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1、 I摘摘 要要 政府政策、项目、标准、制度规则以及利益团体的认同越来越成为企业生存和发展的重要资源,而且可能成为企业竞争优势的关键之一。 在政策资源最为丰富、政策优惠力度最大的高新区,企业与政府的接触将更为紧密,在这种微观环境下企业政治策略和行为不仅具有理论研究的意义,更多的是实际应用的价值。 本文着重研究东湖高新区企业在运用政策资源过程中的政治策略与行为。文章首先对东湖高新区的政治环境进行了详尽分析,在此基础上以调查访谈的方法研究了东湖高新区企业在获取政策资源过程中的政治策略与行为,一方面分析了东湖高新区企业采取政治策略与行为的动机,另一方面通过实证的方法研究了东湖高新区企业政治策略与行为的

2、方式特征,并在此基础上研究了企业进行政治策略与行为的资源基础和影响因素,最后以案例的方式回顾了东湖高新区企业政治策略与行为的特征。 本文主要研究结论是: 东湖高新区企业政治策略与行为的直接原因在于从政府手中获取利益, 获得政府资源, 间接原因在于减少政策环境的不确定性。 分析表明,东湖高新区企业最为常用的方式是经营活动政治关联策略,其中又以参观活动和高层拜访最为常见。从影响因素的对比中可以发现,东湖高新区企业政治策略与行为受高层意识影响最大,其次是市场结构和经营性质。案例分析证明了企业政治策略与行为的动机研究结果,烽火科技在政治策略与行为方面,不仅培育了独特的竞争力,而且朝向政治战略的角度演进

3、。从该案例可以发现,企业政治资源和能力是企业实施政治策略与行为的基础,而高层领导意识才是企业非市场竞争力形成的关键。 关键词关键词:东湖高新区 企业政治策略与行为 政策资源 动机 行为特征 IIAbstract In recent years, government policy, programs, standard, system and regulations, as well as the recognition of related interest groups have increasingly become important resources for corporation

4、s to survive and develop. Meanwhile, they probably have become vital to corporate competitive advantages. In high-tech development zones where policy resources are abundant and preferential policy are best, the contacts between corporations and government will become even closer than ever before. In

5、 this micro-environment, corporate political strategy and action are of great significance in theoretic research as well as practical application. This paper conducts a study of the political strategy and political action of the corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone during the p

6、rocess they harness the policy resources. A detailed analysis of the political environment of Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone is made in the beginning of this paper. Basing on this analysis, a study method of questionnaire and interview is adopted to survey the political strategy and acti

7、on of the corporations in high-tech development zone during the process they acquire the policy resources. On the one hand, the motivations of the corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone to adopt political strategy and action are analyzed. On the other hand, an empirical study is

8、conducted to analyze the ways and characteristics of the political strategy and action of the corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone. In addition, resource basis as well as influential factors of the political strategy and action of the corporations are analyzed. In the end, the

9、characteristics of the political strategy and action of the corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone are reviewed by a case study. A conclusion can be drawn from this study that the direct reason for corporations in IIIWuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone lies in the benefits

10、 from government, the government resources; and the indirect reason lies in the reduction in uncertainty of policy environment. The analysis shows that the method adopted most frequently by corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone is the policy to attach political relevance to oper

11、ation activities, in particular, the visiting activity and senior official visit. By contrasting and comparing the influential factors, it can be found that the political strategy and action of the corporations in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone are influenced most by senior leadership id

12、eology. And the market structure and operation property rank the second place. The case study confirms the research result of the motivations of corporate political strategy and action of the corporations. Take Fiberhome group as an example, it not only forms unique competitiveness in political stra

13、tegy and action, but also moves forward towards political strategy. It can be found from this case study that the policy resource and ability are the basis for corporations to implement political strategy and action, and the senior leadership ideology is the key for corporations to form non-market c

14、ompetitiveness. Key words: Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone,Corporate Political Strategy and Action,Policy Resource,Motivation,Action Characteristic 独创性声明 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律

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16、义论文选题背景、研究的目的与意义 本文选题来自于华中科技大学管理学院田志龙教授主持的国家自然科学基金项目“我国企业政治策略与行为及其对政企关系的影响研究” (项目资助号:70172032)的后续思考。 由于田志龙教授先后主持过几个相关的国家自然科学基金课题,探讨了企业的经营环境特征及企业进行政策策略与行为的动机,并在西方企业政策策略与行为研究的基础上,对中国企业政治策略与行为进行了对比研究,在中国企业政治策略与政治绩效方面取得了一系列成果;同时还在企业政治策略规范方面进行了探索,并从企业政治策略决策、进行政治策略决策过程方面深入探讨,将企业非市场策略与市场策略进行整合实施的研究。 在研究的过程中,我们发现尽管在理论层面企业政治策略的研究已经相当成熟,针对宏观角度的中国企业的政治行为是十分显而易见的,但在微观环境下企业与政府之间的关系又是怎样的?是否存在明确的企业政治行为?或者企业的政治策略和行为有什么样的特征?这些都引起了我们的思考。 同时作为


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