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1、 I摘 要 摘 要 被迫行为是英美法系刑法中的一个概念,却并不为英美法系所独有。在大陆法系刑法中,被迫行为被纳入到了紧急避险的范畴,属于紧急避险的特殊类型。我国刑法中虽然没有被迫行为这一概念,但并不能说明在我国现实生活中没有被迫行为,只不过我国刑法把被迫行为分别规定在紧急避险与共同犯罪中的胁从犯中。 但是我国把被迫行为肢解为两部分加以规定是有冲突的,因为前者属于违法性阻却事由,而后者属于责任阻却性事由。本文围绕这一主题展开讨论,并试图解决这一矛盾。 因此,本文立足于中国的刑法理论,合理借鉴国外有关该理论的研究成果并对之进行适合我国国情的修正完善,以期使之能融入我国刑法理论体系,对我国刑法中的被

2、迫行为理论研究有所裨益,有所延伸。 本文除引言和结语外,共分为以下四个部分: 第一部分:被迫行为概述。该部分论述了以下问题:首先,深入分析了被迫行为的概念、特征、成立条件、分类、理论的发展演变及其相关的历史背景;其次,在综合研究了国内外被迫行为理论的基础之上, 借鉴了与我国刑法理论及司法实践相适应的日本学者大谷实教授的观点学说,分析了被迫行为与胁迫行为的异同,提出了本文对被迫行为概念见解。 第二部分:被迫行为的刑法评价。该部分对英美法系和大陆法系的被迫行为的刑法评价作了总体性研究,进行了科学的总结与概括,以及对我国刑法中的受胁迫行为的法律评价也进行了分析,以期对我国的刑事司法实践有一定的借鉴意

3、义。 第三部分:被迫行为“出罪”事由辨析。该部分论述了以下问题:首先,着重介绍了被迫行为“出罪”的法学理论依据和刑法学机理,并介绍了国外关于被迫行为“出罪”的学说及相关法律规定;其次,对两大法系中被迫行为的刑法规定及刑法理论界相关学说进行了比对分析, 并进一步分析了两大法系刑法对被迫行为出罪的犯罪学动因; 最后,笔者认为,“阻却责任说”更符合中国刑法理论和司法实践。 第四部分: 我国刑法对被迫行为规定的缺陷与完善。 该部分论述了以下问题: 首先,II对我国刑法中对被迫行为相关规定进行了检讨,提出了矛盾之所在;其次,该部分对我国共犯人分类的科学性进行了分析,并对胁从犯的地位问题进行了检讨,提出了

4、笔者的合理建议;再次,该部分又对我国犯罪构成理论体系进行分析,质疑了“我国的犯罪构成体系只有入罪功能,没有出罪功能”观点,提出了我国的犯罪构成同样具有出罪功能的观点;最后,该部分在借鉴中外立法模式的基础之上,并结合中国国情,对于被迫行为的处罚提出了一些新的立法建议。 关键词:被迫行为,胁迫行为,违法性阻却事由,责任阻却事由 IIIABSTRACT ABSTRACT Duress is a definition in criminal law of Anglo-American law system,but it is not unique to AngloAmerican law system

5、In criminal law of continental law system,duress is included in necessity areas,which is a special type of the necessityAlthough,there is not the definition of duress in our law system,this can not illustrate no duress among our lives.But only duress has been stipulated in the articals of necessity

6、and accomplice under duress in the criminal law of China. But it is conflict that the duress has been dismembered into two parts to be stipulated, because the former is the origin of the incident of preventing illegal,the latter is the origin of the incident of preventing responsibility.This article

7、 trys to discuss the theme and to solve the problem. Therefor,this article is based on the theory of criminal law of China,which is resonable to be referenced foreign related theoretical results and to be revised and improved ,to make it into the system of criminal law theory of China to improve the

8、 duress theory of criminal law of China. Besides the Introduction and Epilogue,this dissertation is divided into four parts The first part:the overview of duress. The following issues has been discussed in this section:Firstly, it is detailed and elaborated that the definition,characteristics, estab

9、lished conditions,categories ,factors of the duress,and its theory evolution as well as related historical background in this section;Secondly,based on the theory of duress at home and abroad,learn the ideas of Da gu shi Japanese scholars,analyze the differences and similarities of duress and duress

10、s behavior,this text proposed the opinions of the definition of duress. The second part:evaluation of the criminal law of duress. It has been researched integrity to the IVevaluation of the criminal law of the duress of Common law and civil law in this section,to make scientific generalization and s

11、ummary,and to analyzed the legal evaluation of duresss behavior,expect to benefit to our criminal justice practice. The third part:Analysis of the outsin reasons of duress. The following issues has been discussed in this section:Fisrtly,Theoretical basis of law and mechanism of criminal law of outsi

12、n of duress has been introduced emphatically;Sceondly,it maked alignment analysis to the criminal law of duress in the common law and civil law as well as the related theory,maked further analysis the motivation criminology of outsin of duress in the common law and civil law;Lastly,I believe that th

13、e theory of preventing responsibility more accord with the theory of criminal law and judicial practice of China. The four part:Defects in criminal law of China on duress and legislative proposals. The following issues has been discussed in this section:Firstly,this section analyzed the related crim

14、inal law of China on duress,put forward the contradiction;Secondly,analyzed the scientific classification of total prisoners,and review the coerced offender status,proposed owner reasonable proposals;Thirdly,this section also analyzed the theory system of crime constitution of Chinas criminal law,qu

15、estioned the view that the theory of crime constitution of Chinas criminal law has no features of outsin except incriminate,draw a conclusion that the theory system of crime constitution of Chinas criminal law has the features of outsin;Lastly,this section based on the mode of legislation at home an

16、d abroad,and combined with Chinas national conditions,bring fofward some new legislative proposals on punishment of duress. KEY WORDS:duress, duresss behavior, the origin of preventing illegal, the origin of preventing responsibility关于学位论文独创声明和学术诚信承诺 本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下独立完成的,对所研究的课题有新的见解。据我所知,除文中特别加以说明、标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括其他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 在此本人郑重承诺:所呈交的学位论文不存在舞弊作伪行为,文责自负。 学位申请人(学位论文作者)签名:


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