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1、1TOEFL 强化阅读强化阅读课堂笔记课堂笔记By Jason Van第一章第一章 考试背景知识考试背景知识一一.托福阅读简介托福阅读简介 基本概况:长度 700-800 字,3 篇文章(60 分钟,共 36-42 道题); 4 篇文章(80 分钟,48-56 道题) ; 每篇文章后有 12-14 题。十种题型十种题型:Basic Information and Inferencing questions (11-13 per set): 1.细节题 Factual information questions (3-6 per set) 2.词汇题 Vocabulary questions (

2、3-5 per set) 3.排除列举题 Negative Factual information questions (0-2 per set) 4.推理题 Inference questions (0-2 per set) 5.修辞目的题 Rhetorical Purpose questions (0-2 per set) 6.指代题 Reference questions (0-2 per set) 7.句子简化 Sentence Simplication questions (0-1 per set) 8.插入文本题 Insert Text questions (0-1 per set

3、)Reading to Learn questions (1 per set): 9.总结题(Prose Summary) 10. 配对题(Fill in a table)托福阅读特色托福阅读特色 (一一)固定出题背景固定出题背景Natural and physical sciences 30% 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2. Chemistry 3. Geology and Geosciences 4. Marine Sciences and Oceanography 5. Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 6. Phy

4、sics 7. Agricultural SciencesSocial Sciences 10% 1. Communication and Media 2. Economics 3. Geography 4. Political Science and International Affairs 5. Psychology 6. Social Sciences and Sociology 7. Anthropology 8. ArchaeologyBiological Sciences 20% 1. Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2. Anatomy 3

5、. Biochemistry 4. Botany and Plant Sciences 5. Cellular, Molecular and Structural Biology 6. Ecology, Environmental Biology and Evolutionary Theory 7. Entomology 8. Genetics, Developmental Biology and Reproductive Biology 9. Marine Biology 10. Microbiological Sciences 11. Neuroscience 12. Nutrition

6、13. Paleontology 14. ZoologyArts and American History 20% 1. Applied Arts and Design 2. Architecture 3. Art and Art Histroy 4. Film, Television and Video 5. Music 6. Performing ArtsHumanities 10% 1. History 2. Humanities 3. Language and Literature 4. Linguistic Studies 5. Philosophy and EthicsBiogra

7、phy and Others 10%2(二二)态度原则态度原则: 同情弱者同情弱者(少数民族、妇女、黑人、印第安人少数民族、妇女、黑人、印第安人),排除带有歧视、极端消极的选项排除带有歧视、极端消极的选项The Underground Railroad Paragraph 8: The people who worked on the railroad were breaking the law.Although the escape network was never as successful or as well organized as Southerners thought,the

8、few thousand slaves who made their way to freedom in this way each year had a symbolic significance out of proportion to their actual numbers.The Underground Railroad continued operating until slavery in the United States was finally abolished in 1865. It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that the au

9、thor most likely believes which of the following about the Underground Railroad? A.The people who work on the railroad should have been arrested. B.The railroad was unsuccessful because it could not help every slave. C.Southerners did not know about the railroad until after it closed. D.The railroad

10、 represented a psychological victory for abolitionists.(三三)同义改写同义改写 : 原文、题干、选项原文、题干、选项中不同的说法表达同一个意思,三种改写方法:词性、同义词、句型变换词性、同义词、句型变换二二. 确定段落主题确定段落主题 1 主题:Theme, 通过通过 Topic sentence 确定确定 2 段落结构 TSS :topic sentence + support + summary 3 每段主题句最有可能出现的位置依次为:段首、段尾、段中段首、段尾、段中(段二句段二句)、没有主题句、没有主题句 如何寻找:先去看前两句,看

