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1、 摘 要 I摘 要 20 世界 90 年代以来,经济全球化的浪潮席卷全球。虽然经济全球化能起到扩大世界市场的规模,促进国际分工,使各国的生产要素组合不断的突破国界,在全球范围内寻求最佳的配置方式和配置效率的作用, 但不可否认的是经济全球化同时也存在巨大的风险。在这种背景下,国家之间选择通过区域经济一体化来防御经济全球化的风险,进一步促进本国经济的发展。特别是进入 21 世纪以后,区域经济一体化成为世界经济新的焦点。随着 1997 年东南亚经济危机的爆发和欧美两大世界经济核心区域经济一体化进程不断的提速,东亚各国深切感受到,只有加强区域内的经济合作,各经济体之间积极配合与协调互助,走区域经济一体

2、化的道路,才能更好地抵御金融风险,才能弥补由于区外的区域一体化进展对本国造成的经济损失,进而更好的促进本国的经济的发展。近年来,东亚各国都为东亚区域一体化的进程付出了巨大的努力:三个“10+1”合作机制(即东盟+中国、东盟+日本、东盟+韩国) 、 “10+3”的合作机制(即东盟+中国、日本、韩国)等,但是由于东亚区域特殊的历史、政治、经济环境,东亚区域经济合作的进程并没有像预期的那样快, 建立涵盖整个东亚的区域经济合作机制的进展非常缓慢,因此区域经济一体化的进程也停滞不前。东亚区域一体化前景并非一片坦途,如何用一条现实可行的方案解决眼下的障碍,打破现存的瓶颈来促成东亚区域经济一体化的实现更是我

3、们东亚人深入探究的问题。 本文就是基于经济全球化和区域经济一体化兴起的背景下,来对东亚区域经济的现状进行研究。通过分析影响东亚区域经济一体化的因素,并基于东亚目前的现实状况,从货物贸易的角度对东亚一体化的进程提出新的见解:建立中韩东盟自由贸易区。第一,中国、韩国、东盟之间的经济增长很快,双边贸易的贸易往来比较密切;第二,中国韩国东盟之间的贸易具有互补性;第三,中国已经和东盟建立中国-东盟自由贸易区,韩国和东盟之间也已达成多项贸易协定,三方的国际关系很好。正是基于这样一种考虑,本文提出中国韩国东盟建立自由贸易区的发展战略。 关键词:关键词:东亚区域一体化;中国韩国东盟;自由贸易区 Abstrac

4、t IIAbstract Since 1990s, the economic globalization becomes a huge tide in the world. The economic globalization can expand the extent of the world market, improve the international collaboration, inducing that various combinations of production factors originated from different countries tend to e

5、xist in the best configuration way with the highest allocation efficiency. However, it is undeniable that there is a potential huge risk associated with the globalization process. Under these circumstances, the regional economic integration becomes an essential choice for individual countries, which

6、 reduces the risk of the economic globalization and therefore favors the economic development in the integrated countries. Especially in the 21st century, the regional economic integration becomes a new tendency in the world economy. With the outbreak of the Southeast Asian economic crisis in 1997,

7、as well as the acceleration of economic integration in the European and American regions, the regional economic collaboration and integration becomes more and more important for the East Asian countries, which may prevent financial risks, compensate for the economic loss caused by the integration pr

8、ocesses occurring outside the East Asia and therefore advance the national economic development in the East Asian countries. In the recent years, the East Asian countries have contributed significant efforts to the economic integration and established three “10 + 1” cooperation mechanisms (including

9、 ASEAN + China, ASEAN + Japan and ASEAN + South Korea) and “10 + 3” cooperation mechanism (ASEAN + China, Japan, South Korea). However, due to the special historical, political and economic environment in the East Asia, the establishment of economic cooperation mechanism covering the whole East Asia

10、n region is progressing very slowly, resulting in a standstill of regional economic integration. Since the prospect of the regional economic integration in the East Asia is not a smooth road, it is essential for the East Asian countries to find a practical solution to break the existing bottleneck i

11、n the integration progress. Based on the rise Abstract IIIof the economic globalization and regional economic integration, this paper investigated the current status of the East Asian regional economy. By analyzing the factors influencing the regional economic integration in the East Asia, as well a

12、s the current reality in this region, new insights from the perspective of goods trade were provided for the integration process in the East Asia and the establishment of China-South Korea-ASEAN free trade zone was discussed in this paper. The possibility of establishing the free trade zone includes

13、: first, the economies in China, South Korea and ASEAN grow fast and the bilateral trades between these countries are relatively frequent; second, there is economic complementraity between China, South Korea and ASEAN; third, the China-ASEAN free trade zone has been established, and South Korea and

14、ASEAN have also reached a number of trade agreements between each other. Moreover, there is a good international relationship between China, South Korea and ASEAN. Because of these positive factors, this paper proposed the development strategy of establishing the China-South Korea-ASEAN free trade zone to improve the regional economic integration in the East Asia. Key words: East Asian regional integration; China-South Korea-ASEAN; FTA 目录 IV目 录 第一章 绪论. 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 .1 一、研究背景. 1 二、研究意义. 2 第二节 文献综述 .3 第三节 论文安排 .4 第二章 相关理论基础. 6 第一节 区域经济一体化相关理论 .6 一、区域经济一体化概念. 6 二、区域经济一体化的条件. 6 三、区域经济一体化的组织形式.


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