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1、 I摘 要 法律监督是一个重要的法学基础性课题,而宪法监督模式研究又是法律监督理论的核心。如何监督和保障宪法的实施,这是世界各国宪政建设实践中的一个十分重要的问题。自从宪法作为国家的根本大法问世以来,世界上许多国家都陆续以不同的形式,建立了审查一般立法或行政法规是否符合宪法的制度,通常称为违宪审查或合宪性审查,以保证宪法的最高法律效力和地位。我国宪法确立的违宪审查制度是最高国家权力机关审查制,可归属于立法机关监督模式,但立法机关监督宪法的实施是一种不完全的违宪审查体制,增设宪法监督的专门委员会也难以保证其有效性;而且该制度在运行过程中,存在缺乏常设机关和相应审查程序两个比较大的缺陷, 立法法的

2、颁布、法规备案审查室的设立、 “两个审查程序”的确立,虽在一定程度上对此缺陷作了弥补,但对行政法规以上法律的违宪审查及相应的处理措施等问题则没有作出规定。因此,我国的宪法监督制度仍需完善。但要做到这一点,必然要改革我国现行的违宪审查体制,这就不免要借鉴国外相关制度。概括来说,目前世界范围内存在三种基本违宪审查模式,即立法机关监督模式、司法机关监督模式、专职机构监督模式。而通过对这几种模式的考察可知,立法机关和普通法院违宪审查体制并不适合我国的实际情况和需要,专职机构违宪审查模式则可以为我国的政治体制所接受,该制度有利于在坚持人民代表大会制度的基础上,健全依法行使权力的制约机制。专职机构监督模式

3、从形式上具体又分为以德国为代表的宪法法院模式和以法国为代表的宪法委员会模式,通过比较,笔者建议设立独立的宪法委员会,把最高国家权力机关的宪法监督与宪法委员会的专门违宪审查结合起来,实行以宪法委员会为主的违宪审查体制,并制定相应的组织法从法律上予以保障。惟有这样才能较圆满地解决中国的违宪审查问题。 关键词:宪法监督 违宪审查 专职机构关键词:宪法监督 违宪审查 专职机构 IIAbstract Legal supervision is an important basic subject of law science, and the study of the mode of constituti

4、on supervision is the core of the legal supervision theory. How to supervise and ensure the implementation of the constitution is a very important problem about constitutional practice all around the world. Since coming out from the constitution as the fundamental law of the country, a lot of countr

5、ies around the world ,in different forms successively , have set up and checked whether the general legislation or administrative statuted accords with the system of the constitution, usually called The examination of violation of the constitution or The review of constitutionality, so as to ensure

6、supreme legal effect and position of the constitution. The review of constitutionality that the constitution of our country establishment is that The supreme state organ examines and makes, this mode can belong to the mode of legislature supervising , but supervised by the The supreme state organ it

7、 is an incomplete examine system, set up specialized committee that constitution supervise guarantee his validity while being difficult; And this system lacks of two greater defects about the standing organization and examines of procedure in the course of operating correspondingly, although to a ce

8、rtain extent to making remedy to the law, check violation of the constitutions regarding to the law and corresponding processing measure, etc. problem does not make stipulations . So, the constitution supervisory system of our country needs being complete, if we want to accomplish this, key lies in

9、reforming current system of Examination violation of the constitution of our country, this must draw lessons from relevant systems of foreign countries . In Summary, there are three basic kinds of mode of The examine violation of the constitution in the whole world at present, the mode of the legisl

10、ative body supervising, the mode of judicial organization supervising, the mode of full-time organization supervising. Through the investigation to these modes can know that the system of legislative body and ordinary court of checking violation of the constitution is not fit for actual conditions a

11、nd need of our country, the mode of full-time organization examining violation of the constitution can compatible for political system of our country, this system is favorable to the poeples congress system, on the basis of adhering to the principle,exercise the restriction mechanism of power sound

12、in accordance with the law. Full-time organization supervise mode from in form concrete to divide for represented by Germany constitution court mode and with committees mode , constitution of IIIFrance ,through compare, I propose, set up an independent constitution committee, combine supreme constit

13、ution of state organ together with the constitution of committee, implement The examinenationon violation of the constitution relying mainly on constitution committee a, make the corresponding “ rules of organization “ to ensure legally. Could satisfactory settle the problem of China Examinaion of v

14、iolation of the constitution in this way only. Keywords:The constitution is supervised;Examination of violation of the constitution;Full-time organization 1引 言 我国现行宪法在总结我国宪法监督实践经验教训的基础上,根据我国社会主义建设新时期的发展需要,同时借鉴世界其他国家宪法监督的有益做法,使我国的宪法监督机构得到了进一步的发展和完善,然而,由于现实或理论层面上存在的原因使得我国的宪法监督制度仍然存在诸多不足之处。 我国现行宪法规定全国人

15、大及其常委会是负责监督宪法实施的机关,但全国人大及其常委会同时又是我国的最高权力机关,按照宪法规定,全国人大的职权有 15 项之多,全国人大常委会的职权有 21 项之多,而主持宪法监督事宜并全权处理违宪审查问题只是这些职权中的一项。其次,它们的辅助性机关包括法律委员会,也不是只负责宪法纠纷的处理。由此可见,就法律地位和职权来说,全国人大及其常委会显然不是也不可能成为我国宪法监督的专职机构。这使得目前全国人大及其常委会的宪法监督作用没有充分发挥出来,也使得我国的违宪审查往往流于形式。因此,若要加强对公民基本权利的保障,在中国实现民主宪政的目标,必须对现有的宪法监督体制进行改革,在这个前提下,20

16、00 年我国颁布实施了立法法 ,就宪法监督作了比以前更为具体化的规定。该法第 90、91 条为全国人大常委会审查和判断行政法规和地方性法规的合宪性提供了具体的程序;2001 年 12 月 14 日国务院发布施行了法规规章备案条例 ,规定法规、规章应当依照法定程序报送有关机关备案,对符合法定条件的,有关机关应当予以登记。并于 2004 年 5 月,全国人大常委会在法工委下成立法规审查备案室,作为专门机构处理违宪审查和违法审查事务,初步搭建起了违宪审查制度的基本框架。但问题是,这些新的条例和机构并没有很好的解决现实中存在只备案、不审查,或者只审查、不纠正的现象。在这个前提下, 2005 岁末,十届全国人大常委会第四十次委员长会议应现实要求完成了对行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、经济特区法规备案审查工作程序 (简称法规备案审查工作程序 )的修订,并通过了司法解释备案审查工作程序 ,进一步建立健全了法规和司法解释备案审查制度,这些规定都有利于维护国家法制统一。但仍然存在的问题是上述规定与机构设置都没有真正启动违宪和违法审查,因此,踏出建



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