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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文“三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析以常州为例姓名:罗志勇申请学位级别:硕士专业:公共管理指导教师:胡润忠20080615上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 I“三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 以常州为例 摘 要 近年来, “农村、农业、农民”问题日益成为关系到国家长治久安的一个战略性问题,其中农民问题则是“三农”问题的核心,而农民问题的关键是提高农民收入,提高农民收入是农业和农村经济发展的根本出发点和归宿。当前建立好农民增收长效机制直接关系到农村消费市场启动和扩大内需,关系到国民经济能否持续、快速、健康的发展,关系到我国全面建设小

2、康社会目标的实现。 2006 年常州农民人均纯收入突破 8000 元, 率先实现了小康社会建设的宏伟目标。2007 年常州农民人均收入达到 9033 元,同年常州市拉开了向现代化进军的大幕。在今后一段时间内常州农民如何继续保持收入增长步伐,政府的增收政策对农民的带动和影响力如何,今后政府的着力点放在哪里?本文从“三农”政策的角度,在理论探索、实证研究和对策分析三个方面展开研究“三农”政策促进农民增收的效果。并对常州农民增收的长效机制建立,以及经济发达地区农民增收政策研究提出了一些新思路和有益的借鉴。 本文首先研究了农民增收的基本理论,并结合对以往农民增收理论上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “三

3、农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 II的评述,重点分析了农民增收对“三农”政策的依赖性。较为详细地分析了政策增收的基本内涵、理论依据和历史依据,重点结合“三农”政策描述分析了我国改革开放三十年来农民收入增长进程,介绍了有关国外农业政策的种类以及实施效果,对成功的农业政策进行了借鉴分析。 其次,本文从“三农”政策对常州农民增收的影响效果进行了实证研究。在简要介绍了常州的基本情况后分析了常州农民收入现状,提出了当前制约常州地区农民收入增长的问题,然后对常州农民收入增长的进程按照周期波段划分了若干阶段,从收入构成的角度用历史数据分析了常州农民收入增长的主因素,并以此为依据分析了相关“三农”政策对常州

4、农民增收的影响。 最后,根据我国及常州市农民增收中存在的问题,结合对常州农民收入的实证分析,提出要依靠国家和地方的“三农”政策促进农民增收的总体思路。本文从农民收入来源以及政策执行完整性的角度在五个方面提出相应的对策和建议:稳定农业基础,确保农民一产收入稳定增长;以工业化、城市化不断提升农民二、三产收入;进一步加快农民未来财产性收入、转移性收入;强化经济发达区域农民富而思进的先进理念;定期定量评估“三农”政策促进农民增收的效果。 关键词:农民增收, “三农”政策,影响 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 IIIA RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT

5、OF RURAL POLICIES ON THE PEASANTS INCOME GROWTH TAKING CHANGZHOU AS AN EXAMPLE ABSTRACT Currently, the three-dimensional rural issues (problems about Agriculture, Rural area and Peasantry) play a strategic role in safeguarding the peace and safety of our country, among which, peasantry is the core.

6、Basically, the key to solve these issues lies in increasing the income of people in the rural areas, because it is the fundamental intention and goal of the development in agriculture and rural economy. So a long-acting mechanism should be established to guarantee it. Such mechanism can, firstly, pr

7、omote the formation of rural market and stimulate the domestic needs. Secondly, it can make sure that our nation have a continual and healthy development in economy. Thirdly and most important, it closely relates to the fulfillment of our aim to construct a well-off society in all-round. 上海交通大学 MPA

8、学位论文 “三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 IVTake Changzhou for example, in 2006, the per capita net income of countrymen was over 8000 Yuan, which means an overall moderate prosperity was implemented in Changzhous rural area. Comparing to 2006, the number had reached to 9033 Yuan in 2007, which means Changzhou began

9、to move pace towards the modernization. In the next stage of the process, there are many problems such as the way how to ensure the income rise; the effect of the governments income-ensuring policy on rural people as well as the governments emphases in the future. So in the view of the three dimensi

10、onal rural policys effects on the income increase of rural people, this paper highlights three expects in terms of exploring the theory, empirical study and countermeasures. Some new ideas have been put forward about building a long-acting mechanism and making beneficial policy to increase the incom

11、e in developed rural area in China. Firstly, the research gives the explanation of the basic way to increase countrymens income theoretically, after studying the related theories and making reference to the comments on the theories. Then it analyzes the essence of the positive effect of governments

12、policies as well as the feasibility in history and theory. Meanwhile, it takes the three dimensional rural policy as a good example to describe the achievements of the income increase in the past three decades after Reform and Opening up. Meanwhile it also introduces different rural policies of othe

13、r countries and their effects, some of which can be used in China. 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 “三农”政策对农民收入增长的影响分析 VSecondly, the essay gives an empirical study of the effect the three dimensional rural policies have on the countrymens ever-increasing income. At first, it introduces Changzhous rural background,

14、the income condition and the factors which constrained the income rise as well. Then it separates the cycle and process of income increase into some phases. At the same time, by analyzing the historical statistics, it does the research into the main factors which influence the income rise of rural p

15、eople from the structure of income, including the influence of three dimensional rural policies. Finally, after analyzing the problems emerging in the process of income increase in Changzhou and other areas in China as well as the empirical study, an overall idea of promoting income increase in the help of the three dimensional rural policy have been put forward in this paper. In detail, referring to the view of income source and the integrity of the policies implement, there are five countermeasures or suggestions as follows: Stabilizing the agricultural industry fundamentally to


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