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1、广西师范大学硕士学位论文民族地区农村中小学教师队伍发展问题探微姓名:张永峰申请学位级别:硕士专业:教育经济与管理指导教师:邓健20070401I民族地区农村中小学教师发展问题探微民族地区农村中小学教师发展问题探微 姓名:姓名:张永峰 导师:导师:邓健 专业:专业:教育经济与管理 研究方向:研究方向:管理心理学 年级:年级:2004 摘摘 要要 近年来,我国城市化快速发展,城乡差距逐年拉大,民族地区农村教育事业也深受影响, 特别是教师队伍能否保持可持续发展令人担忧。 为此, 中央于 2006年在全国“”上提出建设社会主义新农村的伟大号召,要求加大力度建设一支优秀的农村教师队伍,推动农村教育的发展

2、,从而发挥农村教育在新农村建设中的先导性和全局性的重要作用。 本研究正是在这样的大背景下, 从广西民族地区农村教师队伍发展现状的调查切入,使用自行设计的“民族地区教师调查问卷” 、 “大学生调查问卷” 、 “民族地区教育主管部门访谈提纲” ,分别对广西龙胜县、融水县的教育局和本地区的十几所农村中小学、 广西师范大学和桂林高等师范专科学校的在校生进行实地考察、调查研究。在利用 SPSS13.0 统计软件包对获得的信息进行数据统计和分析的基础上,从中央和省级政府、地方政府及当地发展状况、民族地区教育主管及农村学校、教师和大学生等四个角度研究民族地区教师队伍发展所面临的环境,尝试探讨该地区教师队伍可

3、持续发展的对策和建议。 本研究共分为五个部分。 第一,分析本课题提出的缘由,对本课题的意义进行了探讨,起到了理论铺垫的作用。 第二,从历史上对农村教师队伍建设的研究切入,发掘前人研究农村教师队伍建设存在的视觉不足,为本课题的研究思路和方法设计提供了有用的参考。 第三,指出本研究的思路与方法。思路包括把“以人为本”的科学发展观作为考察的指导思想、把教师队伍问题与新农村问题相结合、把在岗教师群体与未来的后备力量相结合。方法为文献法、问卷调查法和访谈法。 第四,在前面调查和研究的基础上,分析指出民族地区农村教师队伍的现实问题,并根据这些问题,揭示出背后真正的原因。 第五,根据前面原因的分析,提出民族

4、地区农村教师队伍发展的对策建议。 本研究的创新之处在于:一、使用自己编制的“民族地区教师问卷调查” 、“大学生调查问卷” 、 “民族地区教育主管访谈提纲” ,对广西民族地区的教育局和农村中小学进行实地考察、 调查研究, 对教师队伍发展存在的问题进行了深入、细致地研究。二、在思路上,将大学生的意愿纳入考量的范围,使得该问题的研究较前人更为具体和全面。 三、 在调查的基础上, 结合当前国家发展的大政方针,探索民族地区农村教师可持续发展的对策和建议。 关键词:关键词:民族地区农村 教师队伍 发展 IIProblems of the development of the minority region

5、s of rural primary and secondary school Name : ZHANG teachers : Yong Deng Jian professional instructors : Management : the management direction of the economy and education psychology year 2004 Abstract In recent years, Chinas rapid urbanization, the rural-urban gap has widened, the nation has serio

6、usly affected education in rural areas. Teachers can maintain sustainable development is particularly worrisome. Therefore, in 2006 in the central “two sessions“ in the building of a new socialist countryside on the great call. requires increased efforts to build a team of outstanding teachers in th

7、e rural areas to promote the development of rural education. construction of rural education in rural areas in order to play the leading role and the importance of the overall situation. This study is in the background, from the Guangxi development of the national survey of teachers in rural areas t

8、o see that the use of self-designed “National Teachers questionnaire,“ “ Students questionnaire.“ “national departments in charge of education to outline the interview,“ were in Longsheng County of Guangxi. Rongshui Countys Bureau of Education and more than 10 rural schools in the region. Guilin, Gu

9、angxi Normal University and the Teachers College in the school site inspection, investigation and research. SPSS13.0 statistics on the use of the software information on the basis of statistical data and analysis. from the central and provincial governments, local governments and local development,

10、in charge of the education of minorities and rural schools. four teachers and students studying the development of the national teams of teachers environment Teachers attempt to explore the regions sustainable development strategy andrecommendations. The study is divided into five parts. First, the

11、analysis of the causes of this issue, the significance of the issues discussed and played a role in her theory. Second, the history of rural teachers from the ranks of startups. Construction of previous studies to explore the visual shortage of teachers in rural areas. - oriented research projects a

12、nd ideas designed to provide a useful reference. Third, that the ideas and methods of this study. Ideas include a “people-oriented“ concept of scientific development to serve as the guiding ideology, Service problems of teachers IIIin rural areas combined with the new, post-teacher groups and the re

13、serve forces combined. Methods for literature, a questionnaire survey and interviews. Fourth, in the previous survey and study, based on analysis of the reality that ethnic problems of teachers in rural areas. Based on these questions, reveal the real reason behind. Fifth, in line with previous anal

14、ysis of the reasons for the proposed national policy proposals for the development of rural teachers. The innovation of this study is : 1. Prepared to use their own “national survey of teachers.“ “Students questionnaire,“ “Interview outline for the education of minorities.“ National Education and th

15、e Guangxi region of rural primary and secondary schools to conduct site inspection, investigation and study, The development of the teaching staff conducted in-depth and meticulous research. Second, the idea that students will be taken into consideration by the scope of the problem makes more specif

16、ic and comprehensive than predecessors. Third, in the survey, based on the general principle with the current national development. Ethnic Areas teachers to explore sustainable development measures and suggestions. Keywords : national rural 、development、 teachers 、 论文独创性声明论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明: 所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含其他个人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本声明的法律责任。 研究生签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明论文使用授权



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