I_went_there_last_year 2

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《I_went_there_last_year 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《I_went_there_last_year 2(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 1 I went there last year 教学设计教学内容Amy: Mum, look! Lingling has got some photos.Ms Smart: Can I see them, Lingling?Lingling: Of course.Lingling: They are photos of China. This is Xinjiang. Its in the west of China. I went there last year.Amy: Did you go with your mother and father?Lingling: Yes,

2、 I did. We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July.Ms Smart: The mountains are really beautiful.Lingling: This is Hainan. Its in the south of China.Amy: Who is this?Lingling: Its my uncle. He lives there with his three children. My cousins visit Beijing every year.Ms Smart:Oh yes, I remember!

3、I met them in June! Theyre Li people.教材分析本课是新标准英语三年级起点第六册第六模块的第一单元,本课新单词是photo,stay,week,新短语是 stay with,for a week ,Its in the west/south of;重点句型是 Where/When did you go?及其回答 I went there/; Did you go with?及 I went with; 本模块主要内容是让学生运用一般过去式来描述自己经历的一次旅行,本课通过 Lingling 对照片的描述,让学生初步了解并掌握如何表达自己何时去过某地以及所在地的

4、方位。学情分析小学五年级的学生在动词时态方面已经有了一定的基础,并且也具有了一定的语言表达基础。吸收新知识的能力较强。学生对过去式的理解还不够深入。教学设计理念英语课程标准指出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力。结合新大纲的要求,以交际为目的的原则,运用多种教学法,注重练习学生的生活经验,鼓励学生开口讲英语,通过自主合作学习,来增强学生的英语运用能力。知识与技能1.能听、说、认读单词 photo, stay, week.和短语 where/when did you go.? 及其相应回答 I went ;Did you go with?及 I went with;2.能运

5、用句型 where/when did you go.?来提问并作出相应的正确回答 I went;Did you go with?及 I went with;教学目标过程与方法在热身活动中全班同学来一个集体的 chant。接着通过猜和模仿来呈现新单词和句型,并让学生听课文录音回答问题理解课文;接下来通过播放课文录音让学生跟读并模仿课文录音、齐读课文、复述课文(fill in the blanks) ;指图说话、看图说话等方式2让学生操练巩固。在班上创设情境(待完善)让学生通过角色的扮演来把已学的知识拓展应用到实际中。最后布置作业,将教与学向课外延伸。TPR 教学法、任务型教学法、情景教学法 。情

6、感、态度、价值1. 通过交流旅游,鼓励学生敢于开口说英语,培养其学习英语的积极性2. 培养学生认真观察思考、学会沟通及合作交流的能力。教学重点、难点1. 重点:(1)能听说认读新单词 photo, stay,week(2)听懂会说及运用句型 where/When did you go?及其回答 I went;Did you go with?及 I went with;2. 难点:动词过去式及其时态的变化:规则和不规则。教学方法 TPR 教学法、任务型教学法、情景教学等。教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡、照片、Flash 动画教学过程:Step 1: Warming up and lead in (

7、热身和导入)Warming up1. Greetings.(日常问候)2. Say a chantT: Ok. Now, before the class, lets say a chant.(出示 ppt)North, north, north points up.South, south, south points down.East,east, east points right.West, west, west points left.Lead inT: boys and girls, I like travel, do you like travel?Ss: Me too/ I li

8、ke travel tooT: Today, we are going to learn a new lesson(导出课题) 板书:Module 6 TravelUnit 1 I went there last yearStep 2:Presentation (呈现)3单词句子呈现T: Now, I have something to show you. Guess, what is it?T: what is this?(出示照片)Ss: Its a .T: Its a photo.(教读单词)T: This is a photo of Beijing. I went to Beijing

9、 last year. Where did you go last year?(出示句型并教读)Ss.T: I went to Beijing with my friends last year(出示句型并教学) . Who did you go with?(出示课件)Ss:T: I went to Beijing with my friends , I stayed with my friends in Beijing for a week.(出示单词教读并解释)(设计意图:通过出示图片,向学生教授新单词 photo,并由照片描述“我”在北京做了什么引出要教的单词 stay, week 及句

10、型)课文呈现Look and listenT: Boys and girls, I went to Beijing last year, Ive got a photo of it,but where did Lingling go and what has she got? Please open your book and turn to page 22, lets look and listen.(听后回答)T: Where did Lingling go?Ss: .T: What has Lingling got?Ss: (设计意图:通过我去年去过北京,向学生发出疑问“Lingling

11、 去了哪” ,接着引出课文。第一次听,让学生初步理解课文。)T: Yes, she went to Xinjiang and Hainan, she got some photos about them. But when did Lingling go to Xinjiang? Who did she go with?, listen and answer.(听后回答)T: When did Lingling go to Xinjiang?Ss: .T: Who did she go with?Ss: .T: Xinjiangs mountains are beautiful, but Li

12、ngling also went to Hainan(出示第三片段图片?what about Hainan? Lets listen, then answer.4(设计意图:通过向学生提出问题,让学生带着问题听录音,进一步加深学生对课文的理解)Step 3 Practice(操练)Activity 1 Listen and repeat教师播放 flash, 学生跟读、模仿。(设计意图:通过模仿性操练,有利于学生在理解课文后学到正确的发音和语调,加深对单词及句式结构的理解)Activity 2 Read the text together(学生齐读课文)Activity 3 Retell th

13、e text 教师出示课件并让学生看着课本上的图片以填空的形式复述课文(设计意图:看图复述课文,操练课文句型)Activity 4 Act it out 请三位同学上来运用句型 where/when did you go to,Did you go with.通过自己的理解把课文表演出来(备选)Activity 5(备选)Say a chantPhoto, photo, I have a photo.Stay, stay, stay with my friend.Week, week, seven days in a week.Step 4 Consolidation(巩固)Activity

14、1学生同桌之间运用句型 where/when did you go to,Did you go with.相互询问各自的旅游情况。(设计意图:通过学生同桌间的问答,加深巩固句型)Activity 2 以调查采访的形式询问同学,并做出记录。 (在这前老师先做示范)A: Where did you go last_?B: I went to _.A: Did you go with your father and mother? B: _A: What did you do there? B: _. (设计理念:通过调查采访的方式让学生把已学知识运用到实际中并达到对其进行巩固的目的)5Activi

15、ty 3 创设刚旅游回来的情境,让学生运用句型 where/when did you go ,Did you go with. 询问操练。(设计理念:通过创设情境让学生在真实的语境中运用已学的知识,培养学生运用知识的能力)Activity 4 (备选) 句型接龙让学生 one by one 以开火车一问一答的方式巩固句型Activity 5 (备选)瞬间反应让两个学生到台上,分别拿上卡片(卡片上附上句子,如一张上有 where did you go last year?,另一张上面有 I went ShangHai last year.) 。两学生背对而走,在收到教师“stop” 的指令后向后

16、转并迅速念出对方卡片上的句子。(设计理念:通过学生的瞬时反应,锻炼学生口语表达思维)Step 5 Extension (拓展)Task 1: A survey about your family活动名称: 家庭调查活动规则:虚拟一个小家庭(三到四个成员,同学扮演。 ) ,给家庭成员起名,调查一下他们过去都去了哪。活动实施:教师说明活动规则,并让学生上台表演。活动评价:小学生喜欢表现、敢于表现,此活动可以让学生用所学知识自由发挥,表现自己Task 2 (备选) Task 3 (备选) Step 6 Summary and homework (总结并布置作业)SummaryLingling got some photos.She went to Xinjiang with her father and mother last year.She staye


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