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1、 分类号 密级 U D C 编号 10736 硕士学位论文 甘肃省公共文化服务体系保障机制研究 研 究 生 姓 名: 指导教师姓名、职称: 教授 专 业 名 称 : 政治学理论 研 究 方 向 : 行政管理 二一三年五月 The Study of Security Mechanism of Public Cultural Service System in Gansu Province I 摘 要 公共文化服务是公共服务的重要组成部分,其责任主体是政府。在已出台的国家“十一五”规划、 “十二五”规划以及“十七届六中全会”公报中都将“建立覆盖全社会的公共文化服务体系”列为未来政府工作的重点内容。

2、改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,我国开始从一般温饱型向全面发展型社会转变,公民的文化需求随之增长,这不仅给文化产业的发展注入了新的活力,也对我国公共文化服务提出了新的要求。因此,现阶段政府不仅要构建惠及全民的公共文化服务体系,同时也要建立高效、合理的保障机制以提高我国公共文化服务的供给水平。建立公共文化服务体系保障机制,是我国政府构建公共文化服务体系的关键所在。 作为西部欠发达省份之一,长期以来,由于经费投入不足、供给主体单一、缺乏有效的政策法规指导及绩效评估体系监督等一系列问题, 甘肃省在公共文化服务供给与保障方面与东部、 中部地区还存在较大的差距, 公共文化服务的资源、内容、形式和手段等

3、方面还远远不能满足人民群众的要求,群众的基本文化权益得不到保障。基于此,研究甘肃省如何建立基本公共文化服务保障机制,进一步完善公共文化服务体系,对于切实保证甘肃省文化服务机构的正常运转、提高公共文化服务水平、满足人民群众日益增长的文化需要具有极其深远的意义。 本课题选取了甘肃省十四个地 (州) 作为研究样本, 并就公共文化财政投入、文化机构数、文化机构从业人员数、文化机构基础设施情况、文化活动项目数及文化活动人次数等方面的数据进行了整理分析。 指出当前甘肃省公共文化服务体系建设所取得的成就及其存在的问题,针对问题,借鉴国内、外公共文化服务体系建设模式及保障经验, 进一步探讨了甘肃省公共文化服务

4、体系保障机制建设的完善路径,以期建立一套高效、合理的公共文化服务体系保障机制。论文具体结构如下: 导论部分,分析了论文的研究缘起、研究意义,并结合国内外研究现状和趋势,提出了研究思路和研究方法。 第一章,阐述了公共文化服务体系建设的理论基础。包括公共文化服务体系的相关概念界定及与公共文化服务体系相关的理论支持。 第二章,根据前文的方法与理论,搜集整理大量的相关数据,从财政投入、II 公共文化机构、 从业人数、 文化机构举办活动等方面作了实证分析, 从自然环境、历史成因、管理体制、财政投入和政策体系等多方面原因加以衡量,从而探讨了甘肃省公共文化服务体系建设及其保障的制约因素及存在的问题。 第三章

5、,介绍国外先进的公共文化服务体系建设及保障的具体模式,以及国内经济发展较快省份,在公共文化服务体系建设与保障方面的先进经验。 第四章,以党中央、国务院及甘肃省省委、省政府关于公共文化服务的相关文件、政策为根本指导和依据,积极贯彻党和国家关于公共文化服务体系建设的精神,紧密结合甘肃省经济社会发展实际,根据前章分析得到的问题症结,提出了完善甘肃省公共文化服务体系建设保障机制的具体实施路径,具体而言,就是要完善相关的政策法规、建立稳定的财政经费保障机制、建立多元化的公共文化服务供给机制、健全公共文化服务的人才保障机制、合理配置文化资源、制定科学的公共文化服务绩效评价机制等。 关键词关键词:公共文化服

6、务体系;保障机制;甘肃省 III Abstract Public cultural service is an important part of public services, its main responsibility is the government. In the introduction of the national “Eleventh Five-Year Plan“, the “12th Five-Year Plan and the seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session“ communique “the establis

7、hment of the public cultural service system covering the whole of society“ as the focus of the future work of the government. Since Chinas reform and opening up, with the development of market economy, our country has begun to shift from general subsistence to comprehensive development-oriented soci

8、ety, cultural needs of citizens grows, this not only has injected new vitality to the development of cultural industry, and also puts forward new requirements of public cultural services in China. At this stage, therefore, the government should not only build public cultural service system for the b

9、enefit of all the people, but also to build a high efficient and reasonable safeguard mechanism to improve the level of the supply of public cultural services. The establishment of public cultural service system protection mechanism is the key to build a system of public cultural services to the gov

10、ernment of China. As one of the less developed western provinces, for a long time, because of a shortage of funds investment, building the main body of a single, lack of effective policies guidance and supervision and evaluation system and a series of problems, Gansu province has a big gap with east

11、ern and central region in terms of supply of public cultural services and guarantee , resource of public cultural services, content, forms and means, etc, are far from meet the requirements of the masses, peoples basic cultural rights and interests are not protected. Based on this, studies how Gansu

12、 province to establish the basic safeguard mechanism of public cultural services, to further improve public cultural services system, which has the extremely profound significance for effectively guarantee the normal operation of the institutions of cultural services in Gansu Province, to improve th

13、e level of public cultural services, and to satisfy the peoples growing cultural needs . IV This topic select research sample of fourteen (state) from Gansu province, and has a data analysis about the number of public financial investment, cultural institutions, cultural institutions infrastructure

14、situation of number of practitioners, cultural institutions, cultural activities, the number and cultural activities. Pointed out that the achievements of the current public cultural service system in Gansu Province and its problems, problems, learn from domestic and foreign public cultural service

15、system mode and protect the experience, to further explore the improvement of Gansu Province, public cultural service system protection mechanism construction path, in order to establish an efficient and reasonable public cultural service system protection mechanisms. Papers specific configuration i

16、s as follows: Introduction part, this paper analyzes the origin, research significance of this study, combined with domestic and foreign research present situation and trend, put forward the research ideas and research methods. The first chapter, the paper expounds the theoretical basis of the public c



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