法替代的优越性,被用于评价商业银行效率也有着较深的经济意义,但是从以往相关研究来看,其本身固有的限制与不足大大影响了其评价结果的科学性。鉴于此,本文引入了综合变量 DEA,通过典型相关分析法的介入,对相关指标进行处理。从实证结果来看,综合变量 DEA 效率测度的准确性和区分能力较之传统 DEA 有了相当程度的提高,这为更好的评价商业银行效率高低打下了更加坚实的基础。对于综合效率为 1 的商业银行,为了进一步增加其效率水平的区分能力,本文引入了一种较新且简便易行的排序方法,对已达到 DEA 有效的商业银行进行排序。此外,考虑到前沿效率分析法无法完全替代财务指标分析,本文的

3、效率评价方法选择以前沿效率分析法为基础,引入并综合财务指标分析法和差额变数分析法,力求对商业银行经营效率的高低作出更加综合、合理的评价。 关键词:商业银行;综合变量 DEA;典型相关性分析;效率评价 基于综合变量 DEA 的商业银行效率评价研究 III Abstract Commercial bank has been acting a pivotal role in the domestic economy developing process, its operation quality plays an important role on stabilization security o

4、f national economy and even relates to the national competitive power. In recent years, the government has taken a lot of measures such as peeling off non-performed loans, reforming state-own banks by injecting fund directly, and encouraging strategic investors to take stock of Chinese commercial ba

5、nks to reduce their non-performed loans and advance their operation efficiency. With an eye to more and more foreign commercial banks have integrated the Chinese finance system in every aspect, how to evaluate the effect of these measures and how to enhance the efficiency achievements level of comme

6、rcial banks in China have gradually sparked everybodys attention. In order to carry on the science and the precise evalutation of Chinas commercial banks, this paper chooses four state-owned commercial banks and ten shareholding commercial banks as decision making units, and also we choose the DEA m

7、odel as its relative valid evaluation tool. DEA is a classical efficiency assessment method which has advantage other tools unable to substitute, also it has stronge economical significance when used in the commercial banks efficiency appraisal, but from former relative articals, we can find that it

8、s inherent limit and insufficient has greatly affected the scientific nature of its evaluation results. In view of this, this paper has introduced synthesis-variable DEA, involved the method of canonical correlation analysis, and done with the correlative index accordingly. From the results of empir

9、ical study, the synthesis-variable DEAs efficiency measuring accuracy and separating capacity are both obvious, this result has built a more solid foundation for the better evaluation of domestic commmercial banks. As to the commercial banks which synthesis efficiency are equal to 1, in order to dee

10、pen the separating capacity of commercial banks achievements level, this paper has introduced a kind of new sorting method, using this easy method, we can sort the commercial banks which had achieved the DEA efficiency. In addition, considered the method of frontier efficiency analysis is unable to

11、substitute the financial index analysis completely, this papers efficiency assessment method chooses frontier efficiency analytsis as a basic method, introduces and synthesizes the financial index analysis and the slack variable analysis, made every effort to get a comprehensive and reasonable evalu

12、ation to the efficiency level of 硕士学位论文 IVcommercial banks. Key Words: Commercial bank; Synthesis-variable DEA; Canonical correlation analysis; Efficiency evaluation 基于综合变量 DEA 的商业银行效率评价研究 VII 插图索引 图 1.1 效率测度方法体系图2 图 1.2 技术路线图9 图 3.1 商业银行传统 DEA 综合效率值26 图 3.2 商业银行的劳动力与机构个数27 图 3.3 商业银行的存款价格与固定资产价格28

13、图 3.4 商业银行的贷款损失准备率与非利息收入比例28 图 3.5 商业银行综合变量 DEA 综合效率值38 图 4.1 商业银行的资产净利率42 图 4.2 商业银行的贷存款比率42 图 4.3 商业银行的不良资产比率44 图 4.4 商业银行的资本充足率44 图 4.5 商业银行的贷款成长率44 图 4.6 商业银行的存款成长率44 硕士学位论文 VIII附表索引 表 3.1 基于传统 DEA 的商业银行效率分析结果26 表 3.2 2004 年非 DEA 有效商业银行输入冗余分析结果29 表 3.3 2005 年非 DEA 有效商业银行输入冗余分析结果30 表 3.4 商业银行综合效率

14、排序结果31 表 3.5 商业银行样本指标的描述性统计32 表 3.6 商业银行输入输出指标相关系数32 表 3.7 商业银行输入输出指标典型相关分析33 表 3.8 相关系数的 F 检验34 表 3.9 输入组典型变量的解释能力与典型重叠指数35 表 3.10 输出组典型变量的解释能力与典型重叠指数35 表 3.11 典型变量的权重值36 表 3.12 基于综合变量 DEA 的商业银行效率分析结果37 表 3.13 基于综合变量 DEA 的商业银行效率排序38 I湖湖 南南 大大 学学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研

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