九年级英语上册 9A Unit 1 star signs Reading课件 牛津版

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1、Unit 1 Star signs Reading (II)Revision 1Revision 1 - Dictation- DictationUseful expressionsRevision 2 Star signs Game 1 Lets guess which star sign he /she is under ? He is energetic and active but sometimes impatient He is businesslike andoften successful .She is fair and elegant . She doesnt like t

2、o argue with others .He is wise and always tries to be different.He has a sense of humour. He is lucky .He is modest and practical. He pays attentions to details.She is stubborn and doesnt like change . She is hard-working and seldom gives up.She loves home and family . She likes saving money .He is

3、 curious and outgoing . He is talktive .He is powerful. He doesnt forgive othersfor their faults.He is confident and generous . He likes to buy gifts for friends.She is easy-going , gentle , generous. She is creative and imaginative . The person born under Aries is e_, a_, i_and s_.The person born u

4、nder Taurus is s_ and h_.The person born under Gemini is c_,c_ and o_.nergetic ctivempatientelfishtubborn ard-workingurious leverutgoingThe person born under Cancer is k_. He The person born under Cancer is k_. He loves his h_ and f_ and likes loves his h_ and f_ and likes to t_ _ _ others. He likes

5、 to t_ _ _ others. He likes s_ _ and cooking.s_ _ and cooking.ind omeamily ake care of aving money The person born under Leo is s_ c_ and g_. The person born under Virgo is m_ and p_. The person born under Libra is p_and f_.trong onfidentenerousodest racticalolite airThe person born under Scorpio is

6、 p_ The person born under Scorpio is p_ and h_ a lot of e_. He likes to and h_ a lot of e_. He likes to k_ s_. Sometimes he is s_ of k_ s_. Sometimes he is s_ of him not to f_ others for their m _.him not to f_ others for their m _.owerful as nergy eep ectetsilly orgiveistakes The person born under

7、Sagittarius is often l_.The person born under Capricorn is often s _ and p_.The person born under Pisces is g_ , g_ and e_. He is also c_ and i_. uckyuccessfulatientenerous entleasy-going reativemaginativeThe person born under Aquarius is kind and The person born under Aquarius is kind andw_. He has

8、 many f_. He is s_ w_. He has many f_. He is s_ as he h_ to be like a_ _ and as he h_ to be like a_ _ andhe tries e_ to be different. he tries e_ to be different.iseriendstrange atesnyoneelse verything Which star sign doesnt give up easily? Which star sign loves peace and doesnt like to argue with o

9、thers? Which star sign is suggested to forgive others for their mistakes? Which star sign likes to dream about everything?People born under Taurus are patient and do not give up easily.give up 放弃 give up sth. give up doing sth. 2. 你应该戒烟, 我去年就戒掉了.You ought to give up smoking, I gave it up last year.1

10、. 要放弃这份工作,真是遗憾。 It is a pity to give up the job.3. 你不可放弃希望。You shouldnt give up hope.You love peace and do not like to argue with others.argue about sth : 议论 argue with sb. (about sth. ): 同某人争论某事1. Its_.(同他们争论是没有用的)useless to argue with themDont argue with your mother/ family. 2. 不要和母亲/家人争辩.His fath

11、er always argues with his mother about money.3. 他父亲总是和他母亲争论钱的问题.Sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.forgive sb. for sth. : 原谅某人(做了)某事 forgive sb. for doing sth. : 原谅某人做某事 / 所做的事 forgive forgave forgiven 1.Ill never_!(原谅你的这个过错)forgive you for your fault2. 请原谅我来晚了. Pl

12、ease forgive me for being late.3. 他父母原谅了他偷钱的事. His parents forgave him for stealing the money.You like to dream about everything.You cant just dream to succeed.dream (1)n. 梦 (2)v. 做梦 My son dreamt a terrible dream last night.1. 我儿子昨夜做了一个可怕的梦。3. 我希望我的梦会实现。 I hope my dream will come true.2. 你在夜里经常做梦吗?

13、 Do you often dream at night?4. 你不能光靠做梦就成功了。(1)n.(2)v.(2)v.(1)n.(2)v.You like to dream about everything.dream about 梦到 (梦见,梦想)1. 昨夜我梦见我在飞翔. I dreamt about flying last night.What did you dream about when you were a child?2. 当你还是孩子的时候,你的梦想是什么呢?I always dream about (doing) hard work!3 .他常梦见在乡下的那些日子。He

14、often dreams about his days in the countryside.4. 我总是梦到辛勤的工作。1. A week_ (被划分成7天)A year is divided into 12 different star signs.divide ( into) (把) 分,分成1. We can _(把这块蛋糕分成三块)divide the cake into three (parts) .Can you divide the apple into two parts?2. 你能把这个苹果分成两份吗?be divided into 被划分为,被分为is divided into seven days.A year is divided into four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter .2. 一年被分成四季,它们是春夏秋冬。1.In the old days, parents (决定他们孩子的婚姻)_


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