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1、JWC Bilingual Bimonthly E-Newsletter No.78April 1st , 2009 by JWC Consulting Inc.Advance notice: JWC Newsletter No.79 will e- mail to you from June 1st , 2009. Big screen with Video and Voice open between JWC Shanghai Liaison Office and JWC Vancouver HeadquarterAs JWC internal technology development

2、, from January 20,2009 JWC HQ in Vancouver and its one of China Liaison offices Shanghai Liaison office opened bidirectional hot telephone line, from April 1, JWC HQ in Vancouver and JWC Shanghai Liaison office open bidirectional 42 inch big screen with high definition video and voice conference sys

3、tem, within JWC Shanghai Liaison before meeting table can meet with JWC senior immigration expert consultant at 0 distance to face to face discuss or meeting from out of Shanghai 10,000 kilometre. JWC welcomes all those who are interesting in immigration of clients and agents or friends make appoint

4、ment during working days and sit the meeting table within JWC Shanghai Liaison office to discuss the concern issues with North America Expert consultant face to face.JWC Skype Video user nameJWC Skype video user name is JWC video user name is the same as toll free telephone line from China, where ta

5、lk to talk with North America expert using as JWC clients without time limited, if you are not JWC client yet, and you can use the toll telephone from China and Video only up to 5 minute free of charge, if you would use long time you must pay 100 USD with satisfying consultation service with no limi

6、ted time to the end of topics which you are concern.锦维顾问锦维顾问公司公司 第第 78 期双月双期双月双语简报语简报2009 年 4 月 1 日由锦维顾问公司发布 预告: 第 79 期简报将于 2009 年 6 月 1 日起发到您信箱,到时请注意查收 锦维公司上海联络处与锦维公司北美总部开通大屏幕视音频会议系统作为锦维公司内部技术上的发展,自 2009 年 1 月20 日起锦维公司温哥华总部与锦维公司联络处之一的中国上海联络处之间启用内部双向热线电话外,由于技术上的突破和借用国际互联网最先进的视频音频平台以及北美一端使用特高速宽带,自 20

7、09 年 4 月 1 日起锦维公司上海联络处与位于温哥华锦维公司总部之间双向开通并启用大屏幕42 寸全屏高清晰度视频音频会议系统,凡是在锦维公司上海联络处内可以直接坐在会议桌前与万里之外的北美锦维公司资深移民专家顾问实现 0距离面对面见面或讨论或开会。锦维公司欢迎在中国境内的任何有兴趣的客户或代理方或朋友如有需要可以在工作日内预约前往锦维公司上海联络处与锦维公司北美专家顾问面对面讨论所关心的问题。锦维公司视音频会议系统设备参数(从目前而言都是相当好的设备和线路):北美温哥华/中国上海暗光、动态头部跟踪,自动聚焦摄像头和内置麦克风 罗技最好摄像头 Pro9000/上海相同加拿大萧有线公司宽带实际

8、确保网速 上载 1-10M 下载 20M/上海有线宽带公司宽带由于非良性竞争无法提供稳定确保的上载 0.1M 下载 0.3M 高速网速四声道高低音立体音响/音频输出大功率功放音响CPUE5200 双核/上海相同22 寸液晶显示/42 寸等离子高清晰显示锦维公司 Skype 视频用户名发布锦维公司 Skype 视频用户名为 锦维公司全球视频 Skype 和中国免费直拨北美专家专线电话的重点是为已经是锦维公司的客户或正式代理不计时免费服务,还不是锦维公司的客户或代理可以使用免费拨打北美电话专家顾问专线,但是时间限在 5 分钟之内,预计需要长时间China to have worlds faste

9、st train by 2012Trains on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railroad under construction will run at 350 km per hour, the fastest in the world, said Li Heping, a researcher at the China Academy of Railway Sciences on Friday. The 1,318-km-long railway line, with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per ho

10、ur, will beat the fastest rails in the world at present, which has a designed speed of 320 kilometers per hour, he said. Trains will take less than five hours to make the run from the capital to Shanghai, which is now at least 11 hours. The new rail line would be used for passenger service, while th

11、e existing one for cargo transportation, according to Li. “The railway traffic strain will be greatly eased by 2012 as the country will increase investment and build faster rails and trains,“ he said. The Ministry of Railways has said it planned to invest 1.2 trillion yuan (about 175.44 billion U.S.

12、 dollars) to improve the railway system, aiming to have 13,000 km of passenger lines by 2012. According to Li, 8,000 km of the lines would allow trains to travel between 200 to 350 km per hour, and 5,000 km for trains with a speed from 200 to 250 km. The money is part of the 4-trillion-yuan stimulus

13、 package announced by the government late last year, the ministry said. Currently, there are not enough seats for all the people who want to travel, especially during the 咨询必须支付咨询费才能得到满意的服务, 咨询费为起点通话费 100 美元,不计时问题咨询完为止。中国富翁为何纷纷移民国外改革开放三十年为中国造就了大批富翁,然而,这一大批富翁在吃饱喝足玩够捞够之后,却纷纷移民国外,这又是为什么呢?要回答这个问题,我们得从以下

14、三个方面进行分析。一、这些富翁是怎样产生的? 中国的改革使国民收入差距明显拉大。收入差距拉大有正常的原因,也有非正常原因。城镇高收入家庭有大量的灰色收入,这是导致收入扩大的主要因素。灰色收入来源主要有以下方面: 财政、社保、国有固定资产等公共资金的流失。在国家投资的项目中,层层转包,层层剥皮最后用于工程的不到工程原拨款的三分之一。金融腐败普遍存在。贷款人在付正常利息之外,还要向贷款人员额外付费(各种付费占贷款总额的 9)。据推算,2006 年,全国金融机构贷款 22 万亿元,能给全国金融机构相关人员带来灰色收入 2 万亿元。 行政许可和审批中的寻租现象,使土地收益流失:2005 年有价出让国有

15、土地 163 万公顷,其中招拍卖占出让面积的13,招拍卖的价格比其它方式的出让价格低很多,总价值流失 5400 亿元。与权力相关的人(血缘和收买而形成的权力群体)得到了巨大的垄断利益。行政垄断的强势力量和普通交易者的弱势力量的交易。行政权力控制资源进入市场交易。 如土地,政府在集中土地时用行政手段,低价收购,政府在出让土地时,用市场手段,高价卖给开发商。垄断行业收入:据 2005 年数据,电力、电讯、石油、金融、水电气、烟草等垄断行业平均工资和工资外收入是全国职工平均工资的 510 倍。垄断行业利用国家资源谋取企业利益。中国的垄断行业基本是行政垄断。 Lunar New Year every

16、year, when millions are on the move for family reunion. “Research on high-speed trains are going on smoothly,“ he said. The new trains would be batch-produced after trial operations in 2012. China was developing trains that would run at a designed speed of 350 km per hour, and the speed for test might exceed 380 kilometers, according to Li. China aimed to put 120,000 km of rail lines in service by 2020,of which 16



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