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1、 产品名称Product name 密级Confidentiality level 产品版本Product version Total 19pages 共19页 XX Software Requirements Specification XX 软件需求规格说明书 Prepared by 拟制 Date 日期 yyyy-mm-dd Reviewed by 评审人 Date 日期 yyyy-mm-dd Approved by 批准 Date 日期 yyyy-mm-dd Authorized by 签发 Date 日期 yyyy-mm-dd Software Requirements Specif

2、ication 软件需求规格说明书 Page 2 of 19 Revision record 修订记录 Date 日期日期 Revisi on Versi on 修订修订 版本版本 CR ID / Defect ID CR号号 Section Number 修改修改 章节章节 Change Description 修改描述修改描述 Author 作者作者 2001-06-08 1.00 initial 初稿完成 Name 作者名 yyyy-mm-dd 1.01 xxx x.x.x; y.y.y I. revised xxx 修改XXX 1. Xxx 2. Xxx 3. . Name 作者名 x

3、xx x.x.x; y.y.y I. revised xxx 修改XXX 1. Xxx 2. Xxx 3. . Name 作者名 yyyy-mm-dd 1.02 xxx x.x.x; y.y.y II. revised xxx 修改XXX 1. Xxx 2. Xxx 3. . Name 作者名 yyyy-mm-dd 2.00 xxx x.x.x; y.y.y I. revised xxx 修改XXX 1. Xxx 2. Xxx 3. . Name 作者名 Distribution List 分发记录 Copy No. Holders Name the detailed description

4、will be provided in other part of the SRS document.) C.describe related hardware of the product and peripheral equipment.( Note: This is only a general description, not in detail.) It is very helpful to describe the main components, interconnection and external interfaces of the larger system/projec

5、t by Block Diagram. This part should not provide a detailed design solution, or detailed design constraint for the solution (the detailed design constraint will be described in the section of specific requirement). This section is the basis of the design constraints. 描述的是本产品与其它产品或项目所组成的整体环境。 1.如果本产品

6、是独立的并完全自我包含,在此说明这一点。 2.如果SRS定义的产品是更大的系统或项目的组件(此种情形经常发生),那么应: A. 描述此大系统或项目每个组件的功能,并且标识接口。 B. 确定本软件产品主要外部接口。( 注意:在此部分并不进行这些接口的详细描述;对这些接口的详细描述在SRS的其它 部分提供。) C. 描述相关产品硬件和所使用的外部设备。( 注意: 这只是概述性描述。) 通过方块图来描述大系统或项目的主要组件,互连性以及外部接口将是非常有帮助的。本部分不应提出一个具体的设计解决方案或对解决方案的具体设计约束(具体设计约束将在具体需求章节中描述)。本部分内容是产生设计约束的基础。 2.

7、2. Software function 软件功能 Summarizes the major functions that must be implemented through the software, and the functions to be implemented through user operation. Details will be provided in the Specific Requirement, so only a summary (such as a directory list) is needed here. The functions should

8、be organized to make them understandable to the readers, and be appropriate for subsequent design and tests. Diagrams like top-level data flow diagram or object class diagram are recommended to illustrate the relationships among the major requirement groups Sometimes, this section can directly refer

9、 to the superior specification of the software that allocate the specific requirements to this software ( if existed ). The specific requirements should not be described in this section. But this section is the basis of the specific requirements. 概述软件的必须实现的和通过用户操作实现的主要功能。这里只需要进行简要描述(例如目录列表),详细描述在详细需

10、求部分描述。对需求功能进行组织,以便于读者理解,并能指导后续的设计和测试。可以用图表来表示主要需求群组之间的关系,例如:高层的数据流图,面向对象的分析等。 有时此部分所要求的功能概述可以从分配具体功能给此软件产品的更高层规格(如果存在的Software Requirements Specification 软件需求规格说明书 Page 7 of 19 话)直接引用。 本节不应描述具体需求。但本节内容是具体需求章节的基础。 2.3. User characteristics 用户特征 列出对用户或系统操作者的要求,如:经验,能力,角色等。 本节不应描述具体需求。但本节内容是具体需求章节的基础。

11、2.4. Assumptions & Dependencies 假设和依赖关系 List any assumed factors (as opposed to known facts) that could affect the requirements stated in the SRS. These could include third party or commercial components that you plan to use, issues around the development or operating environment, or constraints. Th

12、e project could be affected if these assumptions are incorrect, are not shared, or change. Also identify any dependencies the project has on external factors, such as software components that you intend to reuse from another project, unless they are already documented elsewhere (for example, in the

13、vision and scope document or the project plan). 列出可能影响SRS中需求的所有的假设因素(与已知事实相对而言),包括准备使用的第三方或商业组件,操作和开发环境的问题约束等。如果上述假设不正确、没有被告知或者改变了都将对项目产生影响。列出项目对外部条件的依赖,例如重用其他项目的模块等。如果在其他文档(例如项目计划或范围文档等)里已经描述了,在这里可以不用描述。 3. Specific Requirements 具体需求具体需求 在每一条需求描述中重复下列部分 3.1. Functional Requirements 功能需求 This sectio

14、n describes how the input of the software is translated to the output. It describes the essential action the software must perform. For each kind of function, or each independent function in some cases, the requirements of input, process and output must be described, which are usually organized with

15、 the following four subsections: 本子章节应描述软件产品的输入怎样被转换成输出。它描述了软件必须执行的基本动作。 Software Requirements Specification 软件需求规格说明书 Page 8 of 19 对每一类功能或有时对每一个单独的功能,必须描述输入、处理、输出方面的需求。这些通常以下面四个子段落来组织: 3.1.1. Functional Requirements1 功能需求1 Please dont use “Functional Requirement(1)“ as the title of the functional r

16、equirement. Name the functional requirements with a few simple words and a requirement ID. For example: R.INTF.CALC.001 Calculating expression R.INTF.CALC.002 Print Naming the requirement ID shall follow the Software Requirements Management Procedure (REP01) 用需求编号加上简短词汇做为功能需求名,不要用“功能需求(1)”作为功能名,例如:R.INTF.CALC.001 计算表达式 R.INTF.CALC.002 打印 需求编号规则按照软件需求管理规程(REP01)进行 Introduction介绍 逐条列出与本特性相关的功能需求。包括项目如何响应预


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