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1、湖南大学硕士学位论文湖南华菱南方环保科技有限公司总成本领先战略研究姓名:谢国安申请学位级别:硕士专业:高级管理人员工商管理指导教师:张玲20070425高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 II摘 要 随着人类文明的不断进步和发展,人类赖以生存的环境却在不断恶化。实现人类与自然的和谐统一和可持续发展成为人类的唯一出路。基于此,环保产业将成为最有前途的产业,并已进入高速发展阶段。 随着中国经济的高速发展,中国环保产业发展空间巨大。然而对中国企业而言,环保产业却有市场进入壁垒高,技术落后,营运成本高等问题。因此,先进的技术和较低的成本优势是环保企业在竞争中取胜的关键。 湖南华菱南方环保科技有限公司,是

2、 2002 年底组建的以冶金渣处理、煤气发电为主营业务的资源综合利用型环保企业。如何制定正确的发展战略,使公司能够快速发展壮大,在环保领域立于不败之地,成为当务之急。 本文拟在对华菱南方的战略环境进行分析研究的基础上,提出华菱南方的总成本领先的战略思路,希望以此能为华菱南方的战略决策提供有益参考。 首先,对华菱南方的战略环境进行分析。在宏观环境、相关产业环境和内部环境进行分析的基础上采用 SWOT 分析方法,总结出华菱南方的优势和劣势,将面临的机遇和挑战。 其次,根据战略环境分析,以华菱南方的企业使命和战略目标为指引,确定华菱南方的经营战略为总成本领先战略,并明确其实施途径 。实施途径包括:一

3、是以控制价值链成本驱动因素为主要手段,确保公司低成本优势;二是通过控制投资,确保公司低成本战略的方向不变;三是通过控制融资成本,追求公司价值最大化。在实施低成本领先战略的同时,将注重防范总成本领先战略的实施陷阱,根据公司的具体情况,针对以下困境提出相应对策:一是规模生产与产品多样化难以兼顾的困境及对策,二是低成本与新技术及研发投入的矛盾困境及对策,三是低成本与高质量难以兼得的困境及对策,四是优势原材料的有限供应对规模扩张制约的困境及对策。 关键词:环保产业;总成本领先;战略 湖南华菱南方环保科技有限公司总成本领先战略研究 IIIAbstract Along with the continued

4、 progress and development of human civilization, the environment in which mankind survive is deteriorating. Harmony and sustainable development of both Human and the natural have become the only way out. Because of this, the environmental protection industry will become the most promising products,

5、and has entered the stage of rapid development already. The rapid development of Chinese economic makes a huge space for Chinese environmental protection industry to develop. But in China, there is many difficulties such as high barriers to market entry, backward technology, and high operating costs

6、 and so on. Therefore, the advanced technology and low cost advantages become the keys that environmental enterprise wins in the competition. Hunan South Hualing Environmental Technology Co. Ltd, which is founded at the end of 2002 with the main business of metallurgical slag handling and Gas power,

7、 is an environmental enterprise of comprehensive utilization. It has become a matter of urgency that how to formulate the right development strategies which enable the company to rapidly expand, keep the invincible position in the area of environmental protection. In this paper, on the basis of the

8、analysis of the combat readiness environment of the South Hualing, the strategic thinking of leading proposed total cost was made which been hoped to provide useful reference for the South Hualing strategic decision. First, the strategic environment of Hualing South were analyzed. On the basis of th

9、e analysis of macro environment, related industries environment and internal environment, the method of SWOT analysis was used to summed up the advantages and disadvantages of Hualing South and the opportunities and challenges that Hualing faced. Secondly, according to the strategic environment, the

10、 operating strategy of Hualing South was determined as the total cost leadership strategy which makes the corporate mission and strategic objectives of Hualing South as the guidelines, and then its implementation means was determined too. The approaches include: To control the value chain cost drive

11、rs as a primary means to ensure the low-cost advantage of company; Ensure that the low-cost strategies orientation of the company is maintained 高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 IVthrough the investment controlling; Maximize the value of the company through the control of financing costs. In the implementation of th

12、e low-cost leading strategy, great attention should been paid to guard traps in the progress when the strategy is implemented, according to companys specific circumstances, corresponding responses were made in view of the following dilemma: First, Contradictions between the mass production and produ

13、ct diversification was analyzed, the corresponding countermeasures was made. Second, Contradictions between the new low-cost technology and research and development into and the countermeasures Third one is the plight of low-cost and high-quality and the solutions Fourth, constraints of the limited

14、supply of advantage raw materials for the expansion of scale and countermeasures. Key words: Environmental Industry;Overall Cost Leadership;Strategy 湖南华菱南方环保科技有限公司总成本领先战略研究 VII插图索引 图 1.1 研究技术路线图.4 图 2.1 “十五”时期国内生产总值与增长速度.7 图 2.2 全球环保产业发展趋势 .9 图 2.3 中国环保产业发展趋势 .10 图 2.4 公司组织机构图.17 图 3.1 战略选择方法模型.20 图 4.1 迈克尔波特的价值链模型.27 图 4.2 规模经济理论模型.29 图 4.3 融资决策程序.



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