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1、南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文我国公务航空市场分析及机型选择姓名:周兴泰申请学位级别:硕士专业:交通运输规划与管理指导教师:朱金福20090301南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 公务航空作为新兴的航空产业,在国内的发展已有十年,但是其发展速度、产业规模与公务航空发达国家的差距依然十分巨大,较为准确地预测我国的公务航空市场规模,对企业制定经营战略和销售策略具有参考作用和现实意义。选择合适的机型不仅可以为运营商节约成本、创造利润、树立良好形象,同时还能为客户降低出行成本、提供舒适便利的旅行。本文以公务航空的市场规模和机型选择为研究对象,首先分析了制约市场发展的因素,并运用灰色系统理论、曲线

2、趋势预测和组合预测理论建立预测模型,预测了国内公务航空市场的规模。为了更好地获得对市场规模的认识,论文紧接着较为详细地介绍了国外公务航空的运营模式,并以顾客价值理论为基础,建立公务航空旅客市场细分模型,比较分析公务航空和定期航班两种方式,确定潜在的公务航空市场规模。然后,论文从旅行成本的角度出发,针对不同种类的公务机,研究了不同时间价值的旅客在不同航程情况下的公务机机型选择,并进一步考虑了机型选择中环境保护因素的要求,介绍了公务机引进时对于污染物排放的计算方法,说明了噪声控制的重要意义。 关键词:关键词:公务航空,市场需求,组合预测,市场细分,机型选择 我国公务航空市场分析及机型选择 II A

3、bstract Business aviation, as an emerging aviation field, has developed for ten years in China. But there are large gaps between our country and developed ones on developing speed and industrial scale . So it gives reference effect and practical significance in predicting the business aviation marke

4、t accurately for the enterprises business and marketing strategy. The selection suitable aircraft type can not only create profits through saving costs and establish good images, but also can lower customers travel cost, provide suitable and convenient service. In this dissertation, the scale of bus

5、iness aviation and the selection of aircraft type were studied. First of all, the factors which restrict the market development were analyzed and some forecast theories were applied to establish a model and the business aviation market was predicted. In order to learn the market better, the operatio

6、n models of foreign business aviation were introduced in the dissertation, a model of the business aviation market segmentation was established to compare the business aviation with scheduled flights based on customer value theory, and the potential market was identified. Then, for different types o

7、f aircrafts, based on the travel cost, the aircraft type selection ranged from different customers with different time value and different voyages was discussed. Further more, taking environmental protection factors into account, the method to measure pollutant emissions was introduced and the signi

8、ficance of noise control was emphasized in this dissertation. Key Words: Business Aviation, Market Demand, Combination Forecast, Market Segmentation, Aircraft Type Selection 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 图、表清单 图 2.1 公务航空历年飞行小时数散点图.14 图 3.1 公务航空和定期航班的旅程结构.23 图 3.2 湾流 200 与波音 737-800 旅行成本比较 .26 表 1.1 论文章节安排和主要内容.7

9、 表 2.1 公务航空历年飞行小时数.11 表 2.2 残差检验值 .13 表 2.3 级比偏差 .13 表 2.4 幂函数曲线模型拟合.15 表 2.5 幂函数曲线模型误差计算.15 表 2.6 指数曲线模型拟合.16 表 2.7 指数曲线模型误差计算.16 表 2.8 组合预测值和预测精度.17 表 3.1 公务机和定期航班地面旅程各段平均耗时.23 表 3.2 1000NM 航程上两种运输方式的相关旅行参数 .25 表 3.3 湾流 200 不同频率的运输成本.26 表 4.1 各类飞机运输费用和旅行耗时.29 表 4.2 五类飞机顾客旅行成本模型.30 表 4.3 300NM 航程平衡点处的顾客时间价值.30 表 4.4 600NM 航程平衡点处的顾客时间价值.31 表 4.5 1000NM 航程平衡点处的顾客时间价值.31 表 4.6 不同类型飞机状态时间的默认值(分钟).33 表 4.7 “湾流”IV-SP 污染物排放计算参数.35 表 4.8 “湾流”IV-SP 污染物排放计算结果.35 承诺书 本人声明所呈交的硕士学位


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