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1、 Study on Academic thought of HU Xishus Treatise on Febrile Diseases Speciality: Basic clinical of TCM Author: Kang Jinlong Tutor: Jiang Jianguo Abstract By collecting the documents of Hu Xishu and studying his followers works republished, analyze and summarize the academic thought of Hu Xishu, then

2、 state classical prescription of Hu Xishu, from many sides ,which are that classical prescription can treat modern disease, that prescription combination of syndrome is the tip of the syndrome differentiation, that sphygmology of Hu Xishu is so famous. Hu Xishu was taught TCM by Wang Xiangzheng. Lat

3、er he worked in Beijing University of TCM and devoted himself to study TCM in his lifetime. While studying the academic thought of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Hu Xishu put forward many new ideas, which are that Neijing and Treatise on Febrile Diseases are in different systems, that febrile disease

4、s with warm disease are really epidemic febrile diseases,connecting closely with clinical reality. These theories enrich theory of Zhang Zhongjing and open a vast space for the development of academic thought of Treatise on Febrile Diseases . Meanwhile,with rigorous scholarship, Hu Xishu wrote and p

5、ropounded his ideas cautiously and respected for the ancients, adopting both the Western. When he had a question or idea, he would write it on paper. All his theories flash academic intelligence out of the light, considerable source of inspiration for future generations. The study of this subject, o

6、n the one hand, conducts a preliminary discussion of academic thought about classical prescription of Hu Xishu and enrich the theory of Zhang Zhongjing,to provide some new ideas for the research of academic thought Treatise on Febrile Diseases. On the other hand, try to study and analyze the clinica

7、l thought of Hu Xishu, such as syndrome differentiation focusing on classical prescriptions ,then mine the reasonable constituent of them, which will provide some new ideas for clinical practice and classical prescriptions. Key words HU Xishu; Treatise on Febrile Diseases; Academic thought 目 录 引 言.1

8、 第一部分 胡希恕生平与学术思想简介.2 一 、胡希恕生平简介.2 二 、胡希恕学术思想简介.2 (一)崇尚实践 慎于立言.2 (二)崇尚经方 不弃时方.3 (三)尊重古人 兼采西学.4 第二部分 胡希恕治伤寒学思想研究.5 一 、主张古方可以治今病.5 (一)对“古方可治今病”的认识.5 (二) “古方可治今病”的临床应用.5 二 、对伤寒与内经的认识.6 (一) 伤寒论与内经体系不同.6 (二) 伤寒论脱胎于伊尹汤液经.7 三 、方证才是辨证的尖端.8 (一)方和证的关系.8 (二)方证辨证思想.9 (三)方证辨证的价值.10 四、经方用药规律探析.10 (一)资料与方法.11 (二)结果与分析.11 (三) 用药规律讨论.14 五 六经辨证与五脏辨证的比较.14 (一)对六经的基本认识.14 (二) 六经辨证与五脏辨证比较.16 六、对伤寒温病的认识.17(一)伤寒温病实为温病.



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