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1、摘 要 摘 要 20 世纪 90 年代中期,直接(金融理财)渠道的增加使得商业银行和其他提供金融服务的机构获得了新的商机。从那时起,我们已经看到太多直接银行的兴衰。 ING 直接银行是首先开始在全球范围内完全自主经营的直接银行之一。公司在经历了快速发展之后,几年内就成为了 ING Group(ING 总公司)的利润增长点。ING 直接银行现在已经可以在优先通过直接渠道交易的前提下,提供多种以储蓄和抵押贷款为核心的简单金融产品。 本文通过回顾ING 直接银行的发展历史,仔细研究了ING的经营原则、市场营销策略、产品范围和分配渠道、竞争优势、企业管理结构及业绩情况,浅析了ING 直接银行成功的主要

2、原因; 并借鉴相关成功经验, 从宏观经济的背景和前景、业务风险预测、市场营销、资本市场的发展、银行业的发展、中国的网银业务和直接银行业务的关系、直接银行模式的主要目标群体特征及在中国开办直接银行业务的关键因素和所面临的机遇与危机等多方面分析了直接银行在中国的发展前景与方式。 笔者认为:在中国,巨大消费者市场的涌现,特别是中产阶层,将会把购买力集中在1,2级城市,同时只要不完善的保险与养老金制度未得到改善,中国的家庭将会保持很高的储蓄率,而中国的资本市场还在发展初期,与此同时监管层站在对银行有利的角度控制着大部分利率,以上种种说明,直接银行模式在中国具有巨大的潜在市场。 当然,直接银行在中国的开

3、展也面临着一些障碍,主要表现在:一是虽然有事件表明在将来的3年里政策貌似会放行直接银行模式的运行,但不明确的新规则将会增加直接银行进入市场的困难;二是按照目前监管规定,要求所有的网银必须到银行先开户,这会为直接银行模式的运行带来困难;三是不成熟的资本市场限制了金融中介的效率和风险配置的执行。 最后,本文对直接银行模式在中国的发展提出了若干针对性的建议与策略:一是需要改变本国银行收取个人网银服务费的习惯;二是要将目前通过物理网点实现的大部分客户服务,提高标准后移植至网络;三是改变目前重客户资源的用人方针,转而重视高端技术型及管理型人才的使用;四是重视形象设计,创造出可信赖的品牌。 关键词:ING

4、 直接银行,直接银行,发展,障碍,建议 Abstract Abstract By the mid 1990s, the increased use of direct channels opened up new opportunities for commercial banks and other financial services providers. Since then we had seen the rise and fall of many direct banks. ING Direct was one of the first stand-alone direct bank

5、s to operate on a global scale. The company experienced fast growth and in a few years became a profit contributor for ING Group. Today ING Direct offers a focused range of simple financial products, with savings and mortgages at the core, primarily via direct channels. After viewing the developing

6、history of ING Direct, and studying the operating principle, marketing strategy, product range, distribution channel, competitive advantages, organization, governance, and commercial results of ING, we briefly analyze their mainly causes of success. And then taking examples from their successful exp

7、erience, we analyze the development prospects and patterns of direct banking in China one by one from different aspects such as macroeconomic background and future, service risk profile, marketing strategy, capital markets development, the growth of banking system, relationship of Chinese internet b

8、anking and direct banking, characteristics of the main target group, the key role of operation, opportunities and threats. From the writers personal point of view, huge consumer market is emerging, especially in middle income, their purchasing power will be concentrated in tier 1 and 2 cities. At th

9、e same time, Chinese households will keep a high savings ratio as long as insurance and pension services will remain underdeveloped. Since capital markets are still in early developing phase, PBOC controls most interest rates, however not at the disadvantage of the banks. Therefore, from all of the

10、above points, we can conclude that direct banking model is a sufficiently large potential market in China. In China, obstacles will not be avoided during the operation of direct banking. First, although monetary policy is unlikely to be released in the coming three years, undefined new regulations w

11、ill still increase the complexity for foreign institutions to enter the market. Second, as required by the government, all the internal bankers have to go to a branch store to open an account, which will bring amount of difficulties to the direct banking operation. Third, underdeveloped capital mark

12、et has limited scope for financial intermediation and risk allocation. In conclusion, this article raises a number of specific recommendations and strategies from the development of Chinese direct banking mode. First, service fee of personal internet banking in domestic bank needs to be revised. Sec

13、ond, they must transfer more VIP clients from current physical network to a higher standards internet network. Third, shift using of current policy of employment customer resources to high-skilled and management talents. Forth, they have to pay more attention to their own image design in order to cr

14、eate more reliable brands. Key words: ING Direct, Direct Banking, Developing, Stoppers, Suggestions 学位论文原创性声明 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文, 是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文所涉及的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律责任由本人承担。 特此声明 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位

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