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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文上海隧道海外分公司市场营销战略研究姓名:胡海斌申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:余颖20070128摘 要 1上海隧道海外分公司市场营销战略研究 摘 要 上海隧道工程股份有限公司(本论文中简称“上海隧道” )是一家专门从事隧道施工的企业,迄今已有 40 年的历史。为了应付国内隧道建筑市场日益激烈的行业竞争和为广大股东创造更多的利润,上海隧道自1997 年开始走出国门, 不断地承接了许多新加坡和香港的隧道施工项目,并积累了一定的国际工程项目管理的经验。如今,上海隧道把眼光投向诸如泰国、印度甚至阿联酋等新的海外市场,在不断深化发展的同时努力提高自己的国际竞争力,试与

2、国际同行企业在世界隧道工程市场上一较高低。但是面对国外规范的市场操作和激烈的行业竞争,上海隧道想要进一步扩大海外市场的份额就一定要对自身的内、外部环境资源进行系统地分析研究,认真总结以往的经验教训,为后阶段的长远发展制定正确的战略指导方案。 论文总结了上海隧道海外分公司近十年的发展经历, 肯定了在响应国家“走出去”号召的初期所取得的一系列成绩。通过对合作伙伴和竞争对手的分析,指出了合资联营体模式的优点,与企业现存的不足之处。在进行了核心竞争力和 SWOT 的系统分析之后, 笔者认为上海隧道应该采取同心发展,纵向垂直的多元化扩张总战略,并应该优先采用合资联营体的投资模式进行海外市场业务拓展。在

3、SBU 战略业务单元战略方面,摘 要 2笔者重点提出了“差异化集聚“的战略思想,目的在于用海外分公司有限的资源去赢得更多的市场份额。在对上海隧道海外分公司进行目标市场S(细分)T(现择)P(定位)分析时, 笔者提出了上海隧道海外扩展计划应分 “三步走“的思路,第一步着重于东南亚市场的开拓;第二步为中东和东欧市场;第三步是作为最终目标的美日欧等发达国家,并将市场拓展的重点放在了对海外分公司的战略定位和品牌管理上。针对第一阶段目标市场客户的需求,笔者为海外分公司设计了“为业主建造像万里长城一样坚固持久的隧道”的品牌定位。同时笔者指出,为了将新的品牌定位持续地实施下去,上海隧道应该把培养品牌和管理品

4、牌的工作贯彻于开拓市场的全过程,因为过硬的品牌是上海隧道真正实现国际化的必要条件,也是企业基业常青的重要保障。文章最后论述了上海隧道国际市场营销战略实施过程中,应该采取侧重于培养客户关系的 4Rs 营销策略,目的在于通过努力建立和维持与客户之间的长久互动关系,去赢得长期稳定的市场份额。 文章的结尾对全文作了总结性的结论, 并对上海隧道未来的国际化发展进行了乐观地展望,最后祝愿上海隧道能够早日跻身国际性大型建筑企业的行列。 关键词:联营体(共同投资),差异化集聚战略,“ 三步走 “,品牌定位,4Rs,ABSTRACT 1THE RESEARCH OF MARKETING STRATEGY FOR

5、 SHANGHAI TUNNEL ENGINEERING CO., LTD. OVERSEA BRANCH ABSTRACT Shanghai tunnel engineering co., ltd. (Shortened form is “STEC”) is a business enterprise which is engaged in the tunnel construction exclusively with over 40 years history. For coping with the increasing competition in home tunnel const

6、ruction market and creating more profits for its all shareholders, STEC has started overseas venture gradually since 1997. It accepted many tunnel construction projects in Singapore and Hong Kong continuously, and gathered some experience for international projects management. Now, STEC throws taste

7、 in those new potential markets such as Thailand, India, even the United Arab Emirates etc. STEC raises own international competition ability diligently at the time of developing continuously and deeply. It tries to compete with its international rivals in the global tunnel construction market. ABST

8、RACT 2Face the norm operation and vehemence competition in the foreign tunnel building market, STEC must carry on analysis and research to its own internal resources and external environment systematically if it wants get oversea market quota further, sum up the past experience seriously, plan the c

9、orrect strategic for the far development of the next stage. The thesis reviewed development experience of STEC oversea branch for nearly ten years. Affirm a series of achievements which was obtained during the early part of the development for responding to the nation “walk out“ call. By analysis of

10、 the rivals and partners, the thesis point out the advantage of the Joint-Venture mode, and the existing shortage of STEC. After systematically analyzed core competencies and SWOT, the writer plans the major strategy which STEC should develop Concentric Diversification and Vertical Diversification.

11、The write also recommend the Joint-Venture mode as the prior investment mode to develop the oversea market. Regarding the SBU strategic (business unit strategic), the writer pointed up “the Differentiation focus “strategy thought, in order to gain more share of the international with the limited res

12、ources. When article analyzed the S (Segment), T (Target), P (Position) of global market for STEC oversea branch, the writer put forward that STEC should divide the oversea expanding plan to three steps which is called “the three steps walk“. The first step emphasizes with the Southeast ABSTRACT 3As

13、ia market, the second step is Middle East and Eastern Europe market, the third step is the final target which is the developed country market like Europe, America and Japan etc. STEC should put emphasis on the strategic position and brand management for oversea market development. Considering the cu

14、stomers need on the first target market, the writer designed the brand position of “Build the tunnel as hard and steady as the great wall of china for the owner” for the oversea branch. The writer point out, for carrying out the new brand position continually, STEC should carry through the works of

15、brand development and brand management in the whole processes of expanding the international market. Famous brand is the essential condition that carries out the internationalization of STEC, is the important guarantee also that business enterprise can be built to last. The thesis finally discussed

16、that during the implement process of its international marketing strategy, STEC should adopt the 4Rs marketing strategy which Lays particular emphasis on the customer relationship development, to win a long-term a stable market quota by establish and maintain the long-last interaction of the customers diligently,. The coda of the thesis made the conclusion of the summary to the full text, and carried on an outlook to the international development of STEC overseas market in the future optim


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