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1、毕业设计说明 0摘要摘要本设计为沈阳塘栖大厦,使用性质是商业办公楼,地下一层,地上六层,总建筑面积是 19700 平方米。其中地下室为车库,地上一层为酒店餐厅,二层为酒店包厢,三层为 KTV 包厢,四层为会议室和棋牌室,五层为游泳馆,六层为客房。建筑总高度是28.2 米,使用年限是 100 年。本设计为沈阳塘栖大厦暖通空调工程设计,拟为之设计合理的中央空调系统,为室内人员提供舒适的工作环境。系统主要采用风机盘管承担空调房间的冷负荷,每个房间的吊顶内安置一到二个风机盘管。新风则通过独立的新风管道送入房间。新风机组吊顶安装,每一层楼安装两台新风机组负担该层所有空调房间的新风负荷。该空调系统的优点是

2、占用建筑面积少,可集中供冷;同时各末端装置有独立的开关和调节功能,各房间的温度可独自调节与控制。空调水系统采用闭式系统,因为它除了不易污染,节省初投资外,还具有很大的节能效果。对于大厅等少数房间采用了全空气一次回风系统。同时地下车库进行了通风排烟的设计。本设计内容包括:空调冷热负荷计算;空调系统的确定及论证;送风状态参数及送风量的确定;空气处理设备的选型;冷热源的选择及设备选型;气流组织计算;水力计算;其他设备的选择;保温与防腐以及减振和消声等内容。关键字关键字:空调系统;全空气系统;风机盘管加新风系统;机械通风1AbstractThis design as you start buildin

3、g complex in Shenzhen, is a commercial office building, ground floor, 11 floors, total area is 19700 square meters. Basement garage and commercial goods warehouse, ground to nine floors for Office space, ten layers for large conference rooms and activity rooms, 11 floors the elevator machine room an

4、d water tanks. Total building height is 28.2 meters, useful life is 100 years.This design for your building heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineering design of building complex in Shenzhen, is proposed for the design of central air conditioning system, for Interior provides comfortable w

5、orking environment. Main using fan-coil system bear the cooling load of air conditioning in the rooms, placed in the ceiling of each room one or two fan-coil. Fresh air for fresh air through a separate pipe into the room. Air supply unit drop ceiling mount, each floor installation of two air supply

6、unit bears wind load of air conditioning in all rooms. The air conditioning system has the advantage of occupying an area of small, central cooling and terminal units with separate switch and adjustment, the room temperature adjustment and control on their own. Chilled water system with closed-syste

7、m, because it is in addition to difficult to pollution, save investment, also has a great deal of energy-saving effect. For Hall and a small number of room air return air system. Also for ventilation and smoke exhaust design of underground garage.The designs include: air conditioning cooling load ca

8、lculation; identification and demonstration of air conditioning systems; air State parameters and determination of air, air handling equipment selection; choice of cold and heat sources and equipment selection; airflow calculation; hydraulic calculation; other equipment choices; heat insulation and

9、corrosion protection as well as vibration and sound attenuation, and so on.Keywords: air-conditioning systems air systems; primary air fan-coil system, mechanical ventilation2目录目录第一章第一章 资料采集资料采集 .6 61.1 前言.6 1.2 设计资料.6 1.2.1、设计课题名称:.6 1.2.2、设计原始资料:.6 1.2.3 动力与能源资料 .8 1.3、设计内容和程序 .8 1.3.1 熟悉设计条件及要求、确

10、定初步方案 .8 1.3.2 空调房间热湿负荷计算 .8 1.4 空气处理过程及方案.10 1.4.1 夏季空调过程设计 .10 1.4.2 空调和制冷方案的确定及设备选择计算 .10 1.4.3 气流组织设计 .10 1.4.4 消防排烟设计计算 .10 1.4.5 通风、空调管道的水力计算及风机选择 .11 1.4.6 消声防震 .11 1.4.7 空调系统自动控制特点 .11 1.4.8 绘图 .11 1.5 设计说明书.11 1.5.1 前置部分的要求 .11 1.5.2 主体部份内容的基本要求是 .12 1.5.3 主要参考文献 .13第二章第二章 方案的比较及论证方案的比较及论证 .14142.1 集中式空调系统的比较.14 2.2 方案的选择.16 2.2.1 概况 .16第三章第三章 空调负荷计算空调负荷计算 .18183.1 负荷的计算 .18 3.1.1 冷负荷的计算.18 3.1.2 热负荷的计算.283.1.3 湿负荷计算.30第四章第四章 空气处理过程空气处理过程 .



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