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1、中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘 要 近年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的完善和高等教育大众化进程的推进,高校毕业生就业制度改革也逐步深化, “自主择业”的高校毕业生就业制度已得到广泛推行。在此背景下, 开展高校毕业生就业评估, 构建完善的高校毕业生就业评估制度势在必行。因此,高校毕业生就业评估问题已成为高等教育领域一项新的实践性很强的重要课题。 为进一步深化高校毕业生就业制度的改革, 国家教育部出台了向社会公布各高校毕业生就业率的改革措施,把就业率作为一项衡量高校办学质量、学科设置、专业结构及毕业生竞争力的重要指标,并同其招生计划、新专业申报以及研究生教育等相挂钩。以就业率为重要指标的就业评估在

2、高校就业工作中得到广泛应用, 但也存在毕业生就业率评估的统计及实践缺乏科学性的问题,更未建立起完善的高校毕业生就业评估制度。 完善高校毕业生就业评估可以从多学科视角获得理论支撑。一是价值的视角,可以为研究不同主体参与就业评估提供哲学认识论依据;二是权力的视角,以治理理论为依据,为不同主体参与就业评估提供权力支持;三是经济的视角,以新制度经济学的理论为依据,分析制度建设在高校就业评估中的重要作用。 美国高校毕业生就业评估机构多元化,统计体现不同价值取向,就业状况的界定和分类标准多样,搜集就业信息的方法灵活多样,统计指标体系较为健全,注重就业率统计的阶段性和时效性等方面的经验可以为我国高校毕业生就

3、业评估的完善提供参照。 完善我国高校毕业生就业评估工作,应在坚持指标体系与目的一致性;指标体系的多功能性;指标的可测性和可操作性;现实性与前瞻性相结合的原则的基础上,拓展就业评估的主体,改进就业评估方式,并构建评估指标丰富、定量计算、易操作、有针对性、实用性强等较为完善的高校毕业生就业评估指标体系。 关键词:就业;评估;就业率;指标体系 高校毕业生就业评估制度研究 IIAbstract In recent years, along with the perfection of the socialist market economy system, the popularization of

4、higher education and the gradually deepened reform of the university graduates employment system, the new system, which took “freely choosing jobs” as a characteristic, has been carried out extensively. On this background, conducting employment assessment of university graduates and establishing the

5、 perfect employment evaluation system of university graduates is to be imperative. Therefore, the employment evaluation of university graduates has become a new important subject with great practicality in higher education. In order to further deepen the reform of university graduates employment sys

6、tem, the ministry of education began to give publicity to employment rate of various university graduates which is taken as an important indicator for measuring the quality of education, the establishment of disciplines, the structure of majors and the competitive power of graduates in universities

7、and colleges, and is related with their enrollment plan, the application of new majors, the postgraduate education and so on. Employment evaluation, of which employment rate is the key indicator, has been executed extensively in the employment issue of university graduates, but our university gradua

8、tes employment evaluation is not accurate and far from maturity. Improving the employment evaluation of university graduates can obtain the theory support from the multi-disciplinary view. The first is the perspective of value that can provide the foundation of epistemology for studying different pa

9、rticipants of the employment evaluation; the second is the perspective of power that can provide the support of authority for different participants of the employment evaluation on the basis of governance theory; the third is the perspective of economics that takes new institutional economics as the

10、oretical basis and is helpful to analyze the importance of the system construction in the university graduates employment evaluation. In America, there are diversified institutions of employment evaluation; statistics manifest different tendencies of value; the definition and classification criteria

11、 of employment are very different; the methods of gathering employment information are flexible and varied; 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 IIIthe system of statistical indicators is integral; the stage and timeliness of statistics of employment rate are paid much attention. All these may provide some reference for es

12、tablishing the employment evaluation system of university graduates in China. Improving our employment evaluation issue of university graduates should expand implementers of employment evaluation, perfect the means of employment evaluation, and establish the better indicator system of employment eva

13、luation of university graduates is abundant, easy-operating, pertinent, practical, based on the consistency between objectives and indicators that is measurable, operable, actual and prospective. Key Words: employment; evaluation; employment rate; indicator system 中南民族大学中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑

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15、手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 本学位论文属于 1、保密,在_年解密后适用本授权书。 2、不保密。 (请在以上相应方框内打“” ) 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 1第一章 绪 论 一、问题的提出与研究意义 (一)选题缘由 2006 年 11 月由中国新闻网新闻中心报道的高校就业率统计存在虚假,专家称应由第三方统计一文中提出:在日前召开的 2006 年就业论坛中,有关专家认为,高校就业率统计存在虚假,是中国劳动力就业状况目前存在的三大问题之一。 关于 2005 年的高校就业率,有几组不同数字:教育部公布,截至 2005 年 9 月 1 日,

16、全国高校毕业生就业率 72.6%,本科生 82.7%;国家人事部统计显示,截至 2005 年 12 月 31 日,高校毕业生就业率 87.7%;而今年 7 月,共青团中央学校部、北京大学公共政策研究所联合发布的“2006 年中国大学生就业状况调查”结果显示, 截至 5 月底, 在接受调查的 2006届本科毕业生中,已签约和已有意向但还没有签约的占 49.81%,不想马上就业的占15.02%,而未找到工作的占 27.25%。 著名教育专家、北京理工大学教授杨东平认为,目前统计毕业时候的实际签约率是毫无价值的。 “还没有离开学校,就让学生和单位签约,所造成的一个后果就是毕业时候签约率大面积作假,国外通行的指标是调查一年后的就业结果” 。 另外, 目前高校自报就业率的统计方式, 使得汇总的统计可信度很低。“我认为应该由第三方建立国家教育信息系统, 把大学生就业信息统计建立在一个科学可测的基础上,从制度上矫治就业率统计的虚假情况” 。1 近年来,大学毕业生人数的逐年增加给高校的就业工作带来了



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