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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料【托福写作机经】2014年12月13日机经内容 智课教育托福口语机经2014年11月29日 1. What do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other vehicles in order solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 思路分析 话题:事件类 题目关键点:Solve the traffic problem. 根据上面的分析,阐述自

2、己的观点: 1. 提高新购车辆的税务,这样可以一定程度打消人们购车念头,从 而降低路上车辆数; 2. 政府采取措施提高公共交通设施,如公共汽车和地铁,由此人们 更愿意乘坐公共交通而不是自己开车。 2. The University is going to forbid television in the dorm. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 思路分析话题:抽象事物类 题

3、目关键点: 根据上面的分析,可以分别分析优劣势,理由如下: 1.优点:避免学生由于看电视的时间不合理影响到其他人休息; 2.缺点:宿舍的舍友一起观看电视可以促进彼此的关系,增进了解 ,但是如果禁止的话大家就会很少有时间沟通。 3. Which of the following inventions do you think has made the greatest impact on people in your country, the airplane, the computer, or the television? Please include specific reasons an

4、d examples to support your choice. 思路分析 话题:抽象事物类题目关键点:The airplane 根据上面的分析,可以选择the airplane,理由如下: 1.飞机的发明可以让你们出行更方便,更快捷; 2.飞机的发明使外来的游客增加,促进了当地的旅游行业; 4. Describe a special gift you have given to a friend and explain why it is special. Please include reasons and details to support your response. 思路分析

5、话题:事物类 题目关键点:A special gift 根据上面的分析,选择自己最喜欢的礼物,如买给爷爷的camera : 1.爷爷喜欢拍照,但是一直没有一台好的相机,所以这台相机爷爷 非常的喜欢; 2.记录了很多我们在一起的美好片段; 5. Talk about the steps you go through when learning a new thing. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 思路分析 话题:抽象事物类题目关键点:Learning a new thing。 根据上面的分析,

6、阐述自己的观点: 1,首先,查找资料了解相关信息; 2,其次,将自己不懂的地方向老师或有经验的人寻求帮助; 6. What are the qualities of a good teacher and why? Please include reasons and examples to support your answer. 思路分析 话题:抽象事物类 题目关键点:Learning a new thing 根据上面的分析,阐述自己的观点: 1. 知识渊博,这样才能令学生信服; 2. 沟通能力强,这样才能和学生建立好关系。7. More and more people nowadays c

7、are about their health. Which of the following do you think is the best way for you to maintain your healthexercising on a regular basis, eating healthy, or getting enough sleep? Please include reasons and examples to support your choice. 思路分析 话题:抽象事物类 题目关键点:Maintain your health 根据上面的分析,可以选择exercising on a regular basis阐述自己的观点: 1.锻炼可以释放压力,每天工作积攒的压力可以通过运动释放出来 ; 2.锻炼可以增强体质,例如增强骨密度还有肌肉的强度,让自己更 强壮。 以上就是智课教育出国考试向大家介绍的2014年11月29日托福口 语机经,正在准备托福口语的学生可以一起来看看上面的介绍!


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