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1、第9卷 200()年 9增刊CT理论与应用研究8 卜 -86CT Theorvand AoolicationsVol.9, Supplement Sent- 2000SeismicMonitoringofSubsidenc e ofGroundSurfac e Causedbymin吨 atZheskazganmine,Kaz akhstan VM v i A.MANSU RO叭Pav d LPAVLOV.Mudtm m bet Zh SATOV .NilZ C.TOMIL W Sr Uaim iAanspax Acadcm y,P.O.Box486.Krm aigaslc66001 4,Ru

2、 ssia = 孙s ical-Tedm icalhstitw eRA S,26Pobdm idteslayaS tr;R us sia 头 IC A Z AHIviYS“Capaatia- , IMc fasl lum d sSquac eZIw A az gaLR epblicoFK an幻 v uan ABSIRAG T:Catast rophesam ematte,sudsasasuddenco l 城s e ofopenpits耐 . 如 om d ew av af ias as H ellasavastsurfacesrrtaden c e i吐 iced扮miningactrvi

3、U es,pr e-B ias 由1 gaSt0du en众 肠Ijrf iasoxam Infact dMe“sidd a r“M ails二diere sultoflag-snnpeparA r n pt 。 习 s,“f i n chateoaauun giumor e pipesandambiau r od: Thelan oicappmdi),aspoposd血此由 s c riptiatJ 此prela aor v proce ss.ThepD o esspresentsastodm s fc a=am ulabmafdefeisnnr oc kcasod卜alo vg4 m nr

4、edsW nnionofA m ss-stm atatm nautbi3urockmassifCasemdics rdaWtomi ni ngamv inmat7 1 h chwgtancoppermi nes 私 KaaF dtsta ni 二 o a sidaud As) v % shmndieseismic nxauY avgisagoodmediod分允ecastrgcophccav uga ndsn ufa esubsi由砍 Key- A urds: Ivfumn icitym iyad mandlecdvmai(A NIK O1 kNK OandM A NSU ROV ,1 996

5、1 ).T liepxp= stom % Wt rai l sm st rc statedim igs.fndisiindeldxentie,l呵也 r旅 dm 4icpr epaataygoxs dr oc kddedfaniabai烟 l a i石 calfaihaes s cm 9t七t d3.1. Lacalim如iofSdmvdtyandFa maf ia idTtaca= Nuda KixdcW oedia diefawas iuigofcAapse smnm xss aieeaaiW w didxd= ctoicfsa dalar cltm npaal P 浏m俪 escfses

6、 nicpoocssc s.Asislu mmsr tucf tMvi l切唤卿 y( etaoe , 响 ofr odda dstonanm damrm pY m se卜thenxktowam 创 bad; Asa a u ltodis,mso mebcadasotlm eroc hbloc kdiep r obab朔 oflocdbm9m anynm aea wandaaa3cmay m sAAmadugtothsmodd,diestWofaru p m dr n afno irvuaac tr tgaaz ks(arrocksdefeas)iscamdaedasdiefi t h um

7、mcsu缪J 此frac am epuoessFuras此pocess仗 flaa r n 面改 样infmr,aad:cai aihahm 远 二 baua sb*rar山m htoesilm easa- ee Tlusg a- de adus 9asofaadatlra馋加。 舀 沈 N地eachedi ram d caasmf t mrlabmc ffiac aiepocm Asacasegu=oats,.Thisflavmas, bea mo=Wwith此烈 1 月 如 ” .日 卜 obtaine dtim es ie scfA Ec se isnicsigm k Hereadete

8、dsiaemaybed. 雀 犯 血 e d bythea rgyofdiesignalFmmthe stam t i alpout o f - , , M;此fvstlm m eticstap amupcndstof quasis 喃 Pm mflowJ ev s us c a m p ,山吵.a 、 州 国 由afthequmm tc adyaiditiasin此fbwisev idaioeJ f t desdapnaaofdiess a dlar ebcgagemsowtod N面触允 - -m 试fi memd , Fu thechaada zo nonofdm espaadandlH

9、 npaalpealh31 t ie60fdm epucmme d1 m tH nalsA tbemealdm e s“ e gwr t matl5a 5 N ellasihtwvdlatlal(camilbm)f3eta心N aesda m dhilm eN汕阮此触 lar e acstage p血RM S Sam p07m N汕此mo m鸡二 次Thesmoa d s to匆 己 场 皿 man 改mm ae 9 Cc ftheva6wofV ,and此 samdrmeasdeaaseafdt St动dem山nefarZh 肠 m二、 vi llbecaisidaedbelou几32 Se

10、 s micMora= g System The automatedseismicmonitoring systemthat wasdeployedintheZhezkazgan mines is capableofmonitoring al l thelocationsofthedepositbo勿.Thesystemconsistsofthetwo subsystems.The first one (RATS)wasdeployedseveralyears agoaroundthe areaof mining for purposesofregionalmonitoring.Itwasde

11、velopedandmanufacturedbytheKazgeofizika Design BureauofRep.Kazakhstan(see KVITKOandRAIZMAN, 1999).Thesubsystemconsistso#8 three-component wide-range SK-IPfieldseismic stationswith digital outputsconnectedviaradio channels to the central PC.Thesecondsubsystemisa mobile MOSDASseismicmonitoringnetworkd

12、esignedand manufacturedby theDMTGmbh,Essen, Germany.It alsoincorporatesanarray of 8three- component seismic sensors instal l edwithintheminerstown.Additionallythe subsystem incorporates 2 seismometers installedbelowthesurfacein the areaof miningtopr o vide bet t er84一一一工T Theory ind applic t ion一一一一

13、 ,一 一 一 一 Z o1.4 determination of hypocenters of seismic events.All sensors wereconnected via modem andradio channels to the cent r al PC unitresponsible for the accumulation, processing and storage of data. Both the RRTS and MOSDAShave 口100dBdynamic range and continuous automatic data recording. Al

14、lthe communication channels were synchronizedwitha quartz clock built into the cent r al PC unit andalsowithGPStime.Their frequencyranges of 500Hz correspondedtothe measuringinstruments.The I Mbbuffer memory was capableof storing upto 1004-secondrecords per channelThearraysintheexistingconfiguration

15、wer e capableofregisteringseismiceventsof energy grade 2 or higher at a hypocenter detection accuracy of several tenths of meters.Real seismicevents were selectedfromall recordedsignals bythe evaluationof several parametersincludingenergyofseismicsignal, number ofseismicstationsthat registered . sig

16、nal as well as the time differences in signal detec t ion by different stations.3.3. AmhsiscfSeivmcAdiykyinn= L -m gmNf im TheseismicactivityintheZhezkazgancopper mines isrelatively high (morethan500eventsa year). Fig. 3 shows a spatial distribution of epicenters of seismic events registered in 1998.Areas 主 圣2 0吸 0比0 峨 06 0 0曰0 3 】Xr t , ) 飞 3 争蒯di守 b面em中ia tasofsemnicew assrcgm= di n 1 998atZhcA oz g gmmir e smarkedas I and2 amamesoffallsofcawg Ascanb



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