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1、 I 摘摘 要要 产业集群既是介于市场与企业之间的、具有灵活性和规模性的经济形式,又是一种与新的生产方式相适应的、新的产业发展模式。由于它对区域发展、技术创新和企业发展等具有重要的意义,所以在国内外引起了经济地理学、管理学、区域经济学、产业经济学和经济社会学等领域研究者的关注,同时也引起了政策制定者的广泛兴趣。 鉴于本研究课题包含三个前沿领域产业集群、技术创新和集群治理,故本文以管理学、新经济地理学、新经济社会学、区域经济学、创新学和产业经济学为理论基础,系统分析了这三大理论领域的内涵和发展,深入研究了创新理论的发展演化,并在研究吸取了国内外研究成果的基础上根据产业集群建设和发展的需要,大胆探

2、索了“集群技术提升”和“集群治理”等新兴的前沿领域,并最大限度地实现了理论研究与“光谷”建设实践的结合。全文的主要内容是: (1)本文从时空两个角度,系统地研究了产业集群的理论、技术创新系统研究和国家创新系统理论的基础。产业集群理论主要研究的是产业的空间组织形式,而技术创新系统理论仅仅关注了企业尺度的技术创新问题,因而研究集群的技术创新问题还需要借鉴创新系统的空间尺度的理论。 (2)从知识创新的角度分析了产业集群的竞争优势,并指出产业集群创新系统是以市场需求为动力,以政策调控为导向,以良好的国内外环境为保障,以创新性技术供给为核心,以实现特定产业创新为目标的网络体系。同时还分析了产业集群技术创

3、新主要由企业、大学、科研机构、政府、金融机构、中介服务机构等六个方面组成及其各要素的作用和功能。此外,本章还分析了影响产业集群创新的因素。 (3)本文认为产业集群的竞争来源主要来源于技术创新,而技术创新又与企业知识和学习有重要的关联性。产业集群的知识积累过程是显性知识和隐性知识的互动过程,基于社会资本的社会网络和产业集群的地方生产网络是企业内部知识源泉。因而在界定相关概念的基础上, 分析了知识与产业集群能力的关系, 尤其是分析了资源、能力、知识与价值创造的内在联系、企业知识和集群知识的关系,提出了基于知识观的集群技术能力。并在最后研究了作为集群技术能力提高的途径组织学习。 (4)产业集群是介于

4、市场与企业之间的、具有灵活性和规模性的中间组织,弥II 补了市场失灵和企业的僵化所带来的缺陷。因此首先分析了集群内网络治理。目前国际集群研究的聚焦于全球经济中产业集群外部的关联机制和集群的升级问题, 全球价值链是其分析的基本工具。网络治理是组织间经济活动的协调和风险防范的一个平台,协调的基础是法律和社会契约(社会资本)相互作用。而价值链治理偏重集群外部治理,网络治理偏重集群内部治理,两者共同作用实现产业集群的有效治理。最后从集群政策的基本原则、集群技术创新的战略方式等层面分析了产业集群技术创新政策。 (5)本研究从集群政策的基本原则、集群技术创新的战略方式等层面分析了产业集群技术创新政策。相对

5、于国内外的研究,本文的尤其重视企业层面上的产业集群技术创新政策研究。本文以为产业集群技术创新政策有四个层面:国家层面上的产业集群技术创新政策、区域层面上的产业集群技术创新政策、其他公共部门层面上的产业集群技术创新政策和企业层面上的产业集群技术创新政策。 (6)以“武汉中国光谷”为背景,对我国光电子产业的发展环境和管理工具进行了创造性的研究,为武汉中国光谷的建设和发展提出了一些可操作性的建议和意见。 关键词关键词:产业集群 技术创新 网络治理 集群政策 全球价值链 集群治理 知识水坝damdocdamdoc为您倾心整理(小店)(QQ2218108823)III Abstract Industri

6、al cluster is a flexible organization of large scale between market and enterprise. It is also a new regional development model adapting to the new productive mode. Being of significance to regional development, technological innovation and corporation development, it has drew more and more attentio

7、n of researchers in the fields of economic geography, corporation management, regional economics, industry economic and economic sociology etc. as well as regional policies makers. Seeing that the subject for research includes three front fields-industrial cluster, technical innovation, cluster gove

8、rnance, the paper based on the theory of management, new economics geography, new economics sociology, regional economics, industry economics, analyzes the intension of this three major fields, and deeply researches the development and evolution of innovative theory. And then according to the need o

9、f construction and development of industrial cluster, the paper probes boldly the new developing front field of cluster upgrading and cluster governance, basing on the domestic and international research results and realizes to the maximum extent the combination of theoretical research and practice

10、of constructing “optical valley“. The main content of the paper are: (1)The paper researches the theory of industrial cluster, technical innovation and national innovational system from the dimensions of time and space. Industrial cluster theory discusses mainly spatial organization form of industry

11、. But the technical innovation theory only gives attention to the issues relative to technical innovation at the firms level. So if we want to study the technical innovation of cluster, we need draw lessons from spatial level theory about innovation system. (2)The paper analyzes the competition adva

12、ntage of industrial cluster and points out that industrial cluster innovation system is a kind of system of network that regards market demand as motivity, regards adjust and control of government as direction, good domestic and international environment as guarantee, thinks innovative technology as

13、 the core, regards realizing given industry innovation as the goal. At the same time, the paper points out that industrial cluster technical innovation includes corporations, colleges, scientific research organization, government, financial framework, medi-service agency and so on. Besides that, the

14、 paper mentions some factors which influence industrial cluster innovation. (3)The paper argues that the competition of industrial cluster comes from mainly 知识水坝damdocdamdoc为您倾心整理(小店)(QQ2218108823)IV technical innovation, and technical innovation has important relation to the knowledge and study in

15、corporations. The course accumulated knowledge of industrial cluster is interdynamic course of dominant knowledge and recessive knowledge. The social network based on social capital and regional produce network of industrial cluster is the knowledge resource inside corporations. So based on definiti

16、on to relevant concept, the paper analyzes the connection of knowledge and industrial cluster capability, especially studies the internal relation among resource, ability, knowledge and value creation; the connection of corporation knowledge and cluster knowledge, and then points out the cluster technical capability found on knowledge view. And at last it studies the way to improve cluster technical capability-organizing studying.



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