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1、 专业硕士学位论文 论文题目:论文题目:日照国际海洋城开发建设战略研究日照国际海洋城开发建设战略研究 专业学位名称:公共管理硕士 申 请 人 姓 名 :李玉波 导师姓名、职称:任洲鸿 副教授 论文提交时间:2013 年 3 月 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文原创性说明 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 本人郑重声明: 此处所提交的博士/硕士论文 ,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除注明部分外不包含他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式注明。本声明的法律结果将完全由本人承担。 作

2、者签名: 日期: 曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文使用授权书 (根据学位论文类型相应地在“”划“”) 系本人在曲阜师范大学攻读博士/硕士学位期间,在导师指导下完成的博士/硕士学位论文。本论文的研究成果归曲阜师范大学所有,本论文的研究内容不得以其他单位的名义发表。本人完全了解曲阜师范大学关于保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关部门送交论文的复印件和电子版本,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权曲阜师范大学,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文,可以公开发表论文的全部或部分内容。 作者签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: 中文摘要 日照国际海洋城 2012 年 6 月正式启动建设,既是日照市城市总体规划

3、“三城一区”的重要一城,也是山东半岛蓝色经济区重点打造的“四区三园”之一。日照国际海洋城作为一片崭新的开发区域, 承担着山东半岛蓝色经济区先行先试的重要责任。 在开发进程中,不仅要积极学习先进地区的发展经验,做到少走弯路,更要加强对自身发展模式、体制机制和管理等方面的探索,因为区域开发的发展模式、体制机制和管理方面影响着区域开发的效果和决定着区域未来的发展走向。本研究从这一着眼点出发,结合日照国际海洋城开发建设中遇到的一些问题,进行了积极的探索,旨在指导日照国际海洋城科学合理地选择开发策略,促其真正走上可持续发展的成功道路。 本文运用区域开发的相关理论(如梯度理论、增长极理论、区域产业结构理论

4、、辐射理论、可持续发展理论) ,对日照国际海洋城开发建设的影响,进行了深入分析,旨在运用区域开发理论一些成熟的观点指导日照国际海洋城开发建设,探索一条符合当前形势、符合科学发展要求的道路;然后运用 SWOT 模型分析了日照国际海洋城开发建设面临的环境和动力,进而分析了日照国际海洋城开发建设的战略定位、发展方向和运作模式;从加强行政体制创新,推进土地开发机制、投资融资运作机制、项目管理机制等六个机制创新和市场化、规范化、精细化、人本化四个管理创新,提出日照国际海洋城开发体制机制和管理的创新的办法;最后,结合中新合作的两个案例苏州工业园和中新天津生态城,分析了他们开发的成功经验,对日照国际海洋城学

5、习他们的经验做法,进一步提高开发建设水平提出了意见建议。 本研究的创新点在于,把国内外区域研究理论的成果应用于指导日照国际海洋城开发建设上,有助于减少开发建设中的失误,增强日照国际海洋城发展的道路自信;对日照国际海洋城的战略定位、体制机制创新等进行了研究,能够在实践层面指导日照国际海洋城的开发建设;并且通过总结苏州工业园和中新天津生态城的发展经验,能够进一步提高日照国际海洋城的开发水平。这些研究成果,不仅对日照国际海洋城开发建设有所启示和借鉴,也能为山东半岛蓝色经济区区域开发乃至全国蓝色经济区区域开发提供参考。 关 键 词:日照国际海洋城 区域开发 发展模式 机制创新 管理创新 Abstrac

6、t The construction of Rizhao International Ocean City was launched officially in June 2012. Rizhao International Ocean City is one of the “cities” of the overall city plan of “three cities, one district”, and an important component of the “four districts, three industrial zones” designed under the f

7、ramework of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. As a brand-new development area, Rizhao International Ocean City undertakes the responsibility of providing experiences for Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. During the process of its development, not only should the development experiences of

8、the advanced areas be learned actively to avoid detours, but also the development mode, systems or mechanisms, and management styles which will influence and decide the development effects and future trend should be explored to enhance its self-development. The thesis is focused on the above-mention

9、ed development mode, systems and mechanisms, and management styles, integrating the problems encountered in the development, and aims at guiding Rizhao International Ocean City to choose appropriate development strategies, and spurring it to set out on the path of sustainable development. The thesis

10、 does deep analysis on the influences of the development and construction of Rizhao International Ocean City and puts forward a path of sustainable development in accordance with the current circumstances using the Gradient Theory, Growth Pole Theory, Regional Industrial Structure Theory, Radiation

11、Theory and Sustainable Development Theory which are frequently used in analyzing regional development. What ensues are the analysis of the circumstances and motivations of the development and construction of Rizhao International Ocean City and the further analysis of its strategic orientation, devel

12、opment direction and operation mode on the basis of the SWOT model. In the next part of the thesis new methods of the development system and mechanism are to be proposed in terms of six innovations in systems and mechanisms such as, land development mechanism, investment financing mechanism, project

13、 management and so on. Following this part new methods of management innovation are put forward in terms of the following four aspects, namely marketization, standardization, fining and humanization. Finally, the case study of Tianjing Eco-City and Guangzhou Knowledge City provides references for th

14、e high level development of Rizhao International Ocean City. What is innovative in this thesis is the research theories on regional development at home and abroad are applied comprehensively to guide the development and construction of Rizhao International Ocean City, which can reduce turnovers and

15、strengthen self-confidence in the development. The analysis on the strategic orientation, innovation of systems and mechanisms of Rizhao International Ocean City can guide its development and construction in practice. Rizhao International Ocean City can also improve its developing level adopting the

16、 experiences summed from the development of Tianjing Eco-City and Guangzhou Knowledge City. The research results and findings of the thesis can not only provide enlightenments and references for Rizhao International Ocean City but also provide references for the development of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and even th



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