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1、英语科技论文写作与发表英语科技论文写作与发表英语科技论文写作与发表英语科技论文写作与发表 RESEARCH PAPER WRITINGRESEARCH PAPER WRITINGRESEARCH PAPER WRITINGRESEARCH PAPER WRITING AND PUBLISHING AND PUBLISHING AND PUBLISHING AND PUBLISHING 科技论文的概念科技论文的概念科技论文的概念科技论文的概念 “a written and published report describing original research results“ From :D

2、ay, R.A.: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Second edn. ISI Press,Philadelphia (1983)Scientific papers have to meet two requirements :how the paper is writtenthe way it is published.科技论文的重要性科技论文的重要性科技论文的重要性科技论文的重要性 Why to write papers?Publishing papers is very critical for researchersIt i

3、s a process of getting ideas, performing them, presenting them, testing them, and making them accepted by other researchersIt is one representation of research productions.科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式The general structure of a paper comprises following sections(in their typical sequence): title,

4、 authors, affiliate(附属机构,即作者所在单位 ), abstraction, keywords, introduction, body, conclusion, acknowledgments(致谢), appendix(如 果有的话), references.科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式 1、Title “as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper“effective titles should: identify the

5、 main issue of the paper begin with the subject of the paper are accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete do not contain abbreviations(缩写)attract readers科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式example: An efficient arithmetic codes suiting for hardware design(一种硬件实现的高效算术编码)Network Programming Based on

6、Web(基于Web的网络 编程)。 科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式Attention: avoid to use words like:studies on, investigations on, observations on problem is not proper for title Articles in title(题名中的冠词)。在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简化 的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。eg:The Application of Microprocessors on Processing of Chemical He

7、at-treatment其中的冠词the可不用。标题长度一般不超过12个单词科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式 upper case and lower case in titlea. THE APPLICATION OF THE MODELS OF NONLINEAR REGRESSION.b. The Contourlet Transform for Image Compression.(每个词的首字母大写,但3个或4个字母 以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写。)c. Image coding using wavelet transformthe form b.

8、is often used, but the form c. appear more and more 。 科科科科 技技技技 论论论论 文文文文 撰撰撰撰 写写写写 格格格格 式式式式3、Affiliate单位应是作者在进行研究工作时所在的单位, 一般写在作者姓名下方。寄给国外杂志应写明所在 单位的部门,如大学的系、研究所的室、医院的科 等。在国内杂志上发表文章,不写单位地址;在国 外杂志发表文章,一般应在单位下面写详细地址。若作者不止一人,而又来自不同单位,则单位 可分别写在合作者下方。也可以在作者姓名右上方注上a, b, c或星号*, * ,然后在脚注中分别列出这些记号并写上单位和地 址

9、。 科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式4. Abstract“an abstract comprises a one paragraph summary of the whole paper. “Abstracts have become increasingly important, as electronic publication databases are the primary means of finding research reports in a certain subject area today . 科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰

10、写格式科技论文撰写格式A checklist listing relevant parts of an abstract: 1. Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results? 2. Problem statement: What problem is the paper trying to solve and what is the scope of the work? 3. Approach: What was done to solve the problem? 4. Results: What is the a

11、nswer to the problem? 5. Conclusions: What implications does the answer imply?科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式there are some things that should not be included in an abstract:Information and conclusions not stated in the paperreferences to other literature the exact title phraseillustrative elements

12、 such as tables and figures科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式 说明:有相当数量的作者和审稿人认为, 科技论文的撰写 应使用第三人称、过去时和被动语态 。但调查表明, 科 技论文中被动语态 的使用在1920-1970 年曾比较流行, 但由于主动语态 的表达更为准确, 且更易阅读, 因而目 前大多数期刊都提倡使用主动态。国际知名科技期刊 “Nature”, “Cell”等尤其如此, 其中第一人称和主动语态 的 使用十分普遍。为了解专业期刊对写作风格的规定, 有人随机抽查 了500 份医学和生物学英文期刊的“读者须知”。统计表 明, 82%的

13、期刊没有文风方面的规定。可见, 为简洁 、清楚地表达研究成果, 在论文摘要的 撰写中不应刻意回避第一人称和主动语态 。科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式Common used sentences in abstract writing:1.This paper introduce(s) propose(s) present(s) describe(s) discuss(s) deal(s) withfocus(es) onshow(s) 2.In this paper, is(are) introduced.科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文

14、撰写格式 3. This paper(article) is concerned with(aimed at、 intended to) the study(determination of) 4. It is the aim(intend、purpose) of this paper to discuss(present、describe) 5. The chief aim(main purpose、primary object)of this paper is to6.has(have) concluded(gained、obtained、 yielded、arrived at、gener

15、ated、acquired)7.This result(fact、demonstration、illustration、 classification、comparison、analyses) gives (shows)科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式8.The approach is based on 9.Conditions are considered for 10.The required foris needed 11.The formulas is derived for according to 12.Test has been carried o

16、ut to study 13.The simulation is performed using 14.The result of this study can be generalized for 15.Result forare found to be close to the experimental data.科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式科技论文撰写格式实例1: 一种适合硬件实现的高效算术编码 摘要:本文提出了利用查找来实现二值算术编码,避免乘 除法运算,可以简化硬件设计,该算法具有较小的概率逼 近误差,因此性能退化较小。Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new implementation of multiplication-free binary arithmetic coding by use of table lookup whic



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