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1、必必要要时时,领领事事官官员员可可根根据据情情况况要要求求申申请请人人提提供供其其他他证证明明文文件件或或补补充充材材料料,或或要要求求与与申申请请人人面面谈谈。领领事事官官员员根根据据申申请请人人的的具具体体情情况况决决定定是是否否颁颁发发签签 证证及及签签证证的的有有效效期期、停停留留期期限限和和入入境境次次数数。 If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an int

2、erview with the applicant. The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay and number of entries in light of specific conditions of the applicant. 过过境境签签证证(G 字字签签证证)申申请请材材料料清清单单 Checklist for Transit Visa (G-Visa) Application 过境签证(G 字签证)发给经中

3、国过境的人员。 Transit visa (G-visa) is issued to those who are going to transit through China en route to a third country (or region). *请请按按清清单单顺顺序序准准备备签签证证申申请请材材料料,打打印印该该清清单单并并附附在在申申请请材材料料首首页页。 Please provide the following documents and gather your documents in the order of the checklist. The checklist s

4、hould be printed and included in your application as the cover page. 领事官员专用栏 For official use only 1、申请人的有效护照,护照必须在行程前至少 6 个月有效,且至少有 2 张空白签证页。 Original passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, with 2 or more blank visa pages. 2、护照资料页及延期页(如有)复印件。 Photocopy of the information

5、 page and extension page (if applicable) of the passport. 3、填写完整的中华人民共和国签证申请表一份,并附本人正面免冠、浅色背景的彩色护照近照 一张(尺寸 48mmx33mm,请粘贴在签证申请表上) 。 One fully completed Visa Application Form with a recently-taken color passport photo (full face, front view, and bare head, against a light background, size 48mmx33mm) a

6、ttached. 4、赴目的地国家或地区的已确定日期和座位的联程机(车、船)票。 An onward air (train or ship) ticket with confirmed date and seat to the destination country or region. 非非南南非非籍籍公公民民申申请请签签证证,还还须须提提供供: For citizens of other countries, the following supplementary document are required: 有效期不少于半年的在南非居留、工作或学习许可等正本及复印件。 The origi

7、nal and copy of residence, work or study permit in South Africa with at least six months of remaining validity. 18 周周岁岁以以下下的的申申请请人人,还还须须提提供供: For applicant under 18 years old, the following supplementary documents are required: 1、出生证原件及复印件或父母在当地警察局开具的亲属关系宣誓书。 The original and photocopy of the unabri

8、dged birth certificate of the applicant. OR The Affidavit from the parents indicating kinship issued by local police station. 2、父母护照或身份证复印件。 Photocopy of the parents passports or ID cards. 3、经当地公证处公证的未随行父母出具的同意其旅行的父母同意函,该函应包含申请人旅行日期及 其父母的联系方式等信息。 Notarized Parental Letter of Consent or the Affidavit from non-accompanying parent(s) authorizing the travel. This letter or affidavit should contain the dates of travel and the parents contact information.


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