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1、 四川理工学院毕业设计(论文)基于MVC的OA协同办公系统的设计与实现学 生:学 号:专 业:班 级:指导教师:四川理工学院计算机学院I基于MVC的OA协同办公系统的设计与实现摘 要本设计以某公司办公需求为设计对象,采用 JSP 和 Tomcat Server6.0 软件为开发工具,实现了基于 MVC 的 OA 协同办公系统。该系统也是典型的办公系统(OA) ,其系统主要包括了数据库的规划设计与维护和客户端应用程序的开发两个方面。在 JSP 中可以使用 Java 的 JDBC 技术实现数据库中表记录的查询、修改和删除等操作,利用 JDBC 技术实现了 Java 数据库连接 API,使数据库的内

2、容可以在 Web 页面中显示。该系统主要实现的功能模块包括了部门管理、角色管理、职员管理、管理员日志、个人信息、工作安排、名片夹、待办事项、在线信息、个人文件夹、公司通讯录和会议管理。该系统不仅提高了公司的办公效率,而且还具有友好的人机界面,简便的操作,良好的实用性。关键词:MVC;模块化;JDBC 技术;数据库;信息管理IIDesign and Implementation of OA Cooperative Office System in the MVC-basedABSTRACTOA system based on the MVC has been realized with the

3、object of a company, and the development tool using software of Java Server Pages and Tomcat Server6.0 in this design, which is also a typical OA system. The systemic development has included mainly two aspects of the layout design and the maintenance of database, and the development of customer end

4、 application procedure. In the Java Server Pages ,the system has imposed the Java of the JDBC technology to realize these operations of the inquiring,revising, and deleting the database of the table of record, and also imposed the JDBC technology to realize the connection of the database and the app

5、lication programming interface, the database content has been displayed in the Web pages. The main realizing function modules of the system have included the department management, role management, employ management, administrator log management, Personal information, organization of work, business

6、card holder, to-do, online information, personal folders, company contacts, Conference Management. The system not only has improved the efficiency of the office of the company, but also has been possessed of the friendly man-machine interface, simple operation and preferable practicality.Keywords: M

7、odel-View-Controller; Modularization; JDBCtechnology; Database; Information management; III目 录第 1 章 绪 论.11.1 引言11.2 系统设计的背景21.3 系统的功能简介2第 2 章 系统分析.32.1 需求分析32.2 数据存储分析5第 3 章 系统总体设计.83.1 软件模块结构设计83.2 数据库设计103.2.1 数据库的逻辑设计.103.2.2 数据库的物理设计.11第 4 章 系统数据库设计.154.1 与数据库相关的概念154.2 Oracle 数据库基本特点164.3 Oracle 数据库及其基本操作164.3.1 新建数据库.164.3.2 创建数据表.174.4 JSP 与 Oracle 的连接17第 5 章 系统详细设计.185.1 系统功能设计185.1.1 登录模块.185.1.2 系统管理的总模块.195.1.3 个人信息模块.205.1.4 工作安排模块.205.1.5 名片夹模块.205.1.6 待



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