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1、 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文原创性说明 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 本人郑重声明:此处所提交的博士/硕士论文汉语生肖熟语的隐喻研究,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除注明部分外不包含他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式注明。本声明的法律结果将完全由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文使用授权书 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 汉语生肖熟语的隐喻研究系本人在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间,在导师指导下完成的博士/硕士学位论文。本论文的

2、研究成果归曲阜师范大学所有,本论文的研究内容不得以其他单位的名义发表。本人完全了解曲阜师范大学关于保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关部门送交论文的复印件和电子版本,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权曲阜师范大学,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文,可以公开发表论文的全部或部分内容。 作者签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: 摘 要 生肖文化源于华夏文明,又传播到其他国家、民族和地区。尽管不同民族、不同国家在生肖动物的选择和排列上有所不同,但不可否认地是,汉民族生肖文化对中华文化的发展和传承起到了重要作用和影响,不仅在整个中华文化系统中处于相当重要的地位,而且对世界文化的发展和传承也产生了

3、一定的影响。汉语生肖动物与人类的活动关系密切,生肖动物与汉民族文化的传承与发展息息相关。人们发现生肖动物的多种特性在本质上与人类特征或者生活现象相类似,例如体貌外形、生活习性等等。这些相似的特征启发了人类对两者之间相似性的思考,用属于生肖动物的熟语来映射人类活动,表达对某一社会现象的理性认识。 通过对这些生肖熟语进行认知角度的分类梳理和客观的静态描述。分析汉语含生肖动物的熟语的隐喻类型,阐释其隐喻结构和语义特征,最后分析在汉民族文化背景下生肖动物熟语的文化内涵。我们深刻体会到每个生肖都有自己的名称和形象特点,并且生肖动物与中国人的生活密切相关。 全文共分为四章。文前有一个绪论,文后有一个结语。

4、 绪论部分主要点明了本课题的研究意义以及研究价值,并对汉语生肖熟语的研究现状进行归纳分析,明确本文的写作重点,说明创新之处。 第一章分为两部分, 第一部分通过对汉民族生肖文化的解读对汉语生肖熟语进行界定,确定研究范围。第二部分对隐喻的工作机制进行阐释,确定本论文理论依据。 第二章具体分析隐喻在汉语生肖熟语中的使用情况,根据始源域的不同,将汉语生肖熟语的隐喻类型分为方位隐喻、实体隐喻、结构隐喻,并具体分析了生肖熟语的隐喻的语义特征。 第三章为本论文的重点,阐释了汉语生肖熟语中隐喻的构成理据,具体运用认知语言学的映射与合成理论、语义突显理论以及认知语境理论,深入分析汉语生肖熟语的形成机制,并将生肖

5、熟语的隐喻分析引入到认知语境下,论述隐喻在生肖熟语中的生成机制以及隐喻的功用。 第四章在文化视角下对生肖熟语进行分析,研究文化对生肖熟语的影响,通过联想、使用角度等方面的分析将生肖熟语的隐喻进一步细分为喜好型、厌弃型、敬仰型,从多个角度对汉语生肖熟语进行分析,希望能够深入地分析认知隐喻理论对生肖熟语隐喻现象的解释力。 生肖动物在汉语语言词汇中占据着很大的比例,通过对含生肖动物熟语的隐喻研究,可以为生肖熟语的认知结构创建新的理解模式,还可以进一步了解汉民族的思维方式。 关键词:汉语生肖熟语;认知语言学;隐喻 Abstract Zodiac culture is rooted in the Chi

6、nese civilization, but also spread to other countries, nations and regions. Although the, different countries choose different ethnic groups and arrangement of the zodiac animals vary, it is undeniable that the Han ethnic zodiac played an important role to Chinese culture heritage. Not only in the C

7、hinese culture it has a very important position, but also impacts the development of world culture. The Chinese zodiac animal and human activities are close, the Han ethnic heritage and development are closely related to the zodiac animals. People discovered that there are some similarities between

8、the zodiac animal in appearance, habits and other aspects of human society which caused people to think about the similarities between them which belong to the zodiac animals to express human activity. Classify these zodiacs Sayings .Analysis the words including the typical animal morpheme word meta

9、phor, the structure and semantic features of the metaphor, at last show the cultural connotations of the zodiac animal under cultural background. We deeply appreciate each zodiac has its own name and image characteristics, and the zodiac animals are close to the Chinese peoples lives. The full text

10、is divided into four chapters. An introduction text is before and a conclusion is in the text. The introduction part is to understand the significance and research value of the subject. And introduce the research statues of zodiacs Sayings to clear innovation of this article. The first chapter is di

11、vided into two parts; the first part is to introduce the zodiac culture of the Chinese to define the scope of the study. The second part of the article shows the mechanism of metaphor interpretation to determine the theoretical basis of this paper. The second chapter shows the use of metaphors in th

12、e Chinese zodiacs sayings. The metaphor of the zodiacs Sayings is divided into orientation metaphor, physical metaphor, and structure metaphor depending on the origin domain. Then make a detail analysis of the semantics of the metaphor of the zodiacs Sayings characteristics. Chapter III of this pape

13、r focuses on interpretation of the zodiacs Sayings metaphor and shows the specific use of the words with synthetic theory of cognitive linguistics, semantics and the cognitive theory of context to analysis the formation mechanism of the zodiacs Sayings. Then analysis them under cognitive context to

14、discusses the function of metaphor in the formation mechanism of the zodiacs Sayings. Chapter four analysis zodiacs sayings from the cultural perspective to know the impact of the research culture of the zodiacs sayings. Zodiacs Sayings is further subdivided into preference type, grown tired of the

15、type, awe-type by association and the angle of analysis in order to tap the cognitive metaphor theory interpretation of the zodiacs Sayings of metaphor. Zodiacs Sayings occupy a large proportion in the Chinese language and vocabulary, the study of zodiac animal Sayings metaphor, can create a new understanding of the cognitive structure of the zodiacs Sayings, you can also learn more about the way of thinking of the Chinese culture. Keywords: Chinese zodiacs sayings; Cognitive Linguistics; metaphor 目 录 绪论1 (一)研究概况1 (二)研究对象及方法2 (三)研究意义2 第一章 汉语生肖熟语的界定3



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