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1、 关于失眠的句子关于失眠的句子 关于追星的唯美句子 有关劳动的句子 关于失眠的说说心情 唯美的 句子 篇一:实用英语:表达失眠的十句英语口语 实用英语:表达失眠的十句英语口语 1. I couldnt fall asleep last night. 我昨晚睡不着。 2. I y exams. 我因为担心考试一整晚没睡着。 5. Ive been suffering from insomnia. 我近来饱受失眠之苦。 6. I didnt close my eyes until early this morning. 我一直到凌晨才睡着。 7. I tossed and turned in be

2、d all night. 我一整晚辗转难眠。 8. Sleeping pills somehoe last night. 昨晚不知怎么搞的安眠药好象对 我没用。 9. I uch coffee. I orning, doctor. 医生:早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor:good morning. s to be the trouble? 病人:我最近有点失眠。 Patient:Im suffering from insomnia. 医生:这种情况有多久了? Doctor:Ho? 病人:三个月了。 Doctor:Three months. 医生:服用过什么药吗? Doctor:Have yo

3、u take any medicine? 病人:试过安眠药,但是对我一点儿都不起作用。 Patient:I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me. 医生:有头痛的情况吗? Doctor:Do you have headaches? 病人:有时候有。吃饭也没有胃口,总是感紧不安。 Patient:Sometimes. I have no appetite and ale take your blood pressure. You look anemic. (Taking the patients blood pr

4、essure.) 医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。 Doctor:ed about. You are just a little exhausted from overore rest. Try to get outdoors more. Dont strain yourself too much. 病人:谢谢你,大夫。我会照你说的去做。 Patient:Thank you. Doctor. Ill do as you say. 医生:拿着,这是给你开的处方。我相信这药会治好你的失眠症的。Doctor:Here is the prescription for you. Im

5、sure the medicine nia. 病人:多谢了。再见! Patient:Thanks a lot. Bye-bye! 医生:再见! Doctor:Bye! 单词 nia n. 失眠症 appetite n. 胃口 pressure n. 压力,血压 anemic n. 贫血病 exhausted adj 疲倦,筋疲力尽 over 遭受 sleeping pills 安眠药 on the edge 紧张不安 take sbs blood pressure 量血压 句子 Sentence Patterns s to be the trouble? 哪里不舒服? Ho? 这种情况有多久了? I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me. 我试过安



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