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1、Ni hao, Wilsonites, friends, family, and acquaintances! This is an online journal that I am keeping during my two month internship at Liaocheng University in China. The purpose of my internship is to educate LU students on conversational English, vocabulary, and American culture. It may sound strang

2、e, but I have always wanted to experience what they call culture-shock; and a real challenge to be on my own in a foreign country. So I chose China, because not only does it have a very different culture from America but, also because I thought it would be very interesting to be in country that is g

3、oing through some major transformations in of its self. It truly is an exciting time for China. During my short stay here, I hope to learn as much as I can about the Chinese culture and language. So, please read and enjoy my journal entries, and feel free to contact me with any questions at bcuswort

4、 There is so much to tell and I cant possibly share everything that I am experiencing so bare with me while I try to paint you a decent picture May 24th and 25th 2007. Washington D.C to L.A. California- 5 hours and 1 layover L.A. to Tokyo- 13 hours and 1 hour layover Tokyo to Beiji

5、ng- 3 hours and 2 hour layover for train (it was an 11pm train) Train ride from Beijing to Liaocheng- 5 hours.After 30 hours of sitting, waiting, watching, listening, sleeping, eating, reading, praying that whatever it was that I just ate wouldnt make me sick, praying that the plane wouldnt blow an

6、engine, praying that the big guy sitting next to me would stop farting in his sleep, after all of that, I was ready to move! I was so excited to arrive in Beijing! My first time in China! I didnt feel the least bit tired. Customs was a breeze. I quickly made my way to the exit to find a long railed

7、walkway where hundreds of Chinese people were holding up signs with peoples names. It reminded me of the red carpet. I walked very slowly so that I could find my name. This made me even more of a spectacle than I already was, being that I was one of maybe three westerners that I had seen so far. I c

8、ouldnt find my name. I started to get scared that my ride wasnt there. I hadnt corresponded with the person coming pick me up in over a week. Maybe something happened. I made a phone call and was relived to find out that Mr. Li was in fact here to pick me up. It took us a while to find each other be

9、cause he didnt seem to understand me very well. I was so happy to see Mr. Li when he finally found me! Finally I had someone to talk to and to share the experience with! Unfortunately conversation sputtered out because he didnt seem to understand English very well. Later I found out that he understa

10、nds English very well, but I was speaking too fast for him. We took a taxi to the train station. The highways in Beijing are very busy. Our taxi weaved in and out of traffic; sometimes driving right on top of the line. No one seemed to follow any kind of traffic laws. Horns honked constantly. On two

11、 occasions I saw some very old and dirty Chinese workers sleeping on the back of flatbed trucks. When we arrived at the train station it really hit me how different I look from everyone else in China. So many people stared.The train was cramped and congested. It finally hit me how tired I was and I

12、was relieved to find that Mr. Li had paid for a bunk bed for me. I went to bed as soon as the train departed. I awoke about every hour in a panic. Having no concept of time, I worried that we had slept through our stop. I didnt understand how we would know when to get off if we were both sleeping. A

13、t 4:20am a women came in and woke us up. We arrived in Liaocheng City at 4:30am. When we exited the train, we were greeted by taxi drivers who practically fought over us. Just a 10 minute ride and I finally made it to the place I would call home for the next two months. Summary of the weekend: On Sa

14、turday I met Mrs. Song, Mr. Li, and Ms. Gao for lunch. They took me to a restaurant right outside campus. They ordered so many dishes that the table was completely filled. I wasnt hungry to start with so, I just tried to appease them by eating a bit of everything. The style of eating is different fr

15、om the U.S. because you do not get your own plate. With chopsticks you just grab any piece of food you like and eat it. Everyone has a small plate in front of them, but you dont really use it unless its something that you have to pick apart to eat. Much of the food was wasted. I dont understand why

16、they ordered so much food. After lunch I made a phone call to my mom and wrote a few emails. Then Ms. Song dropped Ms. Gao and I off at the grocery store. Everyone at the store stared at me. I told Ms. Gao a few things that I needed, but ended up playing charades which of course drew more attention. I could here people start to talk. Who knows what they were saying maybe what


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