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1、Course Description toIntercultural CommunicationChinese name: 保密 English name: 保密 Email: 保密 Class email: 保密 Cell: 保密Specific Course GoalswClarify special terms of intercultural communication wAttach the terms to real-life intercultural situations wImprove intercultural sensitivity and awareness wGra

2、sp intercultural communication strategies wIncrease sensitivity to Chinese culture and its impact on intercultural communicationFormatThe course includes students involvement in two aspectswTheoretically: understanding the roots and manifestations of intercultural communication mainly through class

3、lectures. wPractically: involved in class workshop including reading assignments, case analysis, group discussions and oral presentations.Calendar WeekTopic3Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication 4Cultural Diversity5Verbal Communication6Nonverbal Communication7Culture Shock wNatural her

4、itage: the five sacred mountains ( Mountain Tai, Mountain Hua, Mountain Song, Mountain Heng in Shanxi and Mountain Heng in Hunan.)wHistorical cites: the Great Wall, the Palace Museum2. Philosophical HeritagewDoctrines of Confucius wRen ( equivalent terms as benevolence, kindness, humanity, goodness,

5、 etc.) : Ren is what it means to be a real man and to love. “not inflicting on others that which you do not want yourself.” (己所不欲勿施 于人) wLi: is often translated as propriety, rite, courtesy, and politness.) Li for Confucius is the greatest principle of living.(博学于文,约之以礼) wZhongyong: the term had bee

6、n translated as the Middle way, the Mean, the Constant Mean. Zhongyong does not mean to compromise or take the neutral position in case of conflicts. “the Mean” in the mind of Confucius implies moderation of ones behavior, and standing “central and balanced” in dealing with management of things or h

7、uman beings. The Chinese values of harmony, modesty, stability and endurance can all find their roots in the Confucian concept of Zhongyong.3. Chinese Traditional ArtswChinese Painting: Gu Kaizhi(346-407), to the Luo Goddess(洛神赋图);wChinese Opera: Beijing Opera ( four categories: Sheng, Dan, Jing, Ch

8、ou)wChinese Musical Instruments: wind or blowing instruments (Dizi, Xiao and Sheng); Bowed string instruments( the Erhu, the Gaohu and the Banhu); plucked string instruments ( Guqin, Zhen and Pipa).wChinese Folk arts: Seal engraving, silk embroidery, paper-cuts, Kite.洛神赋图Learning objectives :1. Cult

9、ure 2. Communication3. Intercultural CommunicationLecture OutlinedefinitionIntercultural communicationculturecharacteristicscommunicationfunctionsdefinitionelementsmodecharacteristicsdefinitionformselementsright attitudes1. What is culture?More deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the peopl

10、e who are followingthem On the surface: customs and behavior In a word: Culture is all about meaningsHall: Culture is everything and everywhereDefinitions of “culture”wAccording to The Concise Oxford Dictionary: culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded

11、 collectively”. Its referring to intellectual perspective, such as music, art exhibition, dance etc. when you talk about Picasso, Beethoven etc, you are talking about culture.wDefining Culture from the AnthropologicalPerspective: Culture is “the customs, civilization, the essential core of culture c

12、onsists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action.wPorter w2. there must be some contact between communicators;

13、w3. there must be a language shared by communicators;w4. an exchange of information has taken place, however much it is.How much do you know about them? wWestern Perspective of communication wEastern perspective of communication Western Perspective of communication In western cultures, communication

14、 is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve ones personal goal. Eastern perspective of communication Definitions of communicatio

15、n from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.wListen and answer the following questions:w1

16、. What bothered Class 4 on a hot day?w2. How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?Case: An intercultural classroomCase: An intercultural classroomWhoNationalityProposalStephenGermanStephens classmateA girl studentLet me close our door.FrenchWhy not strike our desks as the drum to protest?A girl studentRussiaKoreanHungarianGo to protestTolerate, not make friendsunhappy


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