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1、14-5-22银符在线考试模拟题库-在线练习大学英语六级真题2013年06月-(1)1/ it also involves how others see you Three types of feedback from others are (43) of how they see us: confirmation, rejection, and disconfirmation. Confirmation occurs when others treat you in a manner consistent with who you believe you are. (44) . On the

2、 other hand, rejection occurs when others treat you in a manner that is inconsistent with your self-definition. Pierre Salinger was appointed senator from California but subsequently lost his first election (45) -their vote was inconsistent with his self-concept. The third type of feedback is discon

3、firmation, which occurs when others fail to respond to your notion of self by responding neutrally. (46) . Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself. The way in which you identify yourself is the best reflection of your self-image.语音下载 答案:Included 解析 此处填入动词in

4、clude“包含”的过去分词形式included。实际上本句为倒装句。 答案:categories 解析 空格前定冠词the提示填入名词。category意为“类别”,空格前面的are提示此处要 填复数形式。 答案:similar 解析 此处应填入一个形容词来修饰名词descriptors。similar意为“类似的”。 答案:acquaintance 解析 空格前面的an提示此处应填入名词单数形式,并且是以元音字母开头。acquaintance 意为“熟人”。 答案:recently 解析 recently意为“最近”,修饰整个定语从句。 答案:volunteer 解析 此处应填入一个形容词

5、来修饰work。volunteer意为“志愿的”。 答案:citizen 解析 空格前的conscientious“尽责的”为形容词,故此处应填入一个名词,与 grandparent,widower并列,都是单数。citizen意为“市民,公民”。 答案:indicative 解析 此处应填入一个形容词与后面的of构成短语搭配。be indicative of意为“表明,暗 示”。 答案:You believe you have leadership abilities and your boss puts you in charge of a new work team 答案:He thou

6、ght he was a good public official, but the voters obviously thought otherwise 答案:A student writes what he thinks is an excellent composition, but the teacher writes no encouraging remarks Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A Highly proficient musicianship is hard won. Although its

7、 often assumed musical ability is inherited, theres abundant evidence that this isnt the case. While it seems that at birth virtually everyone has perfect pitch, the reasons that one child is better than another are motivation and practice.Highly musical children were sung to more as infants and mor

8、e encouraged to join in song games as kids than less musical ones, long before any musical ability could have been evident. Studies of classical musicians prove that the best ones practised considerably more from childhood onwards than ordinary orchestral players, and this is because their parents w

9、ere at them to put in the hours from a very young age.14-5-22银符在线考试模拟题库-在线练习大学英语六级真题2013年06月-(1)15/ What sets Jacksons family apart is that his father used his reign of terror to train his children as musicians and dancers.On top of his extra ability, Michael also had more drive. This may have been

10、the result of being the closest of his brothers and sisters to his mother. “He seemed different to me from the other children-special,“ Michaels mother said of him. She may not have realised that treating her son as special may have been part of the reason he became like that.All in all, if you want

11、 to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to crack the whip. Thankfully, most of us will probably settle for a bit of fun on the recorder and some ill-executed pieces of music on the piano from our children. 48. According to the author, a childs musical ability has m

12、uch to do with their _. 答案: motivation and practice 解析 本题询问作者认为孩子的音乐才能和什么有关。该句首先提到人们普遍认为与遗传有 关,但接着就说有大量证据说明这种观点不正确。随后作者提出自己的观点:真正造成一个孩 子比另一个孩子优秀的原因是孩子的动力和训练,因此motivation and practice为答案。 49. In order to develop the musical ability of their children, many parents will accompany them during their prac

13、tice, sacrificing a lot of their own _. 答案: leisure time 解析 本题询问的是许多家长为了培养孩子的音乐能力而付出什么代价。题干中的 sacrificing a lot of是对原文的giving up substantial periods of的同义改写,因此of后 面就是答案,即leisure time。 50. Because of their fathers pressure and strict training, Michael Jackson and some of his brothers and sisters even

14、tually became _. 答案: musicians and dancers 解析 本题询问的是在父亲施加的压力和严格训练下,杰克逊和他的兄弟姐妹最终成为什 么。题干中的pressure and strict training是原文中his reign of terror to train his children的同义改写,故其后就是答案所在,即musicians and dancers。 51. Michaels extra drive for music was partly due to the fact that he was _ by his mother. 答案:trea

15、ted as special 解析 本题询问Michael比别人对音乐拥有更多的动力,与他母亲的什么做法有关。该段第3 句提到他母亲一直认为他比别的孩子更特别。题干中的due to是对该段最后一句中的the reason的同义替换,因此可得出treating her son as special为答案所在。不过本题需要注 意的是题目里主语是原文的宾语,因此填入的内容也要随之变成被动语态,故改为treated as special。 52. To bring up a great musician like Mozart or Bach, willingness to be strict wit

16、h your child is _. 答案: the key factor 解析 本题询问的是为了把孩子培养成莫扎特或巴赫,对自己孩子严格要求,这起什么作 用。题干中的willingness to be strict with your child是原文中crack the whip的同义改 写,故答案为原文此句的主语部分,即the key factor。 Section B Passage One In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday14-5-22银符在线考试模拟题库-在线练习大学英语六级真题2013年06月-(1)16



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