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1、 新浪微博:jianghua 老师 教学空间: 1 新大纲新增词汇表新大纲新增词汇表 在新出炉的 2013 年考研英语大纲中,在英语一和英语二的考纲中就单词部分均进行了 局部微调,主要是在往年大纲的基础上删除了 42 个单词,新增了 59 个单词。既然新增, 其重要性就不容分说。 为了便于广大考研学习针对词汇部分的变化进行及时高效的复习, 请 大家注意背诵上的调整。 accustom vt. 使习惯于(替换 accustomed) 【用法】 oneself to doing/do sth.使习惯于做某事 【同义词】adjust, acquaint, familiarize alienate

2、vt. 使疏远,使不友好;转移(资产等) 【用法】 sth./sb. from 使得某事/某人与疏远 allegiance n. 忠诚,效忠;拥戴;臣服 【用法】 to sb./sth.对某人/某机构效忠 【同义词】loyalty, faithfullness ape v. 无尾猿,类人猿 archaeology n. 考古学;古代文物(总称) bail v regret diabetes n. 糖尿病,多尿症 dinosaur n. 恐龙;庞然大物 dioxide n. 二氧化物 embryo n. 胚胎;adj. 胚胎的,萌芽的;不成熟的 endorse vt. 背书,签字支付;签署;赞同

3、,支持 【用法】 over 转让权利 【同义词】approve, support ethic n. 伦理标准,道德规范,道德体系 fiscal adj. 财政的,国库的;财务的,金钱的 franchise n. 公民权,选举权;特许权力;特别经营权 freelance v. 当自由职业者;作为自由职业者提供;adj.自由职业的,独立的 genre n. 种,类;体裁,样式 新浪微博:jianghua 老师 教学空间: 2 glacier n. 冰川,冰河 guild n. 团体,协会;行会,同业公会 herald n. 使节;报信者;v. 宣布,预示来临;欢迎,为欢呼 【同义词】messen

4、ger; announce, proclaim hormone n. 激素,荷尔蒙 hygiene n. 卫生,卫生学,保健学 inaugurate vt. 使正式任职,为举行就职仪式;开始,开展 【同义词】initiate, establish, found ivory n. 象牙;牙质;乳白色;adj. 象牙的;牙质的;乳白色的 lyric n. 抒情诗,抒情作品;adj. 抒情的,奔放的;适于歌唱的 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑;耐力比赛;adj. 马拉松式的,漫长的 memorandum n. 备忘录;外交备忘录 module n. 模数;预制件;模件 neutron n. 中子

5、 nostalgic adj. 怀乡的;怀旧的 obesity n. 过度肥胖;肥胖症 overhaul v. 大修,拆修;彻底革新;赶上,超过;n. 大修,拆修;彻底革新 【同义词】catch up (with), overtake portfolio n. 公务包,卷宗夹;部长或大臣职位;投资组合 recession n. 后退;凹处;衰退(期) 【同义词】retreat redeem v. 赎回;偿还;弥补;履行 【同义词】fulfill; save rehearse v. 排练,演习;参加排练或演习;反复训练;详述,历数(替换 rehearsal) 【同义词】practice; tel

6、l salient adj. 显著的,突出的;凸起的;涌出的 scenario n. 梗概,脚本;方案;事态 snobbish adj. 势利的;自命不凡的 stagnant adj. 不流动的,呆滞的;不发展的;不活跃的 【同义词】motionless; inactive; dull statistics n. 统计,统计资料;统计学(替换 statistical) taboo n. 禁忌;忌讳;禁忌的事物;adj.禁忌的;忌讳的;v.把列为禁忌;禁止 toil n. 辛苦;劳作;苦工,苦活; v. 苦干,辛勤劳动 【用法】 away 长期劳累 【同义词】labor; sweat trans

7、it n. 运输;通过;公交系统;v. 运送;通过,经过 turmoil n. 骚动,混乱 vaccine n. 牛痘苗;疫苗;adj. 牛痘苗的;疫苗的 (建议增加词条) plaintiff n. 原告,起诉人 defendant n. 被告;adj. 做辩护的,处于被告位置的 重要写作素材重要写作素材 2007 年真题详解年真题详解 新浪微博:jianghua 老师 教学空间: 3 This picture shows a critical moment that can occur in any soccer game a player is about to kick the bal

8、l while the keeper is fully ready for the attack. Interestingly, the player and the keeper are experiencing quite opposite psychological processes: the player thinks the task is extremely difficult as the goal is quite small compared with the huge keeper, while the latter fears that the goal is too

9、enormous for him to protect. It is conspicuously indicated that in order to gain confidence and achieve success, we not only need to attain a thorough understanding of our own merits and disadvantages, but also those aspects of our opponents. Both the player and the keeper merely focus on their own

10、faults and their counterparts advantages, leading to their hesitation at the key time. In the recent interview of hurdler Liu Xiang, he revealed that his success partly owed to his training teams study of his strong competitors around the world, so that he could learn from the others and became conf

11、ident when facing any new race. Just as the ancient Chinese philosophical book The Art of War concludes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never lose a battle. 2008 年真题详解年真题详解 你一条腿,我一条腿 你我一起,走南闯北 The picture sets its background in an immense wasteland with endless mountains in the far re

12、ach. Two handicapped men are traveling in the wild, one lacking a left leg and the other a right leg. To make it easier, they decide to hold each other and make full use of their only leg, so that they can walk like one person, thus abandoning their crutches. Just as the subtitle indicates, in this

13、way they will have no difficulty going anywhere. 新浪微博:jianghua 老师 教学空间: 4 Apparently, the picture aims to emphasize the importance of cooperation among individuals. Although most people are physically healthy, they do have their own advantages and disadvantages concerning their characters and abili

14、ties. Therefore, only through effective collaboration can people realize specialization optimize what we are good at, and have others make up our limitations. Consequently, with the joint efforts people are more likely to accomplish great deeds. On the contrary, the conceited always ends in futile e

15、fforts of achieving improvement. In my point of view, what the picture suggests not only fits the individuals, but can also be applied on the collective level. Organizations and nations, in todays world, are eager to seek cooperation too, because the division of work and mutual assistance make them stronger. It is cooperation that drives our complicated modern society work. 2009 年真题详解年真题详解 As is unfolded in the picture above, we can see that many people, old and young, men and women, sitting in front of a computer and surfing online in a gigantic web that is separated as many small cubicles.


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