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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料解读雅思口语评分标准在雅思教学的过程中我们会发现这样的一个现象,一些考生的口语 表达非常流利,但是去参加考试之后,特别是裸考,会发现自己的口语 成绩并不如原先所想的那么好。究其原因,是因为忽视了雅思口语考试 的四个单项评分标准。 本文作者为 智课外语培训学校温州分校 雅思/托福/SAT全职老师 李赛芬 【名师在线】 姓名:李赛芬 电话:057788952160 所在地点:温州市江滨西路欧洲城中心大楼4楼 【专业资历】 毕业于宁波大学外语学院英语专业,英语专业八级。 具备丰富的口语教学经验,善于拓展学生口语思维。并具备丰富的人文 社科知识,能通过浅显易懂的方式传

2、递给学生,深受广大学生喜爱。 【成功案例】 教过的学生中有学生考到雅思口语7分,新托福口语26分 。并通过8次VIP口语课程让一位零基础,词汇语法都非常薄弱的学生雅 思口语达到5分。 在雅思教学的过程中我们会发现这样的一个现象,一些考生的口语 表达非常流利,但是去参加考试之后,特别是裸考,会发现自己的口语 成绩并不如原先所想的那么好。究其原因,是因为忽视了雅思口语考试 的四个单项评分标准。雅思口语考官主要考查考生以下四个方面的表现: 1. Fluency and Coherence 流利度和连贯性 流利程度是指考生能用英语交流的方式。这并不是说考生讲得越快 越好。流利度指的是讲话平稳,流程。具

3、体如下: 1). 没有明显的停顿,犹豫,重复等 2).没听懂/ 没听清的情况下我们可以说 Sorry,I didnt quite catch that, would you please say it again/ rephrase it please? Pardon please? / What? / Say it again. / Speak slowly!/ Pass! 3). 不知怎么回答Well, this is an interesting /tricky question. Actually, Im not quite sure/ familiar about it, but I

4、 suppose/ guess Coherence 衔接 【关于雅思口语】 1. Answer the questions directly (东西方思维方式不同) e.g.1. Do you like listening music? Yes, I do,very much so. Listening music is pretty fun. (中式) 2. Whats your favorite color? (Logic) - I like blue best because the sky and ocean are blue.(中式) - I like blue best. The

5、reason is quite simple. My boyfriend said I look good in blue. 3. Do you often wear a watch? No, normally I dont wear it. Because I have a mobile phone.(中式) No, I dont. I can read the time from my mobile phone. So I dont wear a watch. 2. Use the same verb tense as the question e.g. How long have you

6、 studied English? Has your hometown changed a lot? Why did you choose this major?3. Try to connect the sentence with the previous one e.g. Do you like your job? -No, its boring. - No, I dont. Its boring and stressful and I have to work over eight hours a day, and the pay is not very high. -No, I don

7、t. To tell you the truth, there is nothing I like about it. For example, it is boring and I have to work over eight hours a day. Besides, the pay is not very high. So, as you can imagine, I want to find a better job. 2. Lexical Resource 【2013雅思考点】 词汇量指的是考生使用的词汇,考官将考查考生使用词汇的广度, 准确度,多样性和灵活性,比如,看考生是否能够

8、使用不同的词汇还是不断重复有限的词汇。 1.Real and natural expressions:(避免使用常用的单词) good: great, terrific, awesome, gorgeous, fantastic beautiful: amazing, eye-catching, catchy Happy: cheerful, delighted, joyful, over the moon, pleased, refreshed, inspired, motivated, uplifted, overjoyed, thrilled to bits I think: I rec

9、kon I believe: I bet Play: hang out, frolic, do sth. for kicks 2.In details:(表达要做到细节) Its large.-Its big, about 50 square meters. Shopping on line is convenient.- Its time and energy saving. 3.Grammatical Range 【2013雅思考试时间】 在这一块,考官会留心考生使用语法的准确性,时态的准确性和句 式的多样性,比如考生是否能同时使用简单句,复杂句,一般现在时或 是过去时。 此外,还需注意:

10、 1.时态与题目一致 e.g. 1.what kind of book did you like to read when you were younger?2. Have you traveled recently? 3. What do you like to do at weekends? 2.虚拟语气的运用 If I did., I would do If I had done, I would have done If I were to do, I would do 3. 学会做比较 Its much + 形容词比较级 than Its more +形容词比较级 than Its

11、the most 4. Pronunciation 发音 更多春季开班在与考官互动的口语考试模式下,发音却最能直接影响到考官对考 生的印象和理解。很多考生很苦恼,对于某些单字或单音的发音总是掌 握不好、发不出来;又或者受到母语的影响太深,把汉语的发音带到英 文中去;还有程度相对好的学生,总喜欢问要怎么练成一口漂亮的英国 音去打动考官。事实上,除非我们对发音的要求是8分或9分,否则我们 都没有必要过于纠结某些细节,发音到能让人听懂我们的话就可以了。 我们说英文,最重要的就是能够交流和被理解。在发音的6分评分细则 中也说到:“can generally be understood througho

12、ut, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times (整体上能被理解,虽然有时单字或单音的发音错误会降低清晰度)” 综上所述,想要短时间内提高自己的口语水平,就必需要清楚各项 评分标准,对症下药,勤加练习,相信一定会有进步。 智课外语温州校址 :温州市江滨西路欧洲城中心大楼4楼 【电子地图】 课程咨询 :0577-88952160、88806020、88952060、86595950 陈老师、张老师、蒋老师 【乘车指南】株柏-公交车站:11, 29, 33, 38, 42, 45, 65, 71快, 71专, 73, 102



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