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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文Y汽车饰件有限公司外饰厂营销战略和策略探析姓名:巴蕾申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:余明阳20080601Y 汽车饰件有限公司外饰厂营销战略和策略探析 摘 要 据保守预测,2008 年中国整车产量将突破一千万辆。中国整车产量 的迅速上扬激发了零部件需求的增长。汽车零部件企业的产品销售收入 每年平均增长 36.82%,高出行业平均水平。另一方面在如此繁荣的市场 中,我国 08 年 1 月 CPI 已经上涨 7.1,原料成本大幅上升,而整车行 业由于竞争激烈,不断转嫁成本压力给零部件供应商。 2004 年,Y 公司外饰厂从市场份额最大企业跌落后,相继失去了技 术优

2、势和成本优势,并在整车新品竞标中节节败退。Y 公司应如何调整 营销战略和策略以获取优秀的市场和材料供应资源? 本论文从国内汽车零部件产业发展出发,对零部件行业在中国的历 史,现状进行了总结,并预测产业未来发展趋势。摒弃五力分析的弊端, 运用六力模型对保险杠市场环境分析,通过深入研究,重新定位 Y 公司 营销组合策略。 全篇论文中,经过多角度分析论证,营销组合中的核心策略为多渠 道营销,互补品厂商结成战略联盟,新材料研发三方面。 关键词:保险杠,市场营销,汽车零部件 THE RESEARCH OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF EXTERIOR BUSINESS UNIT IN Y

3、 AUTO TRIM SYSTEM CO., LTD ABSTRACT In 2008 China vehicle output will surpass 10 million. Chinas vehicle output steep rise stimulates the demand growth of auto parts. The annual revenue average growth for automotive components is 36.82% which is higher than the industry average. At the same time ano

4、ther fact that can not be overlooked is that Chinas CPI in January rose by 7.1 percent. Cost of raw materials keeps rising. Auto manufactures continue to shift cost pressure to accessories suppliers because of the hot competition. As the NO.1 firm with the biggest market share in 2004 Ys Exterior Bu

5、siness Unit continued to lose market share, the technique and costs advantages in the new vehicle bid steadily retreat. How should Y adapt their market strategy to get the best market and the supply of material resources? I started this paper from the development of auto parts industry and summarize

6、d the status quo, industry and forecast future trends. Discard disadvantages of Porters five forces analysis Six Forces Model was used in the analysis of bumper market environment. Through in-depth study, marketing strategies were rebuilt in this paper. After the all-around analysis the core strateg

7、ies for market include three factors: multi-distribution, the strategy partnership with complementation firms, R then 0100020003000400050006000700080001995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Gross Production Value(100 million RMB)-10.00%0.00%10.00%20.00%30.00%40.00%50.00%60.00%Gro

8、wth RateGPV for Auto GPV for Auto PartsGR for Auto PartsGR for Auto交通大学 MBA 学位论文 Y 汽车饰件有限公司外饰厂营销战略和策略探析 3national accessory industry have been introduced and internal condition of Y firms; the market strategy including segment, target, position have been mentioned here; the last content is market po

9、lice including product, price, promotion and distribution. FIGURE 3 Framework of Disquisition Introduction Related TheoryAccessory Industry AnalysisY Firm Brief IntroductionExternal Parts Marketing Strategy External Parts Marketing PolicyConclusion and Advice交通大学 MBA 学位论文 Y 汽车饰件有限公司外饰厂营销战略和策略探析 4Cha

10、pter 2 Related Theories 2.1 Market Environment Analysis- Six Forces Analysis 2.1.1 Five Forces Models Character Five Forces model was offered by the famous Harvard University Professor Michael Porter in 1980 as a competition-driven power industrys analytical tools. Through the Five Forces Model the

11、analyzers focuses on the industry structure, deconstructs its operating environment, learned the five competitive forces to take corresponding action, weaken the impact of the five competitive forces, and enhance their own competitiveness strength and status to maintain good profitability in the com

12、petition of the initiative. These five competitive forces impact together on the competition intensity and the profit margins in this industry. Among these five forces the strongest one or more which are the dominating ones controlled the final enterprises strategies. In the Five Forces Model all ar

13、rows mean the threats and competitions. Competitors, substitutes enterprises, potential entrants are all regarded as actual or potential competitors. And the demand and supplier parties are looked as the target objects with who do bargain negotiations. Based on the economy theory Five Forces Model h

14、ighlights the “Rivalry” and contains the rule“ take advantage of competition and concentrate on own profits ”as judgment. This kind of subjective assumption will restrict the strategy exploitation and the impersonality will miss. It blocks the idea exploitation and action plan. The model of pure com

15、petition implies that risk-adjusted rates of return should be constant across firms and industries. However numerous economic studies have affirmed that different industries can sustain different levels of profitability; part of this difference is explained by industry structure. Michael Porter prov

16、ided a framework that models an industry as being influenced by five forces. The strategic business manager seeking to develop an edge over rival firms can sue this model to better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. 交通大学 MBA 学位论文 Y 汽车饰件有限公司外饰厂营销战略和策略探析 5FIGURE 4 Porters Five Forces Model (1) Rivalry In the traditional economic model, compe


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