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1、KIVA3V 说明文档之 1 ITAPE5文件各参数说明 *deck epilog c c epilogue - c = c c a description of the quantities on the input data file “itape5“ c in the order in which they appear: c c = c ci name problem identification line, up to 80 characters 课题名称,最多80个字符 ci irest restart flag, where 0 = no restart, 0 = dump nu

2、mber to c restart from. read in in subr. begin, used in main driver c (kiva), and in newcyc, which then resets it to zero. 重新开始标志,当其值为0时,不重新开始,0时重新开始.作为求解器 需要中断时继续计算,在运行KIVA3V的时候重置为0.这是为了避免重复计算, 如可在压缩过程之后输出避免再计算压缩过程 ci nohydro normally = 0. set to 1 to turn off all hydro. this is c intended for quic

3、k runs that have only piston and valve c motion, grid rezoning, and checks for cells for having c negative volumes or concavity. it is a useful check to c ensure that the entire grid and moving surfaces will c behave in an expected fashion, before investing a great c amount of time in a full hydro r

4、un. 通常设为0.设为1时则关闭所有的Hydro,这是为了特意加快在只有一个 活塞和气阀运动时的运算速度,它会重新分区网格并检查是否有负的或 凹单元.这对于确定整个网格和运动表面按照预定规则计算是很有用的, 它会在所有hydro运行之前花费大量的时间. ci lwall +1=law-of-the-wall bdry. layer; 0=freeslip; -1=noslip +1表示为壁函数;0=自由滑移壁面(气相速度=壁面速度);-1=非滑移壁面 (气相法向速度=壁面法向速度).详见KIVA2说明书. ci lpr long print control: 1=write on fiche

5、, 0=omit entirely 输出控制:1=输出到胶片;0=完全忽略.通常为0,为1时多用来代码调试用 ci irez rezone flag: 0 = pure Eulerian, 1 = pure Lagrangian, c 2 = traditional Kiva engine rezone. 3 is the same as 2 c except the squish region is never accordioned, thus c preserving the original axial grid spacing. irez = 4 is c used for rezo

6、ning of grids with canted valves, where: c irez = 4 is for quasi-symmetric pentroof cylinders, c irez = 5 is for 2-valve OHV wedge geometries, and c irez = 6 is for geometries that have both pentroof and c wedge features. note that the special rezone coding for c none of these three cases can be con

7、sidered fully general. 再分区标志:0=完全欧拉法(网格节点不动,所以网格形状不变,适用于稳态流),1=完全 拉各朗日法(表示网格节点以流体速度移动),2=传统KIVA法(允许网格改变形状做为活塞 移动计算, 以活塞速度.3=除了压缩区域不可折叠外与2一样,因而保留了原有的轴向网格间 距.当其值=4时用来重分区斜向气阀的情况.=4用于准平衡的封闭汽缸.=5用于2气阀的OHV 锲型几何体.=6用于同时有封闭汽缸与楔形体的几何体.注意,如果不是满足以上3种情况的 特殊分区法按一般方法处理.一般选2。 ci ncfilm cycle interval between film

8、outputs 图形输出的循环时间间隔,如100个循环。通常为9999表示以其他参数控制输出,如cafilm KIVA3V 说明文档之 2 ci nctap8 cycle interval between restart dumps on file otape8 从重新开始信息转储至otape8的时间间隔 ci nclast cycle number when calculation is terminated 计算终止时的循环数.当其值很大时,把其功能转移到其他参数控制,如cafin,twfin。 参考值:60000 ci ncmon cycle interval between summa

9、ry prints of engine cylinder c data on special output files. set ncmon 5000 to turn c off this option entirely 特殊输出文件中的汽缸数据进行摘要输出的时间间隔.设为5000时 将会完全关闭这个选项 ci ncaspec 0 is the number of crank angles listed free-format in c the following line(s), for which film output is to be made. c this is useful wh

10、en one wants output only at a number of c specific crank angles. set ncaspec = 0 to turn it off. c (note: as dimensioned, ncaspec must be 0表示的值为进行图形输出的曲轴转角的个数, 这方便我们在特殊角度取出数据.设为0时关闭.(注意:维数限定其值必须 atdc ci angmom =1.0 for angular momentum conservation in momflx (cyl=1.0) =1.0时表示在momflx里角动量守恒(cyl=1.0表示圆

11、柱;0.0表示平面), angmom=angmom*cyl,见KIVA2,P152。 ci pgssw =1.0 to employ pressure gradient scaling, =0.0 to disable c note: setup turns pgs off if pressure boundaries present =1.0为了使用压力缩放比例梯度,=0.0则取消.(在内燃机燃烧中) 注意:在压力边界线出现时把pgs关闭。典型值0.0 ci dti initial time step dt supplied in input data file dt提供给输入数据文件的初始

12、时间步长。若太大则计算开始时就失败;例如在不复杂的计 算中(如压缩过程)则大些1.0e-5;在复杂计算中就选小些约为5.0e-7。此参数与引擎速 度和网格大小有关。范围:1.0e-75.0e-5。一般用于调试,为本人经验确定。 ci dtmxca maximum number of crank angle degrees per time step; use a c large value if you dont want it as an upper limit on dt 每时间步长的曲轴转角最大值;如果你不想超出dt极限就选个最大值.如果在KIVA计算失败 后,可调整此参数(更小些)可使

13、计算恢复,在恢复后调大些。如果网格够好,发动机转 速够快时可小些;如果太大则表示用其他参数代替它。范围:0.25-1.0,典型值:0.5 ci dtmax maximum dt allowed during entire calculation 在整个循环中所允许的最大dt值,与前者相同意义,可相互代替(取大值)。范围: 1.0e-70.5e-5,典型值:5.0e-6 ci tlimd =1.0 forces a restart-dump exit before job time limit, KIVA3V 说明文档之 3 c =0.0 for no restart dump =1.0将在工作

14、时间限度前使重新计算转储库强制退出.表示计算原过程。此值为典型值 =0.0则没有此转储库 ci twfilm problem time interval between film outputs 图形输出的课题时间间隔,典型值:9.99e+9 ci twfin problem time when calculation is terminated 计算终止的课题时间,同上 ci fchsp time step factor for kinetic reactions and spray c evaporation: if tchem (q.v.) fchsp, dt is reduced by c the factor fchsp/tchem; similarly, if tevap (q.v.) c fchsp, dt is reduced by the factor fchsp/tevap 动力反应



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