11、第如何寻找:先去看前两句,看第 2 句是否对第句是否对第 1 句进行举例句进行举例,或者重复第或者重复第 1 句关键词,句关键词, 若满足两点之一,则判断第若满足两点之一,则判断第 1 句为主题句,若不满足,则马上验证段尾句句为主题句,若不满足,则马上验证段尾句 4 段落主题句为长难句时:适当放慢阅读速度,尽量一遍读懂适当放慢阅读速度,尽量一遍读懂 5 段首出现转折:转折后才是真正的主题句转折后才是真正的主题句 6 段首出现设问:回答通常为主题句回答通常为主题句 7 首段出现设问:回答通常为全文主旨回答通常为全文主旨 8“过去-现在”模式的段落:主题一般为主题一般为“现在现在”(标志词(标志词

12、 today, now, recently,current,nowadays,modern,以及具体年份的前后对比以及具体年份的前后对比)注:注:有时候一段中有该段的主题句,而主题又分了几个分论点,每个论点都有举例子,如何判断这个例子是支持分论点,还是支持该段主题句?请记住:请记住:若连续出现两个例子,那么一定是支持主题句的,因为一个小的分论点是不需要两个例子去说明的。(修辞目的题可能会用到)三三. 确定文章主题确定文章主题1. TTA : Theme=Topic+Aspects 2. Topic: 话题, 一个词或词组, 通常为文章标题, 它回答了一个问题, what is the pass

13、ageabout 3.Aspect: 文章话题不同方面的展开 The difference between topic and theme:(这一类型标题和主题是有区别)Desertification The process of desertification is negatively affecting the productivity of the earths topsoil layer on a global scale.3Single topic:(单话题类型)(单话题类型)Climate change Rachel CarsonDouble topics:(双话题类型)(双话题

14、类型)Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction Artisans and industrialization四四. 托福阅读方法托福阅读方法 1.托福阅读方法的原理托福阅读方法的原理: 出题顺序与行文顺序基本一致/大部分题型的定位区间较小,不涉及 全文范围的理解2.托福阅读三种方法托福阅读三种方法 (1)读标题-做题(把滚动条拉到底部) (2)读标题-读第一段(尤其当第一段短且标题看不懂时,第一段通常会下定义并 解释)-做题 (3)读标题-读每段 TS(首尾句)并做快速笔记-做题3. TOEFL 阅读文章的阅读文章的“结构阅读法结构阅读法” “TACA”

15、文章结构分析文章结构分析“TS+D”段落结构分析段落结构分析Background T: Introduction Thesis StatementTS: Topic SentenceA: AspectsSummaryD: Details C: Conclusion Solution A: Attitude运用运用“结构阅读法结构阅读法”的时间分配:的时间分配: 5min = 首末段首尾句 + 各段首句 = 形成 “TACA”的笔记,记录关键词 12min = 除了最后大题目,前面的题目平均 1min 一题 = 做前面小题的同时会返回读文 章小段内容 = 形成“TS+D”的笔记 3min = 最

16、后大题,篇章应用题 = 通过前面的“TACA”和“TS+D”的笔记来做拿到文章后的步骤:拿到文章后的步骤:1) 读标题,预测内容 2) 数段落 3) 将段落标号写在纸上 4) 用 TACA-TS+D 方式读(永远不读插入部分)4Tips:看见概述句,就知道下文将进行分类,并且分别描述(第一个分类 可能不会单独成段,紧跟概述句之后)五五. 快速笔记快速笔记 1. 为什么要记为什么要记? (1)代替机考时纸面阅读的勾画 (2)快速笔记可以加深对每段主体句的理解和记忆,形成对整篇文章结构的框架, 帮助快 速并正确的完成总结题和表格题和其他需要大区间定位的题目2. 记什么记什么? (1) 每段 TS 中(首尾句)的要点,注意理解定义! (2) 分类: 概述(数词+名词复数) some/many/one,期待 other/another (3) 大段举例主体3. 怎么记怎么记? (1) 在做最后一道题或最开始时, 用 1min 左右时间, 在草稿纸上写上段号, 分段记录。 (2) 用缩写、符号、中文等快速记录 (3) 符号: (数学符号、表情符号、箭头符号、惯用符号等



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