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1、考研翻译冲刺必背单词考研翻译冲刺必背单词0808年年46) believe 相信, assert 断言, claim 声称, argue 争论, assume 假设, maintain 主张, contend 斗争坚持说, point out 指出, be convinced that 确信, accept 接受, prove 证明, demonstrate 展示游行证明, validate 证明, state 状态,州,说明,陈述, scribe 描述, tell 说明, show 说明展示, consider考虑, opine 表达观点, difficulty 困难, difficult

2、困难的, compensate 补偿, compensate for 补偿,advantage 优点, advantageous 有优势的, advance 进步发展, force 力量被迫, strength 力量, power 力量, thus 因此, therefore 因此, hence 因此, enable 使能够, detect 探察发现, detector 侦探侦测器,error 错误, mistake 失误, false 错误, flaw 缺点瑕疵, shortcoming 缺点, reason 推理原因, reasoned理性的, reasoning 推理, reasonab

3、le 合理的, observe 观察, observation 观察, observer 观察者;47) follow 跟随, pure 纯, purely 纯, abstract 抽象的, attract 吸引, concrete 具体的, limit 限制有限的, confine 限制, certain 确认;48) as well 也, as well as 和一样, found 建立, charge 指控, change 改变, critics 批评家, criticize批评, critical 关键的重要的, criticism 批评, while 当然而;49) add 加, a

4、ddition 增加, in addition 此外, additional 另加的, tradition 传统, traditional 传统的, humble 谦虚的, humbly 谦虚地, perhaps 也许, possible 可能, possibly 可能, probable 可能,probably 可能地, superior 比高级有优势, superior to 比高级, super 超级, inferior 不如, inferiorto 不如, common 普通, ordinary 普通, banal 普通的陈腐的, notice 注意说明, attention 注意,

5、escape逃跑, carefully 当心, careful 小心的,care 关心, take care of 照顾;50) loss失去, lose丢失 (lost), at a loss迷茫不知所措, take a loss亏损, injurious对有伤害, injure受伤, injury受伤, intellect智力, intellectual智力知识分子, intelligence智力, wisdom智慧, moral道德, virtue 美德, virtually 实际上事实上, virtual 虚拟的, character 文字角色性格, characterize有特点,

6、characteristic 特色;0707年年46) legal 法律的合法的, law法律, preserve 保存, conserve 保留保护, institution 机构, constitution宪法, view 观点景色, viewas 把看作为, regardas 把看作为, takeas 把看作为, seeas 把看作为, special 特别, specialize 专业, specific 具体的, especial 尤其的, especially 尤其是; peculiar奇怪的特有的独特的, peculiar to 特有的, particular 特殊的, part

7、icularly 特别是, rather than 而不是, necessary 必须的, essential 必不可少的, essence 精华, critical 关键的重要的, significant重要的, significance 重要性, equipment 装备, equip 装有, facility 设施;47) link 连接, connect 联系, connection 联系, on the other 另外, on the other hand 另一方面, onthe one hand 一方面, concept 概念, notion 观念概念, real 真实, rea

8、lity 现实, in a way 以这种方式,in a manner 以这种方法, in a form 以这种形式, parallel 平行, parallel to 与相平行, journal 杂志,journalist 记者, base 基础, basic 基础的, basis 基础, comment 评论, comment on 评论, cover 报道覆盖评论;48) idea 观点理论想法, profound 深刻的, profoundly 深刻地, far-reaching 影响深远的意义重大的深刻的, citizen 市民, rest on/upon 依靠取决于, rely o

9、n 依靠取决于, depend on/upon 依靠取决于,responsible 负责的, responsibility 责任, be held responsible for 对负责, response 反响响应, media媒介, news media 新闻媒体, news agency 新闻办, establish 建立, established 已经建立的,establishment 机构建立, convention 传统;49) grasp 抓掌握, have a grasp of 掌握, command 命令, have a good command of 掌握, feature

10、 特点,competent 竞争, competition 竞争, competitive 有竞争力的 , compete 竞争,50) reaction 反映, react 反映, action 行动, in action 在起作用, interaction 互相作用, enhance 提高, promotion 提高, promote 促进, preferable 愿意的可取的, prefer 宁愿, infer 推理提示, confer商量, favor 喜欢, flavor 风味, favorite 喜欢的, judge 评判法官, judgment 评判, make judgment

11、s of对做出评判;0606年年46) define 定义, definition 下定义, defineas把定义为, select 选择, elect 挑选, individual个人的, active 活力, activity 活动, primary 主要的, duty 责任, thinking 思考思维, thought 思想思维;47) analogous 类似, analogous to 与类似, analyze 分析, analysis 分析, function 作用, obligation责任, be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事有责任做某事, be obli

12、ged to sb 感谢某人, obligate 被迫, beobligated to do sth 被迫做某事, clear 清楚明白, course 课程, cause 原因导致, lead to 导致, reveal揭露, decision 决心, decisive 果断的具有决定意义的, decide 决定;48) exclude 排除, exclusive 排它的独家的, include 包含, conclude 得出结论, conclusion 结论,contribute 贡献, contribution 贡献, contribute to 对做贡献, make contribut

13、ion to 做出贡献,distribute 分发分散, distribution 分散, accomplishment 完成, accomplish 完成, complete 完全,solution 解决, solve 解决, resolve 解决, be charged with 承担, approach 接近方法, aspect 方面,inspect 研究洞察, expect 期待, respect 尊重方面, task 任务;49) code 密码, rule 规则, dedicate 贡献, dedicate to 把献给, govern 管理, government 政府, ene

14、rgy能力能量, conduct 指挥, conduction 指挥, production 产品, produce 生产, explore 探索, exploration探索; more than 比多, less than 比少, no more than 不多于, no less than 不少于, more than +数字多, more than +名词/动词不仅仅不只是, more than +形容词/副词非常, no more than=not any more than不也不;50) independent 独立, independence 独立, interdependenc

15、e 互相依靠, reflect 影响, reflection 影响, make reflection on 影响, earn 挣, involve 包含包括, salary 薪水;0505年年46) television 电视, means 工具, feeling 感觉, convey 传递表达, connect 联系连接, nation 国家,create 创造, invent 发明, event 事件, recent 最近;47) multi-media大众媒体, increase增加, increasingly逐渐的, bring 带来, publish出版, in relationto

16、 与有关, relation 关系, relate 亲戚, related to 与有关, concern 关心, concerning 相关的;48) alone 独自, only 仅仅唯一, survive 生存, underline 强调突出下划线, undergo 经历, undertake从事承担, undermine 暗中破坏, state 状态州陈述, statistics 调查统计数据, loss 失去, take a loss亏损, at a loss 迷茫不知所措,49) identify 辨别, identity 身份, respect 尊重方面, expect 期待, aspect 方面, represent 代表,present 出席现在礼物, presentation 展示, fabricate 编造捏造编织, fabric 网络纤维, continent 大陆, task 任务, demand 命令, choose 选择, choice 选择, strategic 战略, policy 政策;50) deal with 处理, deal 处理,



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