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1、Developing Social Competence Through the Positive Discipline ApproachDr Jane NelsenBasic Students Needs1.To experience belonging and significance 2.To use their personal power 3.Life skills (social competencies) for good characterTo create a context or foundation for teaching social competencies we

2、need to understand three basic needs of students.1. When we consider the phenomenon of students killing other students and teachers, do the shooters experience belonging and significance? No. Studies have found that these students felt ostracized and often bullied. Students who dont feel belonging a

3、nd significance usually choose one of the four mistaken goals we will discuss later. Some seek undue attention. Some seek misguided power. Some seek revenge. Some give up. Shooters seek revenge it hurts to NOT belong.2. It is a little misleading to say that students need personal power. The truth is

4、 that they will use their personal power one way or another. If children arent taught how to use power in constructive ways (and allowed to do so) they may use their power in destructive ways. 3. Shooters have life skills (to build bombs and use guns), but not the social skills for good character.4.

5、 Every one of these needs can be met through participation in effective class meetings and all of the Positive Discipline methods which meet the four criteria for effective discipline.4 mistaken goals of behaviourAttention (Undue) Power (Misguided) Revenge InadequacyWhen basic needs arent met, stude

6、nt choose one of the four mistaken goals of behavior. A misbehaving student is a discouraged student! Why?Misbehavior is based on a students interpretation of how to find BELONGING & SIGNIFICANCEBelief behaviourWhat you believe, doesnt matter. Students base their behavior on what they believe. There

7、 is a belief behind every behavior. It is important to consider the belief behind the behavior. To understand this, lets go back to early childhood and take a look at how beliefs are formed.Children are always making decisions aboutWho they are (good or bad, capable or not capable) What the world is

8、 like (safe or threatening, friendly or unfriendly) What they need to do to survive or to thrive (based on above decisions)Typical Feeling Clues of Four Mistaken GoalsUndue AttentionMisguided Power annoyed, irritated, threatened, challenged worried, guiltydefeated, provokedRevengeAssumed Inadequacy

9、hurt, disappointed, hopeless, helpless, disgustedinadequateYour feelings are your first clue to help you understand a students mistaken goal.Typical Behaviors of Four Mistaken GoalsUndue AttentionMisguided PowerInterruptingYou cant make meTalking out of turnSays “yes” but doesnt do it.Constant noise

10、sDefiant behaviorWont do workWont do workRevengeAssumed InadequacyDestroys propertyWont tryHurt othersGive upCalls the teacher namesWithdrawsWont do workWont do workThese are some typical behaviors that student may do for each of the mistaken goals.Best way to prevent misbehaviorHelp students experi

11、ence belonging and significance.How many students feel they are not needed that they dont belong? How do we make sure students experience belonging and significance?Do You Care? Do they know you care?Jim Tunney DissertationDr. James Tunneys doctoral dissertation measured levels of perceived caring.

12、He asked principals if they cared about their teachers. “Of course,” they replied. However, when teachers were survey, they did not perceive that their principal cared about them. When he asked teachers if they cared about their students, “Of course,” they replied. However, when the students were su

13、rveyed, they did not perceive that their teachers cared about them unless they were doing well in school.Show Students You CareSmile. Listen. Show personal interest. Greet them at the door. Ask for help. Involve them in problem-solving.Allow mistakes. Apologize for your mistakes. Show empathy. Ackno

14、wledge efforts. Follow the four criteria for effective discipline.Four Criteria for Effective Discipline Methods that Teach Social CompetenciesIs it respectful? (Non-punitive, void of blame, shame, or pain) Does it help students feel a sense of connection (belonging and significance)? Is it effectiv

15、e long-term as well as short term? (Beware of what works short term!) Does it teach social competencies and life skills for good character? Effective Discipline also teaches social competencies. It is a big shift for many people to think of discipline as respectful (not punitive), as a way to help c

16、hildren feel belonging and significance, and as a way to teach social competencies. You will see how all Positive Discipline methods meet all four criteria. But first lets talk about the 3rd criteria is it effective long term?Beware of what worksWe cant say that punishment doesnt work. It does work if all you are interested in is stopping the behavior right now short term. What are the long-term effects?3 Rs of Puni



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