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1、 摘 要 森林是陆地生态系统中面积最大的自然生态系统, 为人类提供各种服务,但由于不合理利用, 森林生态系统出现了退化现象。内蒙古大兴安岭林区是我国面积较大的国有林区之一, 是重要的木材生产基地, 兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini)是大兴安岭林区的主要建群树种,长期以来,由于自然因素和人类不合理的干扰,该森林生态系统出现不同程度的退化。杜香兴安落叶松林是该系统主要林分类型,约占该区森林面积的 80以上。本文以大兴安岭杜香落叶松(Larix gmelini)林为研究对象,分不同发育阶段,通过实地调查诊断,建立健康评价指标体系,采用层次分析法对杜香落叶松林进行健康综合评价,主要结论如下: 1

2、影响杜香落叶松林健康的主要指标为:森林病虫害、森林鼠害、森林火灾、生物多样性、土壤状况、污染状况、人为干扰 7 个方面。在此基础上研建了7 个层次 16 个指标构成的大兴安岭杜香落叶松林不同龄组的健康评价指标体系。 2根据健康评价指标体系和杜香落叶松林分现状,结合国内外研究成果,确定了各指标的测算方法、评价标准和健康等级划分:健康评价值8-10时为健康状态,6-8时为亚健康状态,4-6时为一般健康状态, 0-4时为不健康状态。 3杜香落叶松林健康评价结果为:幼龄林、中龄林、近成熟林的健康评价值分别为:7.2837、8.1632、7.5984,结果表明,中龄林处于健康状态,幼龄林, 近、成熟林处

3、于亚健康状态,整体杜香落叶松林的健康评价值为 7.8473,处于亚健康状态。 4影响幼龄林,中龄林,近、成熟林健康的关键因素分别为:土壤状况、人为干扰、生物多样性,对其它因素分别进行分析。 关键词关键词:杜香落叶松林;健康诊断;指标体系;评价 Ledum Palustre Larch in Daxinganling Forest Health Monitoring and Evaluation Abstract Forest is the largest terrestrial ecosystems of natural eco-systems, and provides human serv

4、ices. But because of the unreasonable use,forest ecosystem degradation occurred. Forest district of Da xinan Mountains is one of the larger State-owned forest region in China and it is an important production base of wood. Larix gmelini is the main constructive species in this area. For a long time,

5、 because of natural fators and human being activity, this forest ecosystem appeared degradation. Larix gmelini is main specics in Da xinan Mountains. Its area is more than 80%. this paper took Larix gmelini as research object, analyzed different stage of growth. Through field investigation,establish

6、 health assessment index system, comprehensive evaluation on forest health, got some results: 1. the main factors affecting Larix gmelini are 7 parts: plant diseases and insect pests, injurious beast of forest; forest fire, biological diversity, soil condition, Pollution status, man-made interferenc

7、e. 2.According to the health status of evaluation index system and Stefan Dusan of larch stands, Determine the method for calculating indicators, evaluation criteria and classification of health:the value is from 8 to 10 is health, 6 to 8 is subhealth, 4 to6 is normal healthy, 0 to 4 is unhealthy. 3

8、.The results : the value of young forest, mature forest, near ripe forest are 7.2837、 8.1632、 7.5984. the result shows that: mature forest is healthy, young and ripe forest is subhealth. The total forestvalue is 7.8473,it is subhealth. 4.The key factors affecting forest are: soil condition, man-made

9、 interference, biological diversity. Key words: Larix gmelini;Forest health;Index system ;Estimate Directed by: Prof. ZHANG Qiuliang Applicant for Master degree: GUAN Zhongying (Forest Management) ( Forest College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010018,China) 目 录 1 引言. 1 1.1 研究背景. 1

10、 1.2 森林健康评价研究综述. 2 1.2.1 森林健康及评价的概念和内涵. 2 1.2.2 国外研究进展. 3 1.2.3 国内研究进展. 4 1.2.4 森林健康评价指标. 5 1.2.5 评价方法研究. 6 1.2.6 指标权重确定方法. 7 1.2.7 指标标准化方法. 8 1.3 研究目的与意义. 8 1.4 研究内容和技术路线. 8 2 研究区自然概况. 9 2.1 地理位置. 9 2.2 气候条件. 10 2.3 地质地貌. 10 2.4 土壤状况. 10 2.5 植被状况. 11 2.6 杜香落叶松林型特点. 11 3 杜香落叶松林健康评价指标体系构建. 12 3.1 评价指标选取. 12 3.1.1 森林病虫害. 15 3.1.2 森林鼠害. 15 3.1.3 森林火灾. 15 3.1.4 生物多样性. 16 3.1.5 土壤状况. 16 3.1.6 污染状况. 16 3.1.7 人为干扰. 17 3.2 指标数据获取. 18 3.2.1 样地设置. 18 3.2.2 指标调查方法. 19 4 杜香兴安落叶松林健康评价. 20 4.1 评价指标权重的确定. 20 4.1.1 构造判断矩阵. 21 4.1.



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