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1、DOT MATRIX LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULEZYMG12232-2ZYMG12232-2 Serial USER MANUALPROPOSED BYAPPROVED DesignApprovedCONTENTSPAGE 1.Mechanical Specification 2 2Mechanical Diagram 2 3.Interface Pin Connections 2 4.Block And Power Supper Diagram 25.Electrical Absolute Maximum Ratings 3 6.Electrical Char

2、acteristics 3 7.Electro-Optical Characteristics 3 8.Timing Control 3 9.Instruction Set4 10. Description of Instructions4 11. Initialization 7 12. Reliability Condition8 13. Functional Test & Inspection Criteria8PAGE 1 (ZYMG12232-2 Serial)1.Mechanical Specification ITEMSTANDARD VALUEUNIT DOT MATRIX F

3、ORMAT122 X 32 DOTS- MODULE DIMENSION84 (W) X 44.0 (H) X 9.5(T)76.6 (W) X 28.0 (H) X 13.5(T)mm VIEWING DISPLAY AREA60.0 (W) X 18 (H)mm ACTIVE DISPLAY AREA53.64 (W) X 15.4 (H)mm DOT SIZE0.40 (W) X 0.45 (H)mm DOT PITCH0.44 (W) X 0.49 (H)mm STN/蓝膜白字/LED 侧部白光 STN/灰膜蓝字/LED 侧部白光 STN/黄绿膜黑字/LED 底部黄绿光VmA VHz

4、BACKLIGHT Half-Lift TIMEHR. LED Backlight Color WHITE Backlight InputDC +5.0VV80Ma BACKLIGHT Half-Lift TIME50,000HR.2.Mechanical Diagram 3. Interface Pin Connections 4. Black And Power Supply Diagram No.SymbolLevelFunction 1VSS-GND ( 0V)2VDD-DC +5V 3VOH/LContrast Adjust 4A0(RS)H/LData / Instruction

5、code5NC 6E2H,HLChip select for IC2 7NC 8E1H,HLChip select for IC19R/WH/LH:READ(LCM MPU) L:WRITE(MPU LCM) 10DB0H/LData Bit 011DB1H/LData Bit 112DB2H/LData Bit 213DB3H/LData Bit 314DB4H/LData Bit 415DB5H/LData Bit 516DB6H/LData Bit 617DB7H/LData Bit 7 18RST(/RST)H/LRST:68 serial,/RST:80serial 19A(EL1)

6、-LED+ (EL Backlight 1)20K(EL2)-LED- (EL Backlight 2)PAGE 2 (ZYMG12232-2 Serial) 5. Environmental absolute maximum ratingsITEMOPERATINGSTORAGEREMARKS MIN.MAX.MIN.MAX.- Ambient Temperature0 /-20C+50/+70 C-10/-30 C+60/+80 CNOTE 1 HumidityNOTE 1NOTE 2Without Condensation Vibration-4.9m/s2-19.6m/s2XYZ Di

7、rections Shock-29.4m/s2-490.0m/s2XYZ Directions Remarks: NOTE (1) :Ta at 60 C :50 HR Max. NOTE (2) :Ta 40 C :Absolute humidity must be lower than the humidity of 95% at 40 C. 6. Electrical CharacteristicsITEMSYNCONDITIONMIN.TYPEMAX.UNIT SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LOGICVDD-VSS- SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR L

8、CDVDD-VOTa= 250-1.50V INPUT HIGH VOLTAGEVIH-0.7VDD-VDDV INPUT LOW VOLTAGEVIL-0-0.3VDDV SUPPLY CURRENT (LOGIC)IDDVDD=+5V,VO=5V-2.0mA7. Electro-Optical CharacteristicsITEMSYMTEMP ( C)MIN.TYPEMAX.UNIT RESPONSE TIMEtr0/-20-400/2450-ms tr25-150-ms tf0/-20-1000/2088-ms tf25-300-ms FRAME FREQUENCYfF-Hz OPE

9、RATING VOLTAGE05.86.26.6V Vop255.45.86.2V 505.05.45.8V VIEWING ANGLEF-BAi-55-deg R-LQi-60-deg CONTRAST RATIOK25-22.8-8. Timing Control MPU Bus Read/Write(80-family MPU)MPU Bus Read/Write(68-family MPU)ItemSymbolLimit (Min.)Limit (Max.)Unit System cycle timetCYC1000-ns Address setup timetAW20-ns Addr

10、ess hold timetAH10-ns Control pulse widthtCC200-ns Data setup timetDS80-ns Data hold timetDH10-ns Output disable timetOH1060ns READ access timetACC-90ns Read100-nsEnable Pulse widthWritetEW 80-ns Rise and Fall timetR,tF-15nsPAGE 3 (ZYMG12232-2 Serial) 9.Instruction SetCodeCommand A0/RD /WRD7D6D5D4D3

11、D2D1D0FunctionDisplay On/Off01010101110/1 Turns display on or off. 1:ON, 0:OFF. Display start line010110Display start address ( 0 to 31 )Specifies RAM line corresponding to top line of display. Set page address010101110Page ( 0 to 3 )Sets display RAM page in page address register. Set column (segmen

12、t address)0100Column address ( 0 to 79 )Sets display RAM column address in column address register.Read status001Busy ADCON / OFFR E S E T0000Read the following status: BUSY 1:Busy 0:Ready ADC 1:CW output 0:CCW output ON/OFF 1:Display off 0:Display on RESET 1:Being reset 0:Normal Write display data1

13、10Write dataWrites data from data bus into display RAM. Read display data101Read dataReads data from display RAM onto data bus. Select ADC01010100000/1 0:CW output. 1:CCW output. Static drive On/Off01010100100/1 Selects static driving operation. 1: Static drive. 0:Normal driving. Select duty01010101

14、000/1 Selects LCD duty cycle 1:1/32, 0:1/16. Read-Modify-Write01011100000Read-modify-write ON. End01011101110Read-modify-write OFF. Reset01011100010Software reset.10. Description of Instructions10.1 Command list(1)Display ON/OFFA0/RD/WRDB7DB6DB5DB4DB3DB2DB1DB0 Code0101010111DThis command turns the d

15、isplay on and off. D = 1 : Display ON.D = 0 : Display OFF.(2)Display start lineA0/RD/WRDB7DB6DB5DB4DB3DB2DB1DB0 Code010110A4A3A2A1A0This command specifies the line address ( 10.2 ) and indicates the display line that corresponds to COM0. The display area begins at the specified line address and cont

16、inues in the line address increment direction. The area having the number of lines of the specified display duty is displayed. If the line address is changed dynamically by this command, the vertical smooth scrolling and paging can be used.A4A3A2A1A0Line address 0 0 : : 10 0 : : 10 0 : : 10 0 : : 10 1 : : 10 1 : : 31(3) Set page addressA0/RD/WRDB7DB6DB5DB4DB3DB2DB1DB0 Code01010



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