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1、合肥工业大学硕士学位论文淮北市主城区商业网点布局优化研究姓名:田永立申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:张鑫2010-11淮北市主城区商业网点布局优化研究 摘 要淮北市主城区商业网点布局优化研究 摘 要 商业是城市重要功能之一,商业的合理布局对城市发展影响深远。淮北市具有一定的区位优势和较高的城市化率,建市 50 年来,淮北市的商业建设成效明显,较好的满足了居民的消费需求。特别是改革开放以来,随着市场经济体制的逐步确立,淮北市的商业发展日新月异,基础设施逐步配套完善,商业网点星罗棋布,初具规模,大型商业集团不断壮大,渐成气候。商业发展提升了淮北市经济发展水平,推动了社会转型进步,这与城市

2、综合实力显著增强、人民生活奔向小康的大背景是相适应相匹配的。但是与国内其他城市横向比较,在商业设施配套、合理布局和业态变革等诸多领域,毋庸讳言,淮北尚存差距。本文结合淮北市实际,在空间布局、网点模式、发展战略等方面做了广泛、认真地研究,对商业网点优化布局的科学性、前瞻性和操作性做了一个系统和全面的分析,全面分析了主城区商业发展现状及问题,并提出了网点布局优化针对性措施。 论文在第一章概述了本文的选题背景、研究思路及研究方法。第二章回顾了国内外商业网点的理论研究,分析了我国主要城市商业空间分布结构特征,从商业区的确定,城市商业网点的空间分布等方面,分析了典型商业区的特征和内部结构,为一下步分析淮


4、关键词:关键词:商业网点;布局优化;主城区;中心地理论;淮北市。 Huaibei City downtown commercial networks layout Optimization research ABSTRACT Summary of business is one of the important features of the city, the commercial reasonable layout have far-reaching effects on urban development. Huaibei city has certain advantages and

5、a high rate of urbanization, built in 50 years, Huaibei city business-building results evident that better meet the needs of the residents of consumption. Especially since the reform and opening up, along with the market economy system gradually established, Huaibei city commercial development advan

6、ces, infrastructure gradually complete, commercial network far-flung, began to take shape, large business groups continue to grow, gradually become fashionable again. Business development promotion Huaibei city, economic development, promote the progress of social transformation, and the citys compr

7、ehensive strength significantly enhanced, people ran to the well-being of the large background is adapted to match. But with other urban landscape, in commercial facilities, reasonable layout and format changes, and many other areas, it goes without saying that the gap in surviving. This article com

8、bines the practical, Huaibei city in space layout, network model, development strategies, and so do a widely, carefully studied, to optimize the layout of the commercial network science, forward-looking and operation of a system and a comprehensive analysis, a comprehensive analysis of the main city

9、 commercial development status and issues, and raised dot layout optimization specific measures. Papers in the first chapter provides an overview of this topic in the background, research ideas and research methods. Chapter II reviews the domestic and international commercial network of theoretical

10、research, analysis of the urban structure of commercial distribution, to determine from the business district, city commercial network of space distribution, analysis of the characteristics of a typical commercial area and the internal structure, as a step in the analysis of Huaibei city commercial

11、network space provide reasonable distribution theory. Chapter three analyzes the situation of the study area, mainly from the natural environment, social economy, leading industries and so on commercial network development provides an analysis of the external environment. Chapter 4 focuses on the an

12、alysis of the main town in Huaibei city development of commercial network and its problems, and in-depth analysis of the impact of commercial network planning of demographic factors, transportation element and land. Chapter v by the results of the previous analysis, further clarifying the developmen

13、t strategy of Huaibei city, presented the main city commercial network layout optimization ideas. The main measures for the further development of high-level business centre, a macro-improve and standardize the low-level business centres, and gradually improve business hierarchy. Including building

14、business center circle layer structure hierarchy; through renovation and upgrade traditional commercial centre, construction of new commercial construction function area, development of new business centres, shopping streets, forming the characteristic culture and improving commercial-grade system.

15、Keywords: commercial network; layout optimization; downtown; central place theory; Huaibei city . 插图清单插图清单 图 3-1 淮北市区位图17 图 3-2 淮北市城市商业网点分布图23 图 5-1 淮北市区域商业功能区38 图 5-2 优化后的商业网点布局图 43 表格清单表格清单 表 3-1 2009 年淮北市大中型零售网点现状一览表22 表 4-1 人口规模与商业网点配置对应关系表 28 表 4-2 2000-2009 年淮北市社会消费品零售总额一览表 28 表 4-3 2000-2009

16、年淮北市城镇居民人均可支配收入一览表 29 表 4-4 2009 年末全市人口及其构成一览表 30 表 5-1 2020 年淮北市主城区居住片区规划一览表 37 表 5-2 大型商业零售网点布局优化一览表 44 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标志和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 合肥工业大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 学位论文作者签字: 签字日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 合肥工业大学 有关



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